Council Column, Subnuitted by members of WHITBY1 TOWN COUNCIL, Outidecomnitees By COUNCILLOR ROSS BATTEN North Ward Chafrman, Treasury Department I am certain most residents in this community ae twell 'aware of the various departments,.which, exist, withi.n the structure of the everyday operation of the Tonof Whitby.- Each couricillorhasl the responsi- bilty of one of these departmnents. In, addition to these, there 'are inany> commiitte es and organiza-: tions which, are, wholly 'gr partially: funded by the taxpayers of the Towvn0f, Whitby. mTes eoranzaton iclude the Whitby Library; WhtyArts; Whitby Historical Society;, LocalAr - chitectural ýConservation Advisory' Committëee; Pickering; Ajax and Whitby Animal Conitrol Com- mittee; Whitby Cemetery Board and Downtown, Businessmen. These, co mnittees are controlled by theérnayor and council by having a representative ,from council sit on each of the committees or-boar- ds.' I have been appointed' by Mayor Attersley to represent Ihlm on three of these committees'namely, Pickering Ajax Witby Animal Control Committee;- 'Whitby Arts and the Local -Architectural Conserva- tion Advisory Commitee (LACAC). Tpe PAW Animal. Control committee is comprised Of an elected representative and a staff representa- tive of eacl of the three .inunicipalities'involved and' was established ,to administer control. of both, doestiead wild. animais in these. desîgnated areas. In actual fact, the control of animaIs i sthe responsibii.ity of the Ontario Humnane Society wbich bas a contractwiAth.the tbree municipalities'under. the admnistration of the P.A.W. committee. The. agreemnent with the Ontario Humane Society, was' renegotiated and became effective January 1,, 1982_ whereby ýlevels 0.f service. wereé. chargeêd and'the municipalities becam the owners'of the property and'building on Thickson Road with more. rigid reporting being implemented for intense control., This new agreement realized a saving to the tax- payer 0f Pickering, Ajax, Whitby of, approximately $70,000. for the year 1982. The Whitby Arts Incorporated was established in 1967 by a group of- local citizens who wanted, to promnote a bètter understanding and awareness of the Arts, Perhaps the greatest achievement -of the Whitby 'Arts was, the acquisition of the old Whitby Railway Station and the conversion into the present Art Galleryr. Althougb the station gallery and the land on whicèh it sits belongs to the Town of Whitby, it is admini.stered by a 'board, of directors, member- ship, aid of grants from the Town of Whitby, Ontario Association of Art Galleries and the Province 0f On- Cra ft festival, te, featur>'e' dernionstrations The Whitby. Festival of Craft and Fashion will be held on Sunday, May -1, 1982 at Whitby-s iroquois ]Park Arena Complex, 5M0 Victoria Street West at Henry, Street. As those'-who, attended last year's show will at- test, the craftspeoplei attendance -represent the ,cream of the crop of Ontario's cvMrent band- crafters. Again tis year, there will be a wide variety of crafts in evidence, witb the emphasis, on designs for 'the -fashion con- scious. A unique aspect of this year's festival will be a display of these wear- able crafts in a fashion show at 2 pin. The handmade'fashions and accessories will include handwovem and batik,- and tie dye- fabrics,' quilted, enbroidered, and âpPllqued, crochet- ed and knitted garmen- ta. There will be a wide selection of other crafts like pottery, Woodwork, decorative aârt, dà ecoup- age, .weaving, jewellery, stained, glass and other types of glass craft, pbotography and many others., Demonstratio.ns will- also be part 0of the show with over 10*ibitors displaying their craf ts. Aniong the demonstra- tors again wil be Rouge Valley Quilters Guild, Ruth Barnett s howip'g how she crates ber in- tricate art 0f lace making and there wil also be others at work. The show. will run between the bours f 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, 1982 with a $1 admission charge. Children under 12 wil be, adxnitted -free with their parents. Lots of free- parking and refreshments available. WHITBY, FREE -PRESS,,WEDNESDAY, APRiL 21,1982, PAGE 15 tarlo. Wbltby Arts is animportant and vital part of the Towný of Whltby as it not onl'y operates profess- lonal programs to teach various forms of art but adds the dimension of 'educating the people to: the many avenues in the world of art. The art gallery also shares in the tourlsm aspect.0f Whitby as it receives many visitors from ail parts of the world interested in'the arts and the historical structure lit *has 'retained. The ýWbitby Station Gallery. bas recei 'ved national acclaim'and is a hlgh profile- within the Proývince 'of :Ontario.: Membership, is av'ailable'to anyone with an interest in the arts and at present membership cýomprises of individuals; industries; families; corporate and commercial en- terprises and other businesses who are supporting this specialized service to the public. The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee' (LACAC), 'was -established by town council' to research the history ofýbuildings within the Town of Whitby which possessed architectural quAlitiés and to'present the resuits '0f that research to council for the authority to designate such build- ings' as heritage buildings. The committeeconsists, of céitizens with a keen interest and knowledge in that ýpartîcular area. The, designation of the IZynde House and the Station Gallery as heritage buildings bas provided security to'our community, 'that we may look forWvard to the retainment-0f their beauty in future years. S My involvement-on the above committees bas certainly understanding of the ser- vices within the Town of Whitby and I take.pride in the enthusiasm'and dedication of the many ýmemn- bers who serve on these committees making Whitby a great place to live, work and play. LACAC shortl'y after joining the commnittee about two years. a-go. In that period the: commit- tee bas initiated and, carried- through the. designation of a number of buildings- including the Wbitby Station and Inverlynn. 1X~FiIk1 1.79 From the Tropics4 Large Size BANANAS/ .86 g.-39 lb. Product of Canada: Ontario No. i Grade' \CARROTS Case of 24, 250 ml Cari Limit 3Cases wealgocarry a selection of fertilizor for your gardensing needs. Maple.Leaf MOT DOGS 129 -b 454 g Package .99 4 kg. bag 5a199- WI LSO N'S GI1NGER ALE CaseWaf.24,250 mi Can 5 5 Imlt 3 CasesM 'yr 77îoo g. --white or 60% Whoie Wheat SUNSHIN<EBREAD 24 oz.Iloaf 2, oaves for Limt 6Loavesl1 i ALL POP Canada Dry or Wiisons' Ginger-Aie, Coke,- Peps'i 'ail i <n regular or diet, orange or grape crush, 7 Up regular or diet, Dr. Pepper, Canada Dry Mixes, etc.,- etc., 750 ml Bottle,,Limit 12 botties. Limit 12 botties pls ep9i - - --VÀLUABLE COUPON----- SOý-GREEN FERTILIZER - Ai B5* off regular price with this. I coupon .on al 0kg.or 20kg.bag 21-7.75 10-6-4, 7-7-79 or Weed and Feed. --------- - -- I I I -I Produce specials- in effect Other specials. cont 'inue * .close'Sunday 1VuiIktili closing Tuesday Hours: Mon.-Thurs..9-7'" Hwy. 12 Frida- 9-9North of Rossland Sat.:&Sun. 9 -6 South-of Taunton oe~1..fW*~ The', April general meeting of the Whltby 'Historical Society ,will- feature Graham Field, chairman of the Wbitby ILACAC, as guest speaker. .The meeting will be held nextTues- day, April 27, In the auditorium, 01f Fairview Lodge (Dundas ýand, Cochrýane- - parking, off Cochrane) at 8 'p.m.. Anyone interested in p reserv ig.,Whitby's old, building&sis welicome to attend. Refreshments' will, be servedaà fter- 'ward. SField. will discuss'the role of,,LACÀC's (Local Architectural, Conserva- tion Advisory. Commit- tee), Ontario's .Herîtage Legislation under which these committees are set-< up, and' Whitby's" B I I A handy new book by Sidney Led- son,ý author of the best-selling book, 'Teach Your Child to Read ln HerWa a b ook no stenographer should be wlthout, vlrtuatly a'unlverslty course ln grammer - but presented ln a liveIy way no unlveralty can match. PRINTING &%OFFICE S'UPPLV 218 Harwood AVe..S.,, Ajax 6816 heritage buildings. Field isparticularly in- terested in the recycling of older buildings and" will dealý in -.part with, the eçonomid advantag- es 'of, preservation over, rWeplcnent. . Field became chair- man of- the Whitby, t,-- 1