Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY APRIL 28, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Arch ive's o0'pen on regula basi The Whltby Archivés, Archivist at 668-9490 wll Whtiby for the past 14 and in'1974 town couneil collection.' Whitby or old s'crap- more accessible t h wbich have operated on be flecessary. years. It contains a appointed hlm. as Archi- In 1974, .Wlnter waS books, give the Archives public and there illb a "by appointment" The Archives, which collection of some 2,500 vlst for the Town of awarded Whitby's Peter a eaU. It 'is flot a greater flow of ifr basis in the past, wili be are located inside the historie photographs, Whitby. Until .recently Perry' Award for "out- necessary to donate any mation ln both lre open on a regular basis main door of the Cen- geneology files on'some 'Ninter -worked, ln a standing contributions of these things, but the tions. -Hopefully t on Monday afternoons tennial Building on Cen- 69000 of Whltby's former volunteer capacity, but toward the* recording of Archives would lilke the' years to corne, theywl starting next week. The tre'Street South in Whit- citizens, town records for the past 21/ years, the hlstory of Whitby. "' opportumty to record be able to keep theAr hours wi be 1 to 5 p.m. by, have been operated datlng back to 1801 and the Whitby. Historicai Much 0f the Archi- any information they chives open mc At other times, prior by the Whitby Historical numerous other docu- Society has paid him a vist's time te taken up contain. and possibly longer hours butts arrangementý with the Society for the Town of ments related to the part-time salary due,.to. with seeking, research-, copy them.' wlll depend 'on -fndg Town- of .Whitby includ- the' increasing demand' ing, and collating new The Historical Society volunteers with th ing Brooklin, Ashburn, for the Archives and the material. If anyone has hopes that by opening knwedgeadicia Myrtie and. Myrtie Sta- need to adequately cata- any old photos of -Whit- the Archives on Monday tion to assist Winter ticovn. logue the expandlng by, old letters about afternoons, they willI be SP EÇý 1ýasset, however, la its Archivist, Brian 'Ninter, M nti aiiss o l who has been studying ALL TV b1and collecting Whitby f I SERVICE -hlstoryfor more than 20 I THIS WI years and'can rattleOfs o a "te" C P offic a BL PARKD z::s::: sp sa sitesri daes CUP ofiia ---_____b aas cie»nth ron o.adue bage generated b --------------------------Jand events as, if they t oule a "catas- fo e tabae th ont .f a ndue misake forery gabae oleced a Katz pointed out that Metropolitan Tornt If he Nty Achvés prvat ýfirms to be regional dumps. North America's largest for the next 30 year.H L U 1 Idoes not have the infor- alwd to operate Another factor is that landfill site, (1,000 went on to estimateta FA LC O N TV maio yuar lÃ"k disposal sites in the. dumps operated, in acres) is in maple and during those 30 yas Duhm Region, aýc- Uxbridge, Scugog and Katz pointed out that. the pits owners-Wat BLAIR ARKPLAZA for, Winter will pro- crigt nofca f Nwatecs oet ot mrc' ags 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY bably be able to tell you codn oa fiiio ecsl otmr o NrhA eiaslret Management, In 0 the Canadian Union of maintain than they earn landfill site -(1,000 Illinois - '»lernsm 668-6060 whr to fiit Publie Employées in revenue,.ce)i i al n $10 billion. Guaruautee on ait parts and service. 'Niintefr h been (CUPE).' Katz told the commit- can hold ail of the gar- Historical Society ffince Larry, Katz, ýCUPE's' tee that the municip.ali- itwa -'frmd n 96 -senior 1re search officer, ties 'should .maintain 1460,O O O spent it as ored n 167 made the remark at last control of the disposal week's meeting of the sites not-only because of I public works committee their earning potentiai i o¶s f Durham ,Regional but because of environ-.a i FAMf DNILYN~r HACI R CENCTRciE mental , concerna as 9 WH ITBY Durham'sFlrst True Famlly Hair Centre A new concept ln quality, customlsedi farnîly hair care avallablie at Braids Colourlng Streaks Cuts Beard Trilm A94 1^tflS.I .BU DGET PRUCES' Perme - 2000 -4500 No appointaient necesaary. Corne toget'her & Save. Senior Citizens hait price. PIaY area for toddlers. Ear Piercl ng Manicures. Eye Brow Arc hing Hair'Removal: By Waxing, Aiica LI I WlS I~Free rnonthly daw--dinn-- for- 2 ydraw-d.sdaefd A. Spring into spring 'wlth a new wlndow treatment. To introduce our organization to your area, we are offerlng a one-time Speclal on 100% Polyester Linien heers manufactured on our own premîses by fully quallfled personnel. We use only the best q uality fabrios. And for our Spring Special We offer "Olympic" linen sheers Triple fuliness and plnch-pieatedi. Reg. '2201 per fin. ft. For FREE shop at home service contact your local representative: Sharon Mounsteven HEAD OFFICE 45 raibamRd. UNIT 24 DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO M3J 2K1 3 Caiff court WNiby, Onwi LIN MOE 41114111*11M 105 HOLLAND ST. W. P.O. BOX 1721 BRADFORD, ONTARIO LOG 1iCO (416) 7754100 15 Sycamort Drive NEPEAN, ONTARIO K2H 6R4 '(813)820-9510 "It is a mistake, to allow the private sector to get hold, 0f the-sites," he said. ,Last November, some regional politicians had suggested' -that Durham's waste *disposal sites be operat- ed privately*. It. came not long after council had approved a 13 per cent increase in disposal Charges. However, the 13, per cent increa se - bringing chargesat dumpe up to $10 a ton - dld flot pre- vent the region fromf levying an additional $102,000 in .property' taxes to help pay for the service. The shortfall in last year's, budget was caused partially by a de- well. 'There is a great potential in. garbage,"' he'said, "'Ne have to look, at it as a resource. Methane gas' can be tapped from it, they're talitg of turning gar- bage, into oil. It should stay within the public realm. The region should control ils land-, f111 facilities. It should be a public utiity."1 The union officiai aiso said that the iandfill tendering process, en- courages the monopoli- zation of the private waste disposai industry. Because of this, he fur- ther argued that the municipalities should be directly operating gar- bage collection, trans- fer, disposai, reeovery Bell Canada WHITBY - Bell Canada spent more than $460,000 upgrading telephone service -i the Whitby area last year according to Orma- Lyttie, local BellManager., In a letter to local council, Lyttie said pro- jects involved moderni- zation and telephone growth. She said tbat Bell em- ploys 782 people in the Oshawa areaand their annual payroll exceeds $14.9-million. In 1961, Bell paid more than $404,000 in gross receipts tex to the local municipality., The gross receipts tex is a special tex levied against telecommunica- tions companies. Total tex paid to the munici- pality by Bell 'Was $429,000. In 1981, Bell's total capital expenditure was more than $1.4 billion with $955 million going to meet demand; $182 million to improve exist- ing plant' and $264 million for buildings, tools, vehicles, replcemntof plant, etc. One major capitel project that was com- pleted last year in On- tario was a five'year $462 million program to improve service for rural customers by re- ducing the number of phcdnes -of any party line to a maximum of four. Bell also emnployed more than 29,800 people in Ontario with a total payroll of $600 million and paid $348 million in taxes to ail three levels of government. INVITATIflN~ IU WUMWUU un 1.m P011R .CHARGEX 666'2254 Mon.w--Tues. 9 - Wed. - Fri. 9 -8 Sat. 8.-6 POOL OPENINGS Book Early With: PoolService and Mainteance 95 Michael Blyd. Whitby, Ont 668-3980 ON-$1'498 per f ln. f t. -668-6362 IF NO ANSWER CALL COLLECT 861-9229 *Custom Deslgned Commercial & ResidentialIinterfiors ** Broadloomn Sales & Installations 0 Walipaper, Biinds TeARTSTOP SOI L LOAM SUPPLY LTD. Sn B3ROCKRD. N. Stone Patio Slabs PIC ERNGLîmestone Peat-Loamn PICERNGPinemnulch Firewood (1V12 miIes north of Highway 2)-l»curbs (DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED) I NTERLOCKI NG 683*887PAVI NG STO NES for complète interiori

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