Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1982, p. 3

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PAGE 3, WEDNESDAY APRIL 21, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Canadia n auto.inustry.dying a. SIQW-death Wlthout some form of protection,., the Cana- dian automotive indus-, try could easily die a slow and painful death. That wâ the essence of a message carried to Durham Regional Coun- cil last Wednesday by Steve Nimigon, interna- tional representative for the United 'Auto Workers (U.A.W.). Nimigonappeared be- fore'coundcil 'in support of a motion'by Whitby Regional Counillor TomEdwards, and Oshawa Mayor Allan, Pilkey that,.called for the endorsation,.f,.let-" ter sent to--the federai government by- the ,U.A.W. and the Automo- tiVe ,.Parts*-,*Manu- facturers' Aissociation of Caniada., The' letter called f or the 'introduction of, -a "Canadian content iaw" against Japaneseý auto makers. "The immediate pro- blem is, of course," the letter said,' "the increas- ing penetration. of the Canadian market by the Japanese *automobile and truck- producers who makeA.ittle or no commitment to Canada, in terms of investment, sourcing 0f parts, assembly of vehicies or jobs." The two groups also polnted out that the Auto Pact that was 'signed between Canada and the, United States in 1966 guaranteed, sorne in- vestment in Canada, by the auto producing gian- ts. The- letter, written to federal Minister 0f In- dustry, , Trade and Commerce Herb Gray and International Trade Minister Ed Lumley, cails,.for Japanese auto- mobiles to. be restricted. to,Àa45 percent market share per 1.year- and trucks to be limfited to an ' eight per cent market share. "in the" longer term, we sguggest a program requirng,,that car and truck 'm:anufacturers selling in 'Canada lnvest in production facilities or parts' sourcing in Canada, -thereby:creat-ý ing and assuring appro- priate empioment in this country," the letter said. And, according toý Nimigon, this is exactly what is needed. "If we don't get those protections, it could iean the demise of the Canadian auto in- dustry," he told council. Nimigon added that if the,>apanese wanted to seil cars in Canada. "1then they should assemble (cars) In Canada." The union leader also informed council that there 'are now, 12,000 unexnployed people in Durham. Region - the vast major>ity 0of whom worked in the auto' in- dustry. He also said that for the flrst time in bistory, Japan sold more cars in Canada in. Mardi than. didGeneral Motors., Nmonalso specu- -lated as to why this hap- pened. Firstly, Japan-, ese, cars are cheaper. For ekample, a n <ew Pontiac J6000 selsÉ' for abu $10,000 while a comparable Japanese car seils for $8,000., Hie also believes that the rec'ent fiasco over the- $100 million deal made by GM with Iraq also hurt the company's image. .-Nimigjý> told council, that another reason why, Japanese cars are so at- tractive is the fact that because they are cheap- er,> they are also cheap- er to finance at today's high interest rates. Like many other U.A.W. officiais, Nimi- gon aiso rejected the idea of givlng the auto maker a new contract includlng concessions on wages and benefits. "Taking leàss mioney' doesn't mean yoù.'ve got a job," he said. "Con- cessions do not guaran- tee jobs or stimûlate the economy." Nimigon said that en-- dorsing the letter - as have many, other governients including the. Quebec ,National, Assembly - would show the federal governmýent that Durham is con-, cerned about the auto industry. " IIt wlll show that the Region of Durham is concerned about this,"' he said. Regiônal council en- dorsed the letter after Oshawa BR»gional: Coun- clior Bruce McArthur said that the federal governument Is 4lmport- ing unemployment into this country." , Mental llealth week hi Dureham ,Region ýMay 3 to May 7 is Mental Health Week in Durham Regioný. To wrap up the week's activities, a fà und- raising dance has'been scheduled for Friday, May 7 at the U.A.W. Hall at 44 Bond 'Street East, Oshawa. Cost per ticket is $15 per couple .which in- cludes a lunch and a chance to win door' prizes and. spot-dance' prices donated by local businesses.. A cash bar will be available and Guilty of trresponsibliy" acording, to Bugelli CONT'D FROM PAGE 1 town only bas a budget 0f $35,o00to icover legal services. "What budgetary amounts do we go with? How many,.dollars are we to put asîde for spe- cial .advice, .speciai legal counsel?. And, which issues before the 0MB are deserving of special counsel and which- aren't? Who's going to' determine that? I think we should address ail issues with the same vigor anden- thusiasm," he told the News Advertiser.- "It's '/our legal and moral obligation to defend our position at any hearing which we are' doing in this in- -stance."-~ The Free Press was not the oniy one to corne under fWie from Bugelli ini the News Advertiser.- He aiso questioned Regionai Counilior Gerry Emm's motiva- tion forbringinig up the motion to hire the. spe- ciai counsel. II personally feel this motion was more poli- ticaily. motivated than, comfmon sense would dictate," Bugelli said. Evnif council had' agreed with it, there wouldn't have been' enough time to select this so-called legal coun- sÉel, let alone. to prepare the necessary> back- grQund ýmaterials to present the -proper« case." He also feels that the letter.writers intimated that he was beîng paro- chiai in his deision. "'Some allusions are being made to- paro- chiaiism being used by certain members 0of council, mostly me," Bugelli 18 quoted as saying. 'II stand on my record that I've always spoken on any issue on its menit, no matter what the location. It's a most unfa ir and unîfounded criticism." C <At the council meet- ing, Bugelli challenged this publication to prove otherwise. "Ichallenge the, Whitby Free Pressto show any' instance where I have shown a' general- disregard (for the wellbeing- of the town), '" he said urging us to return to our "inormal, unbiased reporting." EDITOR'S NOTE:, For our response to- thèse accusations, see, our editorial on page 4 of today's edition. music provided by D.J. Leonaird White. Proceeds from- ýthe danicewill go towards the fundinig.of HopeCen- treë, a non-profit com- munity' serv ice organi- zation serving., the emotion'ally handi- capped and persons who are suffering from emotional stress. '. Hope centre is spon- sored by Mental Health/ Durham and is a United Way member agency. Phone 723-1033 or 723- 5133 for tickets, to the dance. mu>~jêo~e0.Has Neyer'Been SoAffordable. Savings of U to 40%fâ With the Barrymore End of Line Sale, you may choose from any of the selected fabrios,' on any of the selected sofas, loveseats and chairs and save 40%.- ~McALSTFI(S »- e.senogPul ~A nmvsmetm ou70 ROSSLAND RD. W.» OSHAWA 576-04 Mon. Tues.Weni- 10l- 6 Thurs., Fr.-10.-9- sat. - 10- 5 465 FERTILIZER e WEED CONTROL LawnaaT6At FREE LAWN ANALYSIS & ESTIMATrE DON VOORIEES. Llcenced Pesticide Appicator 72312621 L7 35 DIVISION STr. LANDSCAPE ONTARIO> DID YOUR HEATING' COST SEEM H IG H LAST YEAR? We mayPe able to help Iower those costs. 4 SEASON HEATING' & AIR CON DITIONING 985-2530 (Eftlclency Experts) TdARNTS T PSI LOAM SUPPLY LT-D. Sand Treatod imbe'r Stone Patio ýSlabs BROCK RD. N.< Limestone Peat-Loam PICKERING'.Plnemfulch Flrewood (112miles north of Hlghway 2) Curbs (DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED) INELCIN ý68 :0887 PAVI1N G STONEs AIAX ScARBOite, 1313 HAUM AVL R 140 R«R ST.' S» ' 553 MM»A ROAD (just North of Hwy. 401) (At the Corner 01 John)ý (Just South' Of Lawrence) m ÏÏ .1655Î), 43'l 4458. m 1 mwul. 8 uvo.. VVIPlu. - Iv"w

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