Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1982, p. 32

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- ---~. ~- r- PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS PURx~m~x TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A& D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 1-800,208-9U89 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses CARPENTRY, HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TII- ing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. LFEE ESTIMATES CALL 668-466 NORTH FURNITURE REFINISHING & UPHOLSTERY Furniture Refinlshing Reupholstory Minor Touch-up FREE ESTIMATES 666-3040 ater 3 p. IGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Sîlver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, ol1 paint- lngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA EDCAIOAL LAWN MOWER SERVICES,] REPAIRS 'GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE who& TU NE-UPS. hate grammar'I la the idoal pockot CALL reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 par copy and availabie ai 668-51 07 Dickson Printing& Office Sup- piles ln the Ajaxc Plaza. Dealer en- quIrios invited 683-1968. SEVES CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marrioge. Please view aur amples of ongraved wodding Invitations at y'our leisure in aur Ajax Plaza store. Olickson Prlnting & Office Supplieos 683-1968. HELP IS ON THE WAY for firma whose printor has rocentiy gone ouf ai business. Lau Dlckson has the coot cutting Idoas you neod ai a timo like this 683-1968. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING The nowspapor, of ail the media, commands the moot' rospanse by the consumer. The consumer needs certain faith ln lis buying power and their localnowspaper pro- ides a buying guide that hoips familles make Import- ant decisians. The Whitby Freo Pressocon motivate sales for every rotailer..> rogardiesa of size. Advertiso with us and bo ln gaad com- pany wlth auccosaful retail- ors af evory sîzo. FREE PRESS 668-61,11 "GAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F RALPH LLOYD SEAMAN PAL- MER, Late of the Town of Whltby, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, Heavy Machine Operator, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE That all creditors and others having dlaims or de- mands'against'the estate of the said- Ralph Lloyd Seaman Palmer, who died on or about the.2l st day of February, 1982, are're- quired to give to the un- dernamed their names,' addresses and full parti- culars of their dlaim on or before the 26th day of June, 1982 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the dlaims of whlch the Administra- trices then have notice. Valerie Parish and Joy Brooks, Administratrices dlo Schilling, Evans 121 Brock St. North P.O. Box 267 WH ITBY, Ontario Li N 5Sl LEUVS2NS PIANO ILESSONSI ITecher (ARCT)I j just movod ta Whltby. Bgnesta advanced. r38.36 FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 1BANK Our representative - ANNE BAKER - will be ln the Whitby/Brooklin area on TUESDAY, MAY 1 1TH, 1982 to discuss FBDB services: 1. Financial assist- ance for business. 2. Counselling to im- prove business or solve problems. 3. Management train- ing & information on gov't programs. FOR APPOINIMENT CALL ANNE BAKER (416) 576-6800 Federal Business Development, Bank 22 King St. W. Oshawa ARTICLES FO1R SALE TREES - SHRUBS PLANTS FOR SALE 8y hobby gardener. Spruce, ash, pins, maple, cedar, larch, lous, dwsrf appie, pear. Plants -, poonles, iris, lilso, forsythia,Ilily of the vailey, winter onion, asparagus, rhubarb, horseradishî, strawberry, raspberry, etc. Limited, supply. Ail very reasonably prlced. Phone 655-4525 for further infor- mation. MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDES OF BEEF 3.85 kg. (1.75 lb.> 725-4245 1 -(705)-277-2324 GENDRON CARRIAIGE, converta ta travel bed or strolier. Good condition. Asking $40. Phone 655- 3006. May 582(S) REBUILT automatlc trans- missions for sale ta fit: mast cars. Guaranteod. Phono 655-3410. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charle s St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or selI. We wiII pick Up. 666-3731 <668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) 2" Stormn Doors Triple Seaied 5Scoiars si 7'0a4 styles instaiied & Guorantoed. Alsa eca- nomicai and onorgy officient starm and-roplacemont thermal windows and enciasuros. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 P4 COMETOTHE SMcLAUGHLIN SQUARE FLEA MARKET gWe seIl foods, antique furniture, wIcker, s11k. P f lowers, f udge, handicrafts, chlldrens clothing, Smiscellaneous and much more -P OPEN SATU RDAYS 9:30 TO 4:30 SUNDAYS 10TO5> p Vendors wanted. $15 per booth per weekend. p Inquiries phone: S433-1395 or Toronto 488-5343 ARTICLES FOR RENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makea and modela, by the woek- end, weok ,or manth. Discounts avoulable. Diokson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza.' Cail us for business machine. repairs 683-1968. FREE.- Drap Into the Dickoon Printing & Offico Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of thoir 1962 MetiloColon- dar. Printed ln twa colours, It mokos for handy roferonco 683-1 1968. Q FOR SALE VISIT OUR used furniture ware- hous by -appolntment. Big savinga on desks, chairs, f illng cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Print- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appointment ta vlew 683-1968. FORRSA SAELE 1976 FORD Cube van, 16 foot box, duel wheeis, 351, automatlc, certi- f led. Phono 839-7246. 1976 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power stoering, power brakes, power windows, many new parts. Recent paint & body. 66,000 mlles. limma- cuiste. $4,100 certif led. Phone 571-1704. 1973 CHEV custom 'h. ton, 6 cylin- der, 3 speod, standard, cortifiod. 1974 Oidsmoblo Delta 88, AM/FM cassette stereo, certif led. 1962 Ford 'h'ton custom cab,*AM/FM, 8 track sterea, stop side short box, as la. 1971 Toyota Corons, as sa. 1972 Renault for parts. Phono 725- 4103 or 728-4401. 1978 HONDA, 400 twin, excellent condition, asking $975. Soolpoint Siamoso cat, maie, neutored, 3 years aid, has had some shots. Phono 666-1515. 1972 HONDA, 350, twin, ln oxcell- ont condition. Asking $600. Phono 666-1677. May 5,82(W) PROFS and akego rebuilt. Expert boat ropairs. Discount fiborgiasa ropairs. Oshawa Glass Fibor, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. MOVING SALE - Saturdlay, May 8 and Sunday, May 9 starting at 10 a.m. 160 Way Raad, Broaklin. Gardon oquipmont -A argo varioty. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 8 from 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 95 Frost Drive, Whitby, Ottor Creek. (PAMYMETS/ 3. CONDOS FR FORO R RNT SELF-CONTAINED modern ono bodroom basemont apartmont, east Whltby, Christian homo, ab- staîners oniy. Appliancos, laun- dry, carpoting. Avalabie May 15. On bus route, close ta con- vonienco store. Suitabie for marriod couple (small 'child) or single, mature waman. Calit fter 5 p.m. 668-2357. THREE BEDROOM apartment for sublet In White Oaks Court. Aduit building. Cati Bob af ler 6 p.m. for, dotails. 668-2924. HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS7 WORK ON LY A FEW HOURS A WEEK. The Whltby Free Press needs gaad, relilabie carriers like yau ta deliver -aur paper ln the fat awlng areas: COCHRANE ST. OTTER CREEK PLUS OTH ERS IN CENTRAL WH ITBY >Start nawl Cali Circulation at: COMMERCIAL W "1 PROPERTY I FOR SALE/RENT DISTRESS SALE. Super flmno- ing. Two commercial buildings 19 miles north of Whitby. 85 fel on Highway 12.1 $79,900. 1-364-4682 or 1-449-7010. gVACATINI W: RENTSALS Cioarwator - Tako the famiiy, threbedraam,twabathroml Icountry club homes, pools, tniclose ta major attrac- (lonso1200.00 U.S. wkyj * 683-5503 SALEENT PRIVTE IWhitby, modrn dtachod4 bd'ronhomo with large lot Sand walk-out basomont. Ad-.. acn oravine and creek. Vondar financing avoulable at Il1/4 %. cou 668-799. FFORAIELE] PRIVATE Building permit availabie for rosi- dontiai lot ln dawntown Whitby. 50 'x 132., Ail services lncluded. $31,900. Phono 668-4104. I t' WELL KNOWN DRI VING SCHOOL FOR SALE Excellent roturn on saol Invoat' ment. 723-0394. START VOUA OWN BUSINESS, Minimum lnvestmont. Traininç provided. Excellent growth paton'. tiai ln stltcheryIlino.,For Intervlem, caîl Jean at 839-3900. SERVICES BABYSITTING In my bao.- 3 or~," year aid, 5 daysa weok, hot lun~ cheon. Phono 668-3054. REILIABLE AND EXPERIEINCEC', day care by mather of twa. Mon. Fri. Any-.oge wolcamo. Gaod iunX ches. White Oaks Crt. ,ares. $35lwooek. Cali68-6246 anytime. MOTHERS SUMMER-HELPERS,l Ilvo-in girls from Québec, heIpý with childron and housowork, succosa or refund guarantoed.. Cati 282-2478. G ýi4ccaMMoDATIaN: ýWANTEDI TWO BEDROOM apartment or~ houso required 'Immedlatoly Io~ Whltby. Approxlmatoiy $200 pert manth. Phono 666-3919. .1 LOOKING FOR AUCTIONS?9 CHECK THE CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 17. BUY..SELL..AND TRADE ... . CLASSIFIEDS ..668-611 ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space accupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the, f Irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in f he paper one day bef ore they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biîled; 120 each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20woirds $3,50; additional words 11W, each. You may charge your CîassIf ied Ad to your Chargex ot Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o ea-ch additional word . IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF TNANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12e, each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32t per lune. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additiongl charge of $2.00. The Whitby -Freq Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regardi ng loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number replies not called for within,30 days. DEADLINES: Mond'ay noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Açis. Friday noon prior to publication to In- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 OALL A PIOFE3SIGIAL I

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