B3rk1 in, By ROXANNE REVELER Calil 655-4951 wlth items fer this column.> Ri there: They say, that the average university ýeducation now costs $25,000, but you must keep in mmnd that it produces three very proud people ... the student, b is marna and bis pauper. CANCER CANBE BEATEN Many thkst eveynen town who supported this year's recent daffodil drive, for the 'Canadian, Cancer Scîty. A'special thank you to ail theladies who donated their time and sold flowers. Brooklin's', contribution this' year totalled $1,196.98,Up considerably from last year. LIBRARY NEWS, Some very sweet " bunnies" 1hopped over to'the library Easte rSaturday for 'the "Bunny Hop" special.. Dana MacDonald found the moât hidden eggs, and Je nnifer W#al endzewicz won the draw for the 'best bunny costume. A spécial thanks goes to Joanne -Middleton for the mos t delicious feast of Easter cookies anyone could wish for. Tuesday, April 27, the afternoon speaker will be Peggy Ridgway. from Mental Health,, Durham. From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., the program will explore mental fitness tbrough proper management of stress. Pre-school story hour will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday with activities designed for this age group. THANK YOU, THANK YOU Many thanks from the Brooklin Sunshine Unit of the U.C.W. to Eekles for their beautiful flowers, the Village Shoppe, Kurlie Q., 'Avon, and' Norm Williams for'supplying, the music. You ail helped make the fashion show a huge success., FASHION SHOW PLUS Burns Kirk Guild, Ashburn,'presents "Spring into Summer".' and, "Nautical and Nice" ... a gala fashion event, on,,Tuesday, May 4, at 8 p.m. at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club. The program will feature la dies fashions from Country Classics, Port Perry hlrn's clothes from Kiddies Gro', Pickering, a, ma ke-up 7demon- stration by Karen Taylor Cos metie Salon,, Port Perry, a painting show, and programme pianist. There will be many prizes, including a major door prize of an original painting. Added features will include a male quartet and dancers. There will be cake- and coffee an all for the lowý price of $5, $3 for seniors. Tickets will be available in advance only so> to order yours, or obtain any additional informa- tion, please caîl 655-3900. RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE Thè Whitby-Brooklin Block Parents are having a rummage and bake sale.at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Saturday, May 1 from 10 a,.m. to 4 pan. If you have gny rumqmage or will donate baked goods please contact Heather Bray 655-3334., They will arrange to pick up rummage and baked goods, or tbey can be lef t Friday evening, April 30, or Saturý- day mornlng, May il at 113 Queen Street, or at Mrs. Bruce Batty's, 158, Baldwin Street, 655-M24., Baked goods can also be taken to Falrvlew Lodge on May 1.ý Tbey, also need volunteérs3 to bhelp atthe sale. Please suplport Block Parents and plan to attend. - ST. THOMAS CHURCH BAZAAR' On, Satrday, April*'24, frorn 2 to 4 p.m.,. St.' Thomas Anglican Churcb Women's Group <A.C.?W.) wil hold. a bazaar in the Church Hall (entrance on Anderson St.). There wlil be a bake table,,craft table, white ýelephant stali, Plant'.table, .and tea roor.n. ilare welcorne. FABULOUS 6"50'S!' The Brooklin and District Kinsmen are proud to present thieir fifth 'annual 50's dance at the Brooklin Arena, Saturday, April 24.- Door opens at 8 p.m. En- tertainiment startsaiat 9 p.m. featuring the Fabulous 50's band, î" Sornething Blue". There will be super door prizes, a 50's dress contest, a 50's jive contest, food and refresbment. Tickets are available at, Gary Young Plumbing', Brooklin,, The Music, Fac- tory, Whltby, or from any Kinsman. Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door.ý For further information cail 655-3693 or 655-3454. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE. Witby Community.Care extends a warm invita- tion to clients,, volunteers and anyone interested to attend, their fourth «birthday party on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fairvew Lodge Audi- torium. Safety.and security in the borne will be dis-, cussed, there will be annual reports, elections, bir- thday cake, musie and fun. Join ini the celebration. FAIR ENTRIES, Brooklin Spring Fair wil be held on June 4, 5 and 6 this year and time is rolling by. Anyone who has not yet picked up their exhibit sheets in the junior 'or senior divisions for floriculture,: sewing,' cookingý and crafts should do so nowý by calling Mrs., Crawford at 655-428 or pick them up from the library or Warm Woolies and Whatnots. IT'S YOUR PARTY, The Bro oklin Business Association will be hostiig' a dance for the residents of Brooklin andarea, and their frien ds, on Friday, April 30, in the lovely banquet hall of Thunderbird Golf and Country Club. Music, supplied by B & H Sound, will commence at 8 p.m. There wili be a cash bar, and a delicious late evening buffet. Tickets are only $15 a couple -and are available, from most businessmen on the main street including Morden's Esso Station, Joe's Pizza, Brooklin Bakery, The Emporium, Cosgroves, Quick Bite and the businesses in the Carson Center. Have fun with your neighbours. A GREAT MOMENTFOR CANADIANS We finally ha ve a constitution 0f our very own. M- ter years of debate and a mountain of ballyhoo, on both sides of the ocean, we have corne f age. It is only a. small piece of. paper really, , considering- the arnount0f time.and effort that went-into its ,prepara- tion, but its significanc e is great. Although we .SUiR maintain the. Monarchy, a delightful tradition, it is 'somehow reassuring to know that as a-counitry we no longer have to run home to marna (marna beingthe EniglishParlia- ment) for permission everytime we wish to change a facet of our governmental sydtem. On Monday rnorning I attended a' celebration at Meadowcrest' Public School. I, say celebration because that is exactly'the Impression I got., Every child in the school participated with songs, rýeadingis and skits.- These youngsters all Iseerned to under- stand why they were there and what they were cele-' brating. Their enthusiasm made ie grateful that our future was in their hands. As you have probably guessed, 1 arn as enthusias-, tic as those children. It is not entirely for unselfish reasons, however. Now that we have our constitu-' WHITBY FREEPRESS, 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21,1982, PAGE 7 tion, perbape. the powers that be can flnd a little more Urne to get down to brass tacks and Put Our country back on Itsfeetbefore we no longer have a country worthy of havlng a constitution. See you next week;..Roxanne Reveler , Brooklln Bajke ry drop off Frldays before noon please w s BEAUTY, » CONýTEST Continued frorn Page 6 that they, are en,- couraglig womren_ to value themselves- In terms of their' physical attractive- ness. 0f -course" there là the token "Ipersona.llty" attri- bute taý the contest. jHow do the. judges' presume 1 to assess personallty? WIII. the contestants exude it as they' parade.by in varlous apparal? Some -people: may be inclined ta. dlsrnlss 'those res- ponsible for. t his BýROOKLIJN 4JURSERIES T Hwy.,7 ç1 -1/4 MIles West le:e <of Hwy. 12 fgrown trees, Evergreens,-Shrubs, Ponderosa, and Austrian Plnes;, IColorado Bl.ue, Whlte, and Black jSpruce .and Hardy Ontario Grown R3oses at reasonable prices. j Good 'SelectIon,of Perrenlals., j Custo meIr s tree f Malntenancg - and grass C may selec't their own es ln the f leld - le "work, landscaplng ,uttlng also' aval lable.' 55-3671, builing Savings apply to oels to Toronto you dial yourself without operator assistance. The minimnum charge for this ser vice is $5.60per month for residence customers and $13.75 for business customers even if the total charges for these catis are less than that. These charges wil be included with your regular monthly rate, which is billed in'advance. Cati your Bell Canada Business Office, 433 -3391, for fuil details. *Sevice available only to people with telephone numbers beginning with 666 or 668.