Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, APRIJL 21 92 HTYFREE PRESS Between Yo uand Me By RUTH COL ES j s - m--l0D V )ýýA HPINGFL This week's column is a continuation of thoughts about the country and the people, aur, neighbours, south af the border., Hawever, on arrlvlng home we found the dust had accumulated, the garden was -a, shambles, twlgs and branches from ,one end'ta the other after the w1nter storms, s'0 aur thaughtshavýe, been diverted hopefully ta return after. we finish our chores. We, leftWhltby on a clear day durlng the first week qf March. By nightfaillarge flakes 0fsnaw. were filing and cantinued, ta fali ail night and ail the, followlng day. How beautiful the landscape was, pure white snow covered everything. My favourite route southwards bas always been over the Ivy Lea, dowýn Hlghway 81 ta lghway 95. Fifteen. hundred miles af wonderful highway ail divided, 50 you really neyer have any oncaming traffic near you. In fact, you rarely ses the other part 0fthe hlghway. Na sait and'this is what I like and only one plow ta be seen. The driving was goad, but ,we ail drove, at a slower pace than we wauld, have under clearer conditions., SWe drave ail day with littie, elfart and not much traffic. Our car that evening as we drove aut 0f the' stormn was as'clean.as à whistle, shlny ciean. We stopped at a liquar store -not far from the bar- der in NeW York State. 'I wanted'ta keep a. ist af, pricesibut I amn glad that I fargot., Why can.our goverrnent extract- such excessive, taxes an such *things?, Is it the aild concept of -puritism?, I have ,neyer found more drunkeniness where the prices are low, in fact I should-think it works the other way. Farbiddenfruit-and ail that sort of thing. > Not.'gavernmnent controiled but privately owned as Most liquor outiets seem to be around thie world., They are really great fun and linteresting ta visit. Always, sales, of wei known brais- and aet what sinali cost. It staggers themihd'after looking at our prîces andreally.,makes you feel uneasy about aur out-of-reason prices due, of course, ta tax. Apart from every . brand imaginable they si cheeses and biscuits, a- great boon for travellers. Af- ter:a long day, 'out, corne your goodies, we'wýill say cheese.and wmne ail puréhased.together and a great nightcap. Cigarettes and North Carolina I No tax as this is the home ,of the tobacco. industry.. Cartons from, $2.99 ta $4.99; free cartons aften given away, taped ta the carton you hiave bought. If you are a smoker as many of us are, you stock Up enough ta last you for. the entire trip and one carton ta take acros-s the Canadian border on the way back. Always bargains and I bought two reallycheap cartons of a well, known brand wlth the extra cartons for. fre. Apart from that I was given a very nice fabric 'bag, large enough tacarry.overnlght belongings. It gives you pause ta think whether or not you ap- prove af cigarettes or liquor. We must on the whole, like being taxed out of ail reason. In lateMarch. we stopped iný Georgia and South Carolinaý'.-'Much'change has taken place in recent years as we know fram aur own experience et home. A woriderfui netwark of. thraughways,- Wonderfully designed and engineered, they-criss cross, the cities over and below. 'Huge sprawling subdivisionswhich take away from the overail picture.,,The imer core in most cases, bas and.is g.gthrough gr'.at restoration at much £costý butnet, often at the. tax-, payer's expense. There are so. many tourists' no* and it seems thodusands of cars so I may just enijoy my mi'emories., in thefuture. Naturaily m'any things have changed and my favourite garden is only, a shel of its former self. Sava nnah is a beautiful, historically ýwell known, -City in Geargia, and well worth a visit. In, the past_ there were twenty four squares, or parks, in the downtownh core. ;What a deiight they were with towering live oaks and ringed with azaleas. Elderly people and babies in pranis pushed by-their mothers. or a nannie were much in evidence, sitting drinking, in t he beauty of the aid, beautiful buildings and al naturels- offerings>. Néovthereare twenty lef t and dearly'p'ri'zed.- Weý weré driven around on a tour of the city by.ea Junior Leaguer. in a van..- She pointed ýout an..aid house-'on a tree-lined avenue where'dozens and dozens of péople 0f all ages stood, from the doarway ta the street and beyond in- bath, directions.' Arest- aurant owned and operated, I think, -by Julie Child, the famous T.V. cooking expert. This was arouind eleven a.rn. on a weekday, a daily occurence. Such superb food that, people, are willing ta stand in al that heat anytime they arein the viciniy Sa asâiwy fter a-tinp ta the Sta'tes we are able ta say we are proud to have such neighbours and how.rnuch we enjoy the Amiericans, With the odd ex- ception of course. Day care servîcee. f orum .OSHAWA,- Durham residents wiil have an ppartunt taexpress their cancerns aven. the levé! of available day cars services at a public forum being organized for late-May. Groups, representîng labar, teachers,' social planhers anàd child care warkers met'last week, ta, plan ýthe-forum , sch e-ý duled 1for -Thursday, May- 20,at- 7:30> p.m. at Fait Plce,44 William Street West,ý Oshawa. Spak.esperson Terry O'Connor -of the Cana.ý,. dinUnion, af -Public' :Epbl'olyees" Ontario Division says Durham parents . face «probiems similar ta, those in'such larger Centres as Toron- ta and Ottawa. "&We in Durham are having ta cape with: a *shortag af'available spaces, inadequate lfunîding and long walt- iiag ists. ý By givlnig a rea, residents, the chance to expres s their concern and frustration, we.hope ta make the case 'for univ .ersal,, accessible day care t a ail levels af gpverinent." Resource peopi already canfirmedf the forum include Moira Brawn, co-orclinato'r'ôf ,day caeservices:,for< the Région 'of-Durham and ýPat Schulz, chir- person 0f Aïction, Dâay Care.' Forum partici-' paints wiil ýalsa have aýn, apportuinty té tour, the't Little' Ark Day Careè .Centre. ' - . Spansaring organiza- ti onsý are: .the, Oshawa and District Labour Council1, the Ontario Teachers Federation, the Canadian Union of Public Emplayees, the OntarioaSecondary School Teachers'Feder- atia'n, the Ontario Public Service Employ-ý ees Union,,the Associa- tion for Early Childhood Education - Ontaria, the Social Planning Cauncil of, Oshawa-Whitby and, the :United Auto Workers. 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY STRIPPING FURNITURE 668-6060CIUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, Guant.le on aï parts and service. MACN El LS FURN ITURE] 668-5481' WHITBYi fESIVL fC*AET$ AID FASHIIN SAT. MAY 1 10:00 TO 5:00 Ovr 100 Craffapoopi. from âmeOs ontarfo CRAFT DEMAONSTRATIONS FASHION SHOW AT 2M0 pm In co-operation wlth the Town of Whitby IROQUOIS PARK ARENA 500 VICTORIA% ST. W. 'ADMISSION $1.00 ChIldrenuünder 12 free ý, - j

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