Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 17

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Corrido r. Caple rs By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 7254W? wlth Items for this column. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC NIGHT Music nlght at Henry Street Hlgh School will be held on April 29 at 8 p.m. in thegrnaium, featning Henry Street High School badaand -Whitby Brass Band. Tickets are $2 for aduits and $1,for students'or $5 per. family and are available from band members, Mlddleton's Book Store or at the door.ý Refresh- ments will be served'. WHITBY C'OMMUNITY CARE, Whitby'CommuMîîty Care wiI be celebrating their fourth birthday« on Wednesday,. April 2à at 7:30 at the jFairview Lodge Auditorium. Ail seniors,. clien-, ts,'volunteers and anyone interested in Community Care'is Invi ted, to corne and enjoy this special evening. Gus peakers> for the evening will-be Deputy Chief Van Doleweérd, Whitby Fire Departmentý and P.C. Wraight, Police Community Service. The topic' wil be safety and security in the home.- Following the a 'nnuai reports, ý there will be refreshmnents ýand a sp ecial birthday cake. Anyone requiring transportation, please oel Comrmunity Care at 668-6223. Plan to attend and enjoy the fourth birthday party. EASTERN STAR SAYS THANK-YOUý The Whitby Chàpter, Order of the EasternStar No. 248,, wish to thanik everyone who donatedprizes a nd contributed te making their Card Party'such. a success. Oshawa. firms were - Oshawa Public Utilities, Colemans Moving and-,Storage, National. Trust, Bank of Montreal, Mackie Van- & Storage, T.D. Bank and Classic Flowers. Whltby, donors. w ere - Wheelîes Family Rolling Centre,, .Gus Brown, Motors, Royal Bank, Heidi Dewey, Consumers Gas, North American Van' Lines, Thickson Dbundas B.P., Durham Regional Police-and Signet Signs (Oshawa) Limited., Thank ioufrom'the members of 'the Whitby Eastern STar. Empoyiuent- Centre March statistiesý WHITB3Y FREE PREÈSS, WEDNESD)AY, APRIL flý 1982, PAGE 17 Lung. Associ-ationùý Annual Meeting EASTERN STAR DANCE The Whltby Chapter, Order of. the Eastern-Star, will hoid'a, fund-raising dance on Frlday, April,30,8 p'.m. at the .Masonlc' Temple, Cochrane Street ,In .Wbltby. Tickets are $7.50 per'peron and mrxay b obtained from any müemberof thie Eastern -Star, or by ciaing. 725-500. Music by, Len Walton. Prizes, lunch'and bar. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ANNUAL MEET~ING The annual meeting and election of officers for, the Corridor. Area: Ratepayers Associatioti\will Fe held at Dr. RobertThornton.Public School on Wed- nesday, May 12, beginnin at 7:45. * WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Whitby* Women's Inâtitute will hold their April meetin at the home of Mrs. Gzrace- Carr, 30 Dunlop Stret East, .on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. Topie -is, the annual- meeting. Visitors welcome. WESTMINST9R UNITED CHURCH Aduit choir practice wil be held, on Thursday at 7:30 p'.m. . Adults of the congregation are invited to a 'ýGet Acquainted Dessert' party on Saturday, April 24 at 7p.m. UC.W. Card Party, will be held Mon- dayî, April 26, 8ý p.m. at the, church. ,:Board'0f Management meeting, Tuesday, ýApril 27 at 8pm ini the Choir Room. 8p.m .GET WELL WISHES To Banu:Doctor.. We are al thinking of you and, wishing you ail the best. To'Mary Winkel - Get weil soon. _To Rev.1 Bull Patterson who is convalescing in the Dr. J.O. Ruddy-,Hospital in Whitby. We hope you wiil be home soon. provideý some eye-open-. i at on the local drug scene. 1Although reent studies ln the U.S.- mdi- cate a levelling off In drug use among high, achool students, the, problem remains evi- dent>, across North Amnerica, and schoois i Durham Region are no exception. .Parental ignorance remains one 0fthe> greatest difficul- ties, and, Logan's pre- sentation will include tlps on the early recg- nition of drug- abuse symptoms, and a dernonstration of, the Communlty Service s Branch Drng Kit. The Lung, Associa- tion's annual meeting la open to the public, and ail concerned parents -are invlted to, attend. The number of clients registered for work at the Canada Empioy'- ment ýCentresI in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of Marh totalled 12,550, consist- ing of 7,029; female and 5,521 maie clients. Placements in the .three offices totali ed 298 for the month, which compares to a total of 262 placements during February. The major- ityý of clienits were registered in clerical and reiated; sales; ser- vice; product fabricat- ing, assembiing and repairing; construction trades; materiai han- dling and reiated. During March, the greatest employment opportunities existed in realtrade, accommo- dationad food ser- vices, personai .ser- vices. I1 11March, there were 38 agreements signed under the Canada Man- powyer Industrial'Train- ing Program. As a ,resuit, 54 people wil benefit from both train-' ing and employment in the Region of Durham. At the end of March,ý" there were 207 students in the skil courses sponsored by the Canada Empioyment Centre and- 58 people receiving academic up- grading at. Durham' College. TYPE WR ITE RS ADDING MACHINES CALCULATORS SALES e SERVICE,@ RENTALS 1îsa poor day when we- havent helped a customer- Formany years Dur-' ham, Region Lung, Asso- ciation has been'acétivie in local schools, polnting out the hèaath-hazards of cigarette smoking,' and--ý more-recentiy, the dan- gers of habituai mari- juana use. S The Comm'unityý Ser- vices Branch of Durham Region Police-is also heavily involved', with drug problemis In local ,schools,' having a team of - eight .officers work- ing, year-round on its > School Drug Abuse, Pro- gram. One of these officers, Constable John Logan, will be guest speaker at the Lung, Association's annuaI -meeting,, sche- duled to be held 'ai»the OshawaY.W.C..on Moànday,, May 3 at 8:30 p.m.râ The evening's topic "Drugs -and Kids: Big Business in our Schools" 'is expected to HURRY'. TIIE WALLPAPER CENTRES 5THANNIVERSARY SALE ENDS SAT.,Nl!ýN'IST -9- 165.5 686-07 19 it nE DRAPEAI SHOPPE1Dv CA-*N'AI)eý'S BESFDRESSED WINDOWS

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