Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 22

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PAGE 22,, WEDNESDAY, APRW 21,198.2, WHITBY FREE PB.ES An'deron enyStree, DenL O'Connor' HIGH SCýHýOOL NWS.wEE Soccer, chess and,"b admin ..ton keep, DO'C,,students busy, ,ByLISA JEPPE*SEN Denis O'Connor H.S., The senioôr girls' soccerteam i pringt glorify the DO'C,,colours. .The girls have lbeeln prac- ticing indoors for thrée weeks. ý-,This week they will' have amrple .time 'to'prove. thie melves. ý,There are three games scbeduled,;weather permitting, at. McLaughlin, Picker-ing, ,and DuinbArton .*,The NVATIONS manager 0f the team is Rosemary Barclay, a; student. The chess eteain isager to, enter comfpetition once again afterits previous sucecesses.' They wlll be par-, ticipating in a tWo-day'tournùamlent on April 29 and' '30. The tournament will, be--held-at Central Colle- 'giatefor, all 'of D)urham'RegÈion and will involve about twelve different teams. Our- badminton club participated in -the LOSSA West oret held at, Henry, Street High Sehool on ,April 7.ý EightDO'C-students*entered. Anthiony and" Tyrone Evans achieved victory in'the Junior boys' doubles. The big event of last week was Carer Day on April 14. The day was devoted to informi'ng students. about v 'arlous. careers. There were 19 speakers in all and each:student.chose tlhe:three .lecfturés that in-« teifèsted hirn most. . Some of t he care 1ers discussed. were: law, 'engineering,- business;' journalism, computer-sciehce, miedical technology, police work, teachi*ng, accounting and. many other-such interestr injg'ca.reers., The'day was very enjoyable and some ,new goals have been made by' our ambitious studen- ts. Sweet a nd bitter AnderSon Spring It is spring at Ander- son!' Marked by tulips, Mies or, from':Anderson spoôrts- fans, the OFSA -tourname nts. Almost every 'sport, from bad- minton to wreéstling playéd in, the Ontario séhools will hâve its own Ontario Federation of Sèhool At4hleties Asso- ciation. (or OFSAA) Compétition. The best athletes -from the Lake Ontario, Secondary Schools: --Association -(LOSSA) and Central ,Ontarlo-Secondary3 Sehoolýs Association (COSSA) wil beé prepar- ig-fo r .their .ultimate compjetiMons later this month. .,The events promise to be very ex- citing .and competitive, as. thé W a thletes and teams..vie forthe al-. *ntariô ,championships after:à'year of intensive training. The, academic stu- dents of grade 13 have also completed a year of intensive-. training for the, University 0f Water-. 100 Descartes Math Con- test. Priîti i the na tioni-wide mathe- matics competition will beMellssa Van Kessel, Mary "Noble, Lloyd Rut- chinson, Jay Mussel- man and" Brad- Maheu, who have been ,working diligently since January, under the direction ofMr. Wanke, head ofthe, Math Department, to prepare -for, the mind-boggling problms. estof luck >to ail contestants. *' Grade 13's-have also been'busy ,sending their "Suniday 'best" to the cleaners and fixing their hair in pre paration 'for the graduate photos to be taken at, the, end of this month. Several package',deals offer the students photos ranging from wallet size, which are suitable as gifts for friends and-relatives, to larger-thlan-life wall size. The students also have the opportunity to purchase a framed class portrait, which includes the name and picture of each graduate and which would undoubted- ly, prove enjoyable Newspaper Staff: Lori Brlmbecom, Heather Pardon and *Robert Needhiam. 576-828 1800 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY BE AUTIFULLY KEPT 3 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT - Featuring a tastefully. finished recreation room wlth wood burning stove. Paved drive. Many ex. tras. Lot 75 x 200. East of Oshawa. 101/ % mor- tgage. Caîl Oss.' OUT-OF.TOWN 100 ACRE FARM - 3 bedroom house. Large barn. Garage. 7% f irst mortgage. OnIy $69,500. VARIETY STORE - Business plus land and build- ing on waterfront. Established for 45 years. Ven- dor will hold open mortgage. Only $69,500 plus stock. CHARMING 8 ROOM HOME - With garage. Rein- sulated and new furnace. Garden area. Asklng $25,500. Marmora. 2 ACRES - Wlth 6 room house. Antique wood burning stove. Asklng $31 ,500. RESTAURANT BUSINESS - lncluding building and land, -plus living quarters, two apartments. Located on No. 37 highÏway. Books-available. Only $89,500. 26 ACRES - Lots of hardwood with cabin, drilled well. Vendor will1 hold open mortgage.' Only $1 9,900. For Out-Ofi-Town properiles cal! Jim.

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