Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 21

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GALL à PIGIIUIOMAL WHI1i5Y FKI~J~ i>KIzSS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982~ PAGJ~21 WHZXaZaZFRE RSWDEDYAR 218'G 1 mi ~~ an-,i-1 ce 1l ~ ~ % ~ i___________________ 'I W~~'AN I I I ElMfhIet AUTOMOBILSI çà FOR S.SALE âe"FÙ'SALE ý 1 A.~L HELP. WANTED JOHN ,NORTH 'FORsyTrH FURNITURE CONTRACTINO REFINISHING Custom Rnovatons &UPHOLSTERY &Additions Furniture Rfini'shing Roc Rooms e Docks < Rouphoistsry. Saunas & Mot Tubs Mînor Touch.up SkyIights FE SIAE 43uaranlceed Workmanshlp 6634 668-4045 <6634 afler 7:00p.m. . after 3 p.m. CARPENTrRY'- HIGHEST IPRICES, HOME REPAIRS P Faid for Goid and Sîlver &coins, old guns, dlocks, IMPRVEM NTS jeweiery, dishes, furni- IMPROVMENTS ture, crocks, 011 paint- METRO LIC. B-2554 ings and'sealers. Kitchens, Ceramic T1- FRIENDLY lng,. Drywall, R ec.11 Rooms, Cedar Decks FLEA MARKIET and Patio Doors. -725 ý-978 FREE ESTJMATES, 23 KING ST. W., CALL.868-4686 OSHAWA W@e.eqI je . Dwain pwg cudom mail. vubkv ame-at budge t 1 1 1( 1. D Slan I. 1111111 R REACH -MORE POTENTII CUSTOMER > ADVEfISE TOUR .SERVICE UNDIR "AIA PROFESIONAL" The Whtby-Pros Preas le the most widely read publication In the« Town cfWhtby., The Whitby Pros Press'ls aiso clrculated In Ajax', Pickering, Brook- lin, Myrtle, Ashburn and Port Psrry. Your advrtlssmsint wiliib. read by over' 70,000 potential customers:- Our advsrlislng rates ars highly competitive In both prIce and audience. For mors Information on piacing your ad under 'Cail A Profeas-, ional' cali 'the ciassif lsd Advrtlaing Manager now ai: 668-6111l GUITAR LESSONS RACTORTRAILER AVAILABLE TRAINING 8V PROFESSIONAL For Ciass A & D License INSTRUCTOR. -Cali PHONE 668-3741 PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 0.1.4. ReaSato CUTO m@r. . 711-800-268-9U89 Day, Eve. & Sel. courses H SERVIESh whose printer hum recentiy goneF out of business. Lou Dickson has ER 1 f the cost cutting ideas you need at Y a lime Iiks this 883-1968. 0 CONGRATULATIONS on your for- tha-nminu marriace. Plnnea vlnw TREgS - SHRUBs PLANTS,'FOR ' SALE By hobby gsrdsnsr. Sprues,' &sh, pins, mapis, cedar, larch, lous, dwarf apple, peur. Plants .- ,peonies, iris. Iilac, forsythia,Ilily of the, vaIiey, winter ,onlon, asparagus, rhubarb, horselradish, atrawberry, raspberiy, etc. Limited' suppiy. Ail very reaaonabiy priced." Phono 655-4526- for further Infor- mation. CHAIR- Cogsweil style easy ch6aIr, recéntiy upholslsrsd ln gold fabric, excellent condition. $95. CâI 668-3683 afier 5:30 p.m. or on weekends. Apr.21 .82(M) DE KO'K E R, SIDES 0F BEEF, 3.85 kg. (1.75 lb.) 725-4245 1-(705)-277-2324 FOR SALE - Antique cedar chest., Antique chair. Rmmp for 'h ion truck. *lnboardloutboard tesi tank.* Two; variable 'speed fans. 52 copies of iural New Yorker news- paper from 1883-1884. 1929 Toron- to Delly 7§tar newspmpers. Mens ring,ý goid and 7 diamonda, worth $1,00, ssiil for $250. Caii .579- 8727. A PINE KITCHEN CUPSOARD. 100 years oid. Phone 728-433. 'T2" Storm Doors Trple Seaied' 5 * -$os 17?9,,50-etyles lnstalled & Guaranteed. Aiso eco- nomital and snergy efficient Storm and replacement thermal wIndows and enclosures. DJaM Glass afterhours 666-1847 -CEDARTREES FOR4-EDGE Low prîce,- any quantlty. 655-4550 or 655-3961 WANNAMAKER- AUCTION SERVICES .16114.Charles St., Whitby WANTED , - , Estates, household itehms,,furni. ture, glasstools & equip- ment.' The place,tQ buy'por seil. We wiil pick Up. 666-3731 668-8401' (DAYS> --. (EvaS.) SKILL 5AW $29. .Sump pump $30. Study'lubie $25.,Sway bars and hilch head. $50. Hanid, oils $10. Girls bike $30.l.hIn excellent condition. Cali 683-668. Apr.21,82(S) COMETO'THE. SMcLAUGHLIN SQUARE ré FLEA MARKET. We.- si fds-antliue..furniture, ýwicker, -silk 1, f lowers, f udge, handiçrafts, childrens ciothing, Smîscellaneous and much more. P S OPEN SATURDAYS 9:30 TO 4:30 F SUNDAYS1OTO5p Vé Vndors wanted. $15 per booth per weekend. t Inquiries phone: C S 433.1395 or Toronto 488-5343 g HOME IMPROVEMENT lime la herel Lot your neighbours know you'Il heip wilh thair plans t0 up- grade. Advertise In the Whilby Free Press - and gol Immediate rosuils. cmii 668-6111 10 place your md. - EDCATINAL our sampies of engrmved wedding ~HOUSES FOR DU A IN L Invitaions ai your ieisure ln our OUIERENT Y SERVICESi Ajax Piaza store. OIckson PrInting, r S L IE I --GRAMMKR FOR PEOPLE who -...-aSupplies __83_1968. PRîVATE - Whlby, modemn haie grammmr isa the ideai pockot COQ LY RS dtachied 4,bodroom homo wilh reference book for business poo- N EDimWp lrge lot and waik-out basement. pie. $3.95 prcopy and avalable at DELIVERED? Adjacent to ravine and creek. Dickson Priniing & Office Sup- We can deliver your fiyersquickiy Morgage et 111/4 % tli 1984. Von- plies In h. Ajax Piaza. Dealer on- and economicmiiy. Cmii for doails. dor finmncing avalimble. $78000. quirios inv.lbed 83-1968. Whilby rs Press - 668-6111. Cmii 668-6799. 1976 PLYMOUJTH, power steering, power brakes, auto., 64,000 miss. $950 as lu. Caii 668-786 afler 4 p.m. Apr.21,82(A) SP ING1 HEREI Splfire con- vertible wllh hard-top, 1 ysar oid, red, mini condition (no winters). Cmii 668-7440. NOTCRCCEW SAE RETL 1978 LUJE850 KAWASAKI, In ex. cellent condition, 07395.1 kilo- moires. Asking $2,250. Cali 579- 98M. SUPPLIES' ,MALE PEIINESE,, 2 yemrs oid, famiiy pet,,reglersd. Phono 668- 6366. ARTCLS FORRR R-ENT] TMPWRITER RENTAL,. many makos and modela, by. the week- en d, week or monlh. Discounts avaiiuble.ý Dickson Prinling,& 0f- tics Supplies ineihe Ajax Piaza. Culi us for business machine. repairs 683-1968. FREE: Drop Inb the Dickson Printing & Office Suppiy store In. ho Ajax Piaza and pick up a fre copy of Iheir 1982 Mairie Caien- lar. PrIntsd In lwo colours, il imkos for handy reference 683- 1968. 'JaDmify hê* ~rnJ CLiL/ren', Services Your regional Children's Aid Society needs your skills as aparent.,' The emotional rewards.of foster parenting child-j ren lOto 14 years0f age wiibe suppiemented by a per diem rate of $17.25 foilowing the required- agency training course. There are a few vacancles lef t for the training session beglnning the f irst week of May. You have something to offer the chlldren of your communlty. Why not cail Mrs. Barbara-Heeney 433-1551 before' April 23,1982 ln order to register., RUTE, CARRIERS SEARN MONEY! . Get cash you need for \k~;fun and school. Joîn the z many other, girls and S boys your age who do this Important job. Del- ver the- Whitby Free Press- have fun and get paid tool Caîl Cir- culation now at: 668-6111 PART.TIME OFFICE HELP Mature person requirsd 10 assist In smaii office of local manufacturer, approximatoiy 4 hours per day, 5 dmya per weekç. Typing skilis, pleasani tlephone mianner and allen- lion to delail essentiel. Dulios wiii be varied and chailenging, ln comfortubie surroundings. Appiy in writing with resumne and ex. pected saiary io: Box 206, Whitby Free Press. PART TIME TELEPHONE WORK Day or evening. $3.75 per hour plus bonuses. .Cutbetween 10 u.m. to, 2 p.m., or 5 p.m. 10, 9 p.m. 686-3052 Ask for Nora RELIABLE, MATURE WOMAN 10, live ln. Lighl houaekesping and cars of 2 chIidren, 4 years and 3 monlhs old. Caii 668-7446. _OMETTICHELP ~mCHIDCARI ~AAVLBLEj MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, DAY CARE AVAîLABLE ln My live-in girls from Ouoboc, hoip homo, Mary Street East area. with children and housowork, Weekdays. Chiidren of any ago. success or rofujnd'guaranteed. Cmii 668-9137. Cail 282-2478. - < ATTENTIONDIPA& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS, Please check your advertisement foi'errors on thef irst daý$of l Visa Account and réceive the discôunt on the priceof your deav publication. The WhltbyFree Press wilI not be Hiable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. cepi failure to publish anad, or for typographic errors in publica- throi tlon beyond the cost of the space occupled by the error up to BIRTHS,,DEATHS -ý $7.OO for the f irst 100 words; 12ç each not a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press additional word. withi reserves the right to cIasslfy or reject ail advertisements.. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 DE must appear In the paper one day bef ore they can be changed Words; 124 each additional word.DE orcancelled. A t llCMC'11--I-canc RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biiled; 12s each additional word. Pre-paid insetion'of 20 words $3.50; additional words llit each. You may charge your -Ciassif ied Ad to your Chargex or AUCT i îuiSALS - 32Çç per fine. (N4o worda as aîîoweo.> BOX NUMBERS: Box ýnumbers are availableat an additlonal charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press w'itl make every en- sert( ,our to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- tno liabilliy regardlng Ioss or damage alleged to arise )ugh failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wiII - be responsible for box number replies -flot called for iln 30 days. %DLINES: Monday noon prior to publication. to insert or cel Classified Ads. Fr!iay noon-prior to publication to in- or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-611,1 - e. THE CORPORATION 0F - -14t THE TOWN OFWHITBY Town of Whitby needs part-time compiex super- visors currently involved ln a recreationai facilities management, course of graàduate. Responsibili- ties: Supervision of emfployees for arena and 'pool, supervise concessions, cash and Information -desk. Weekend wocJý. Ail applicants appiy to: S. Wallace, Supervisor'of -Faclility,, Iroquois Park, Complex, 500 Victoria Street, Wh itby 'between .9 ar..and 3,.p.m. Monday to Friday., Applications received no later thaul April 21. àî LOOKING FOR. REAL ESTATE .. . .AUCTIONS?*' CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON THE OPPO-SITE PAGE* Services 1 1, - 1

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