PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY MAY 5, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS PROGRESS EDITION ITT' leader i electronie connectors Whether they be used for nuclear power plan- ts, oil rigs or for defense purposes, Whitby's ITT Cannon Electric plant is a recognized leader in the manufacture of elec- trical connectors. The Whitby plant is one of five North Ameri- can plants ITT Cannon operates, the others being in California and Arizona. Located on Cannon Court, the plant first opened in Whitby in 1974 and currently employs some 200 people. This plant specializes in the manufacture of electrical connectors, many pf which are the product of Canadian re- search and develop- ment, especially those that are used in what is termed as "hostile en- vironments." A hostile environment is one that requires "the most stringent perform- ance specifications in the areas of nuclear sub- sea, seisonic, space, mining, off-shore ex- ploration and being in- volved in locations and conditions which exact the ultimate challenge of man's ingenuity." In an April 1981article for the "Engineering Digest," Lloyd Powell wrote, "Canadian engineering ingenuity has resulted in the design and manufacture of special-purpose elec- trical connectors for use in hostile environ- ments." Powell, manager of the firm's department of engineering, added that the ever increasing technological advance- ments paved the way for the establishment of an Electrical Connector Division devoted solely to the research, dev- elopment and produc- tion of new interconnect products. Many of these connec- tors are designed for use for long periods of time under extremely high temperatures. In fact, one of their products can be used for 1,000 hours at a temper- ature of 675 degrees Centigrade and at alti- tudes ranging from sea level to 33,530 metres. "ITT Cannon Canada successfully produced and tested prototypes of this high temperature connector and the pro- gram was completed in January of 1977," Powell wrote in his ar- ticle. "The technology developed during this ITT Cannon Electric Canada period has provided the, basic cornerstone for the development and continued proliferation of the many 'hostile en- vironment' connector configurations resulting from this initial pro- gram," he added. ITT Cannon Canada has also produced an approved and qualified connector for use in nuclear power generating stations in- cluding the CANDU reactor system. The company developed this technology at the request of Atomic Energy Canada Limited in 1975. This product, which is connected to the end of each fuel rod tube, can not only withstand pro- longed and high expo- sure to gamma radia- tion but can be used con- tinuously for 35 years at a temperature of 315.5 degrees Centigrade. Not only are ITT Can- non's products used. in the production of energy but they are used in the search for new energy sources as well. Some of the com- pany's products can be found on oil exploration drilling sites on both landandsea. is a highly E- A geophysical con- nector has been dev- eloped by the firm that can withstand the severe cold of the Cana- dian Arctic and the tropical heat of South America. i The demand for this technology led ITT Can- non into exploring the potential market for electrical connectors to Family Hair Centre opened in February and provides complete customized hair care services for the entire family as well as several unique ideas. This local business is trying to attract fami- lies, groups and indivi- duals who "want to look good for a very reason- able price". The pro- prietors feel "that people are looking for' quality personalized service without having to pay the exorbitant prices." Family' Hair Centre places itself in the mar- ket "between the so called high class shops where in many cases only the decor is high class and the mass pro- duction type shop where quantity is more import- ant than quality". Here, be used in the actual drilling operation. Their engineers have developed a product that can withstand high temperature, high pressure at depths greater than 4,570 metres into the earth's crust. ITT 'Cannon has also developed extremely rugged and reliable "the decor is simple, honest and inexpen- sive" therefore they can pass the savings on to-, their customers. They also provide toddlers with a- com- plete play area with toys. Parents are en- couraged to bring their children along and hen- ce avoid the cost and in- convenience of finding a babysitter. Family Hair Centre is proud to have qualified and experienced staff who provide top quality service. In addition to complete hair styling service, the staff also have complete know- lede in other areas such as false nails, manicures, hair rem'val by waxing, ear piercing, beard trims, etc. The products used are of very high quality connectors for use aboard ships of the Royal Canadian Navy which are designed to withstand the worst imaginable conditions. It is more than evi- dent that the high tech- nology products that are researched, developed, designed and produced by ITT Cannon Electric Canada Limited will be and~ include KMS and Dermetics. Family Hair Centre "does not load their prices", that is adver- tise a cheap cut and then add on charges for everything else. Their "everyday low prices are in many cases lower than the specials offered by other shops." They also offer addi- tional discounts to fami- lies, friends and groups who come in together. Each customer is en- titled to enter a monthly draw, and each child re- ceives a helium filled balloon. "Family Hair Centre would like to thank ail their custoiers for their overwhelming support and to invite everyone else to drop in and have a look around. an important part of Whitby's economic pro- gress throughout the coming decade and beyond. As the market unfolds' - "energy, space, mining" - Whit- by will undoubtedly grow to serve the needs required. ITT Cannon looks forward to this growth with confidence. Family Hair Centre is located in the Otter Creek area at 900 Bona- cord Ave., Whitby. Family Hair centre 900 Bonacord Ave. (Otter Creek) Whitby Durham's First True Family Hair Centre A new concept in quality, customised family hair care available at BU Perms - 20°11. 4500 Braids - 12111 Colouring - 120.1500 Streaks - 25°0 Beard Trims - 1-90 Artificial Nails - 2500 DGET PRICES Ear Piercirng - 100 Manicures -50 Eyebrow Arching - 211 .500 Hair Removal - 5-0. 100 By Waxing Hennas - 1000 Wash, Cut & Styling: Children - 500 Men - 800 Women -1001.1200 No Appointment Necessary Come together & save. Play area for toddlers. Senior citizens half price. Free Monthly Draw - Dinner For 2 Rossland Rd. 666.2254 Mon. - Tues. 9.6 Wed. - Fri. 9. 8 FamIly Hair Centre Sat.8-6 •-sonacordAv.e = ~~HWY. 2 Dundee Si. _______ Famil Hair Centre for entrefamily ITT Cannon Electric Canada is proud to be a part of Whitby's progress technological company in research and develop- ment of electronic and electrical connectors Mr the hostile environment market. ITT Cannon Electric Canada A Division of ITT Industries of Canada .td. Tel: (416) 668-8881