Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 12

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PAGE 112, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982, WHITBY FREE. PRESS Some advie Ohse with pool mm0 By ROB OAKER Although itliooked like it would neyer happen, we can al heave a sigh of relief. Spring is here, summer is jusit around the corner and we can ail get started refurbish- ing our backyards and swimming pools, m-anti- cipation. For those of you, who hate to 'bug your neighbour for another year. and ýare contemplating your own Pool this season, I would like to offer sorne advice that could prove to make the difference 95 Michaeêl Blvd. Whltby, Ont..ý between delight or despair. <The first thing a pros- pective ' pool 'owner should realize 18 that he or she «is fot buying'a" car that can be traded in, so look for the followr- ing when probing pool dealers. 'It is vital that you know the 'comÏpany that you will be dealing with. When .talking ,with a représentative, .ask yourself if he can ser - vice your needs in the future. 'Watch for a willingness to spiend an .4 ce~ OH 668-398, adequate length of time fully explaining what will beinvolved in your installation. How long will he take to-instail it? Will he concentrate solely on your pool or will he have several1 on the go, sirnultaneously? If'there are 'days with-' out ,production,- at various stages of an in- stallation, details could be opverlooked and the pool may neyer hold water' without major reconstruction. Your next questions should concern the quantity and quality of, the building mnaterials to be used. There should be a' minimum of three metres -0f concrete around the ful peri- meter of a sixteen by thlrty-two foot pool and not just mounds on the "A" frame supports. The bottom, should be, concre te as, well, with a layer of cernent- and vermiculite for the liner. A, cement/vermi-, cuiemxis, not strong enouigh iW itself to take the: pressure of.,-19,000 gallons of water wi thout cracking however, such a mix- with. sand added for strength is to o abra- sive and will sâhorten 'the life, expectancy of the, INCE f mted custom Inground Concrete and inyl Pools service and Supplies ~Du ram, 579-2623A1 à \fl. >163 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa over2o yeaim *m m m m m m~a- ..-m-mmmmmmmmmmmmmm CopnIo odyt audy FREG7UTRD WithTi opnWe o ucaeOeRd-A eua r KARTWAYS SNACK BAR & VIDEO, GAMES ROOM OPEN NOW ' :655-m3384RE2 IAwAy ENTAL 4 TORONTO OHAA WITiH iH-o -100 KÀ LADIES' & ÇHILDREN 18- HOLE M jTHINS FOR YOU TOD0 SPECIAL M SPIGHA P VV AE.OPEN OU ANDHAV e mmm mmm I I I I I I i vinyl.' Also, existing dir from the, ,-excavatioi should never be used ti backfili , the over-dil area as it Wil11 neyer set tde properly in time t( lay or pour decking Only cleani sand shoulc be used to backfill., Now we considerth( product-itself. Pool kiE Vary' widely in qualit3 and it's the details ir engineering that shoulÈ be sought. M Athougt, some will s eeni miniscule, when 'taker in whole you will have -a swimming pool that wil] be- easier to mhaintain, keep its beauty longer and generally, . presenl fewer problems in thE years to, corne., Is thE liner a 30 mil gauge and is it form-fitted? If it is a "stretch" or "para- chute" liner as opposed to form-fitted it will be reduced by Up to, thir'ty percent in-gauge by the time it.is in place. Is- the plumbing- ail 75 psi strengthand 'will it be mun' along existing ground'or through sand ,which is subjeet tosett, ling . ý,and heaving? Having t o pound up.a concrete deck to-repair the lines is 'about as desirable as, having your car sideswiped in a parking lot'. .What ga'uge 18 the steel in the walls?. If the =pool being considered is shaped, are the. top flanges a fulli seven in- ches on. the . curved 'panels? 0f what quality is the galvanizing?, Is the coping,- 'design ed to "lock thé liner' or "lock", 'the liner or müerely "catch" it?,How will the deck be support- ed? By prloperly mount- ed supports on the pool wall it.self, sono-tubes., All these questions and more should be readily answered 'by any.dealer 0of menit and comprehensive, litera- ture should be available' in order to, compare p ro- ducts at ho me.. A dealer should ,be -able ,to provide a drawing 0of your lot plan with pool for you to take to the municipality. for per- mits. If you find your- self talking- with -a dealer who cannot take, the time to satisfy you t I ) 7 ) now, it's a reasonable assumption that he won't- be, able to in -the future either. 50, to ,recap, ,.you should be shopping with these points in mind. Think in the long term, know your, company's potential and capabilir ties, the quality of their product, the quantîty of materials used, and wha t guarantees apply to what. Due to our won- derful Caniadiaýn winters al workmanship will likely be guaranteed for one totw o years but this isn't cause for worryas any defects in installa- tion will reveal them- selves 'the first season. Beware,. of the big promise. Make sure a dealer's dlaims aren't unrealistically lavish and 'you won't be dis- appoi 'nted.. Have a good summer, folks!1 NOTE:, The above arti- cie was wrltten by Rob Oaker,: Service Mana- ger, Sunnysîde Pool Centres, Oshawa. Go-k~~gfor,.both, fun an ompetition WHAT IS K-ARTING Karting. is a late ýarrn- e val to'the motor ra'cing J fraternity and may' be u nknown, ,to. -,mwny, would-be enthusiasts. A 1 kart is. a safe- miniature -sports car, made frorn ï steel tubing and equip-' Býped with brakes and D steerinig.- Powered by t an engine of smallH dis- c placement and bas the surprising ability to tra- 1 vel around' tightiy wind- ing tracks at high« s-ées., k Karting originated r witha handful of people in 1956 in parking lots, in > California, with home- k built karts.powered by lawnmower and'chain saw engines. Today karting has evolved ,substantially, and n ow is divide4 into two categories; fun- 1karting,, involving-"peo- pie who enjoy driving with their'friends. and family, andcompetition racing' clubs that, have sprung up a cross Canada. There are three types of' competition racing done in -North America. 2 CYCLE ENDURO - This'is the most expen- sive and 't he fastest type of' karting. It is -done in. the lay-down type of kart w'ith large, side- >mounted, tanks. With their'powerful little en- g ines, they can reach speeda over 150, MPH. This type of karting is raced on ýa sports car, track -such as MOS- PORT, DAYTONA, & WATKINS GLEN. The chassis costs usuially arouind. $2,000.OO with. another $M0.00 for the, engine and accessories. Winners are determined by the kart that has coômpleted the',mostf niumber 0f laps in onie hour., 2- CYCLE SPRINT These karts are set ,up' for ,quick acceleration on a road course (go kart'track) from 1/4 to 3/ mile l. A race usually .,consista 0of 3 heats of 6 -,10 laps and spèeds are usually from 60-80 MPH. 'The -cost, ranges around the $2,000.00 mark. 4 YiCLE SPRINT - This, is now the: fastest growing type of karting in' iCanada, with: over 2,000 members and they use 15 H.?P.'4 cycle'HON- DA engînes. IL is popu- lar mainly because of its lower' initial, cost of about $60000 to $1,000.00 with "a maintenance of about $150.00. This is t he, type of 'karting.,done at FAMILY KARTWAY LTD., Whitby,"Ontario. POOL OPENINGS Book Early With:,,, Pool -Servid and, Malntenarn s.- 'w ;>1 Bicycling qualifies as an aerobic exercise, which can be one of the best kinds of exercise for ail ages! Patio Furniture Bar-B-Ques - Chemicals - Accessories Above Grounds OSHAWA 843 Ring St. W. Betwosn Thomton ThIckson Rd. 728-4636 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------------ 7- ---- - - - - - - - - - - -

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