Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 13

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Lofty Greenery Crea tes Dazzling Scenery THE TWENTY-FOUR HUNDRED SQUAREUMLE Pocono Mountain Area is dotted with sparkling lakes, ushing mountiain streams and some o ,,the East "s finest golf cours es that attract pros and duffers ailke. The Poconos are a short drive from most major eastern metropolitan areas arn the golfing facilities have, ln recent years,, caused.-the region to be known as the ý"Myrtie Beach of the, North.' No-wait Itee-offs,, weli-kepi ~greens and fairways, and somne ofthe northeast "s'Most breathtaking scenery combine-to'offer golfers and vacationers thé perfect setting ail four seasons of the year. For complete'information, contact the Pocono Mountains Vacation Bureau.- Box K. 1004 Main Street,. Stroudsbu rg WHTTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982, PAGE 1. * limeto Get. Garden Tools In Good Shape Springtime signais t he be- ginning, of outdoor, garden- ing ini earnest - but before you tackle theý garden, make sure ail your tools are in. order. Are your tools-ru.sty,,,or, caked with soul? Get them cendup, for efficiency's sake. (For extremnely rusty tools, coat them with rust re- mover the night before.) Broken handle? Check wehrrepiacernent han- dies: are available at-your lo- cal. hardwar-e'orgarden sup- ply sto re. Superficial cracks» can be- mended simpiy by wrapping the spiintered area with tape'. It's also a--good idea, to sand down any rough areas on handies to; avoid geÈtting splinters.' Have your tools -sharpen- ed for maximuým case of use and for 'safety as well. .. a duli ,bi.ade is more apt to slip. Don't" get tools too - shaýrp, however, as ,that can witb the proper tools. - I also be dangertouüs! Proper care of tools is im- ýportant for efflcieney, and for longer-,usage-.,Keep a wir'e . brush handy for 'quick br.ush-ups of tools after each use, and lubricate toos' such, as shears andý cl.ippers after, usage. Check to see whether your garden hose needs .n'ew f it- tings; if a- split or> hole bas, developed,' simply cut out the damaged section and reconnect hose ends with metal couplings. For added safety this'sea- son, you might spray paint tool handies, so, th*at you d on't, accidentalIly Êstep--on tbem. 'Having the right tools to, do the jobcan miak'e the dif- ference between 'gardening that's a joy, or just bard work - now!s the, time to. cb.eck'youreq'uipment and replace or sùpplemfent it .E~5L A/ UI IuUI.t'LILii E1, m- rnpm,>.u INCLINED TO RECLINE While watching a good movie? Most people are. And, now that more videoýcassette recorders are being plugged in with TVs, the best seat in the house isno longer at the local cinema. lt's right in ones own living room, where its a lot easier to kick off the shloes, stretch ouf and screen a double feature. This media room was created f or such pleasures. Side-by-side 'chaise loungeswer e formed by arranglng the ottomans and seating of a-modular sofa. This particular unit is framed by a ighted area with enough space for the-usual ýknickknacks found on a coffee table or endctables. Buil - in. ighting ade- quately illuminates the room, eliminating the need for any iamps. One switch allows each'module light to be controiled as conveniently as the remote for TV. Vîdeo equîpment is coupled' with stereo and ordered into a single home entertainment system by a G usdorf Status Pro tower. lis furniture that is purposely de- signed for eiectronics equipment. Note how the TV fits perfectly into its slip-in compariment as though it were custom made; and how the VCR pulls out on a retractà-ble sheif for easy loading of tapes. t DURHAM VIDEO 185 Brock St. N., Whitby 666-280& Your 1 Stop Movi 'e Centre Brings You WEEKLY SPECIALS Monday - Thu rsday Any Movie -$~2.50(ady Qluasar V.H,.S. Video Recorder For On ly - S9«95 (aday) Where Coni You Get A Botter D'oui? Drop 1In-& See Us. We're Open Every Night Untit 9, Sat. Tilt 6. KOPEN, APPJ L 24, 1982 NEWCA'STLE.GOLF COURSE 2mil es east of -N ewcastl1e Vitt ag e off Hwy. 2 on Golf Course Rd. -- Electric carts &club rentais. Rates.. Weekend Midweek 18holes $8 18 holes,$6 9 holes ~ 9 hotes $5> Weekend starting i mes availtable 48 hours in advance. 987u4851ý The WedAiMonis back f rom rus w inter vacation' FER TILMIZE OW Feed your Iawn awell- balanced fertl izer three times a year Water your lawn about every three days, to about three-quarters of an inch Professionat'Lawn Care We do the work - you enjoy the resu Its We're proven successful.- Visit us at the Home Show April 22-215. THE CaOi thO DANDî.LINE tu579.8439r6'663187, 4#%W WE GUAR4NTEE RESUWLTSI Cin rarrnkaftreuiidng &wedlng. l-ligh-u Performanceý engine buildIng,, baaincing & blue- prlntinfg, Custom engine porting to suit any, use, R.D. Big-Bore Kits, Frame stralghtening, building & alterations, Motorcycle &_ Snowmobîîe chassîis. Dynomometer faclities, Motorcycle traliers& custom bulit huches. Avalatlon fuel & CAM 2 racing fuel. We provido ail these services "nd much more. BROOKLIN CYCLE CLINIC LIMITED, 76 Baidwiný Street, Box 421, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO', CANADA LOB 100O R. EGAN, President Se9 ÜS at Booth No. 61

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