WHTYFREEPRESS. WPfltJPfAY. MAY Q192-PAGEP 17 IT 3 E& JL 6'&3UEJ- J'AkJJ V 3A.%Xj CA L'L668 61Il' Emporl um Ads wIII only be acceptedsubjeci ,to. the fol lowing conditions. CLM CONI AUCIOEMR JACKSON 4'AUCTIONEERS Estates - Farma t Household - Aniques jMurray Jackson 985-2459 yýRobert Jackson 655-4878 AUCTION, SALE ASATURDAY,MAY8 îAuction sale of antique furniture, dishes, qu. of yfarm machinery. The xEstate of the Late Mrs. Betty' Carswell. In the Village of Columbus (for- th end) Simcoe St. Con- Stents 0f 175 yr. old home (the old halfway house). Cané back rocker and straight back chair, sali- mandor type chair, drop beat hall table, large Oriental' rug, harvest table, 8' pc. mahogany dining room suite (Chip- pendale style), mahogany table, ,mahogany single poster bed, large dresser, 3 way mirror, 3 po. bed- room suite, pr. of f Igurene lamps, 2 delfit vases, cop- per kettle, coal port dîshes, crocks, qu. of sîlver, qu. c f water Scolours and prints, qu. of aid newspapers, antique pine boxes, painted metai poster bed, tea wagon, dressIng table bench, figured maple dressing table, hooked rugs, high boy, boston rocker, 2 an- Stique churne, electric sewing machine, and many more antiques. MACHINERY: McLaugh- WAMNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES ~1614 Charles St., Whitby yVANTED. 'Estates, hiousehold Items, furni- (ure, glass, tools & equip- * hent. The place to buy or seil. We wilipick up. 666&3731 668-8403 (bAys> (EVGS.) AUCTINS AUCT ION SALE SATU RDAY, MAY 8 SALE TIME il A.M. Furnîture & Antiques Prince Albert Hoil Auction sale the property of.Mr. Roy M. Bradley cf Port Perry seliing at. Prin- ce Albert Hall, 1 mile south cf Port Perry. Inglis refrigerator, Mof fat 30 Inch range with self cleaning oven, Inglis automatic heavy duty washer and dryer. Beauti- fuI livingo room set, ches- terfield, tvvo armn -chairs with matching set coffee and end tables, 2 bed- romr suites, one with long dresser, 2 china cabinets, lazy boy chair, 2 single beds with matt- ress, new dehurrldIfier, 3 electrIc heaters, step lad- der, large selection plan- ts, mirror set, chrome table and chair set, an- tique chair, bocks, radio, f lower sweeper, Water pots, f 10cr hose, carpet polisher, rakes, AID TO MILLIOr SIFIýEI ITINUEDP FROM Pi PLEASE BEAU When the advertIsed Item la. soid, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever rason, the Item wiil be deemed 10 have been sold and a commission wili be charged baaed on TH1E ADVERTISED PRICE as lluatrated below, regardiesa If prîce le stated wlth "best offer."> If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlaposed of, the adwlil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wlii apply payable In advance of publication of the f irsi ad. Otherwlse a $7.50 charge will ap- ply If bliied whlch muaitbe patd upon recelpt of blih. The above minimum charges wIil be applîed 10 the final commission due but In any case the h 'Igher à mount wil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $7.50 blled. Maximum commission: $100.00. All advertisements muat be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one month If not aoid. - RATES (If article la sol«.: 5% of advertîsed prie up te $40000 2% of balance over $400.W' EXAMPLE: SoId 1Item advertîsed for $120.00. Commission due $8.00 (mInI mum charge la $800) Private advertlaing onlyl Filasse notify the Whltby Free Press immediately when Item se sold s0 that we may delete ht from the foiîowing Issue. Al ada not fttlng the Emporium guldelines wIli be treated and charged par woek as regular cîassIfled ada.on a pre-paid basia such as: services, heip'wanted, ciothIng, reai estate, and personaI message type ada, or ada not quotlng price or quantlty. Pri vaie ciassified ada may appear In the Emporium section underappropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEcIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:- If ln doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO:* FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whîtby, Ont. WhItby, LiN 551 A3CjuONS BAILIFF SALE By Public Auction. Under Landiords Dis- tress, continuing sale 0f assets by virtue of.Land- lord & Tenant Act, R.S.O. 1970. On Instruction f rom the iand lord, I have seized and destrained the goods and chattels of Highland Creek Furniture Ltd. and Highîand'Creek Pine Ltd., operating as Classic Pine, 1650 Bayly St., Pickering, Ont., and ,will seli at public'auction'the foilow- Ing. Large quantity of new pine. lumber, dressed, various shapes &sizes, quantity of pre- glued pine sheeting, un- finished pine cupboard doors, f rames & mirrors, large steel racks, heavy duty skid, truck, steelý desks &, chairs, filing cabinet, plus other con- signiments., S.A. Cziranka,' Bailif t, 247 King St. W., .Oshawa, Ont. Other consignments.con- sist of antique dining room suites, antique bed- room suite ln walnut, china cabinet, coilectable glass & china. Fantastic sale, be there. MAY 6, 1982 -6:30 P.M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby BILL WANNAMM<ER, AUCTIONEER 666-3731 cuum cleaner, )est offer. Cal Feb.24,62(M) cream cooler. 655-3814. Mar.3,82(V) ýgerator, frost ý.In excellent par or wili Bell 23-1534. Feb.24,82(S) MACHINE ?- ind. $240 or e 668-1718 or Mar. 17,82(W) xi trunk, uaed L Phone 725- Feb.17,82(D> icycie, exceli- ditlon. Asklng 1afler 6 p.m. May 5,82(WV) Mv Excellent ýed.'Wthascu- Asking $325. Apr.1 4,82(H) lie, not froat 87. Mar.3,82(V) ln console,' t $600 - sali Phone 68- Mar.17,82(M) 0 CLEANINO ah.' Then ad- or Baie ln the n. Getlimme- np pump $30. iay bars and id tools $10. 1 In excellent 4 38.1 Apr.21 .82(S) 514 with ridition. Built led stitches. year ago. An tt $200. Gali Mar.24,82(W) 2000, AMIFM bulît ln tuner. vlth Inflnity, $700 or best Mar.1 7,82(S) v 111110T ANY- t, eFree Pres ae to hormes, fumîiture, the kitchèn low to place c 1979 MERCURY BROUGHAM, 302, ai lng, power steering, pi stereo, tilt wheai. $5,500 certifled. Pha ai ter 6 p.m. 1976 PLYMOUTH, pom powen brakes, auto., i $950 asals. Gali 668- p.m. 1975 DUSTER, Special 318,, overhauled, 70,7 with modifled valve Torque convertor, nev new brakes, new ali rad, new rad hoses, nE chrome rocker coveri. ers, sport mimrons, liî power sleerlng, p brakea, tlnted glass, l loir wlth console, reî Motorola AM/FM case O.T. gold maga wite SS6O serles radiais. trame excellent. Asklr boat offer. Coii 655-32 1974 SATELLITE, poli power brakes, radio,r Needsbody work.L $150. Phone 6645 1974 VEGA, automat boat offer. As le. Phon 1972 METEOR FORI door. Asking $200 foi without Michelin tires. Michelin tires sold Twosummen - 1,000 iy rime, Both for $260.F formation eau 668-6059 1970 MONTE CARLO3 Asking $1,500 or besti Inade. Phone 668-5589. TURN YOUR ARTIC CASH. Ap ad under Fra Press Emporium salit almoal anylhing cars, boats, TV's, fumit and pets ... the lsî lse e 66848111 now for turthe FILTER QUEEN vac Ilke new, $450 or bi 576-2844 alter 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Icec Asking $250. Phone FOR SALE - RerIn f ree, ,and 30" stove, condition. $525 forp -separately. Phone 62 iNK DUPLICATING automatic wlth tsi nearest offer. Phoni 668-9691. LARGE NAVY met& once. Asklng $100. 3i118 alter 6 p.m. MANS 10 SPEED bi ent mechanical conc $60. Phone 723-031 ,RCA, 20" COLOR T condition. Haýrd'iy us tint color control.J Phone 885180. REFRIGERATOR, whi Ires, $75. Caîl 576-798 SEWING MACHINE stool Included. Gosi for $150 aIl inclusive. 4840. START VOUA SPRINC now and beat the rui vertîse your gooda hc Free Press Emporlunr dlate results. Phone E 5KILL SAW $29. Sun Study table $25. 8wi hilch head $50. Har Girls bike $30. Ail condition. Gali 683-66 SINGER STYLISH cabinet. Excellent cor ln button holer, vanl Complete lune-up 1i excellent purchase a 686-579 afler 6 p.m. STEREO, Marantz SR2 stereoi receiver wth bi Technics turntable v 0E speakers. Asking offer. Phone 668-7336. YOiJ CAN SELL ALI THINO ln the Whilby Emporlum. From car stares, skates, anything Incîuding 1 sinki Cmii 668-111 n yourad. MARQUIS ir condition- power brakes, 95,950 km. ione 668-1275 Apr.28,82(M) ýwer sleerIng, 54,000 miles. 1-0786 after 4 Apn.21 .82(A) 3l Coupe, new transmission B body, new ýw 'V' joints, ternalor, new tew fan beits, s, block heat- ght package,' power disc leather Inter- ýar def rosIer, seta, Cragar h Fîrestona Body ýgood, ng $3,800 or Mar.24,82(A) ver- steerlng,. naw muffien. tJncertif lad. Mar.3,62<T itIc, $250 or ýne 668-3209. May 5,82(S) ID car, two r the car but i. Sold as is. separately. miles on 15" For more In- 9g. Mar.10,82(M) 350, 4 barrai. toffar or wili Mar.31 .82(5) -LES INTO t the Whtby Section vihll 1for you.. Iture, pianos ndless. Cali ier detaila. trans., runs $225. Four 'ul size GM, F uretor from miles, $20. May 5.82M) ý :0 your Ern- a FIVE Dodge custorn wllh Goodyear poly white lettering tire Price $250 for ail. Nivaho GB Râdjo, ehannel, upper anc band. Was $499. V table, mike and 518w $250 takes ail. PhoneI NEW AMIFM 1 steneolradio for1 Chrysier producl $12! UnIroyal M.S., ra P20575R15, $140. Or Inch Dodge 4-barrel plate, 57,000 miles, Dodge FlalIy.wheels 14" by 6", $150. One doorskln, new, $45.T 10" braka drums for mouth "A" body cai naw Edalbrock SP21P& taka manifold with package for smail i $225. Four OmniIH stock Rally wheelas $ subîshî 14" RaIiy1 Challenger, Sapporo o Cmii 655-3266. FORD TOT-GiJARD ci $25. High chair $15 stroiar $15. FoldhngY pan $20. Cail 6554164 1rally wheels glass ralsed 'es, 5E70-14.9 REALISTIC. l TRC48, 23 r J lower ide 7 Vth pre-amp vave antenna 68-1195. Mar.10,82(G)e MULTIPLEX 9 laie modal 5. Two new aial lires, lne 360 cublc' motor, comn- 1$400. Four B, complote, ie 67169 Cuda rwo new rear' r DodgelPly- ir $50. One t alumlnum In- Installation blocký chevy -orizon 13" 80. Four Mit-b wheels, fit cr colt, $100. Mar.24,82(A) NEEDSt ar safety seat e 5. IJmbroiier wooden play 4. Mar.1 7,82(B) SUPPLIES 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 electrlc guitar with casa and cord. 1973 10'CRESTLINER, hall & dock only, deck needs repaira. AskIng $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complote whth power tilt, lever control & tilt switch. Askhng $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Separ seats $125; tachometer $25; spoadometer $15; starn llght $15; accessony terminai box $45; 18 gai. gas, tank with fuel gauge, tank vents & dock plate fittinga $110. Or will sali complets for $1,500. Gail 728-6700. Feb.17,82(S) Lîka new, $500. Phone 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R) HAMMONO ORGAN, Romance 123, double kayboard & many featuras. $1.695 or beat off ar. Cali after 4p.m.68.-5272. ý - Feb.17,82(L) HAMMONO ORGAN (Piper) wIth tape dock. Uke naw . Asking $950. (Beneh Inci.) Phono 668-7258. Fab.10,M2H) chair, recently upholi fabrlc, excellent ce, Gali 668-3883 afler 5: weokends. CHANDELIERS, ont smaii for sale. $1501 Phono 668-9947. 6ONTEMAPORARY Lt Skier, beige & brown fabric, cushlons raqui Excellent condition. 668.9805. istorod ln gold indllon. $95. :30 p.m. or on Apr.21 .82(M) se large, one or beat of for. Apr.7,82(B) OVESEAT by flowar nylon ire new foem. $150. Phono -Apr.7,82(D) GO-KART, good condition, ha Honda G200 engIn. (5 hp). Engîna rune excellant.-$35. Phonoe68 3931. Mar.31 .82(B) nowaELS ~~A.S~ ETI8EHTALS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE ln good condition. Aaklng $325. Phono 965-938. Mar.3,82(C) THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SO,ý ARTIcLES AUTOMOBILES ýFRSALE FOR SALE RA U T 10 OUSEi5i C ERETINA GOGOS VHCL* CHAIR - (Cnnnwell t le eHIIE vL ,DINING ROOM SET, French Pro- vIncia frultwood. Table with one leaf extendeto 60",,4 Bide-chaire. 2 plece china cabinet,*4,5" wide, 69"$ hIgh. Aillln excellentcondi- tion. Asking $825. Phone 668-4686. May 5,82(F) FOR SALE - One bult-In Kitchen- aId dIshwasher, $175. One stove, piug In, 2 burnera, with oven, Ideai for cottage, $80. Phone 568-9548 allter 5 p.m. Apr.28,82(K) 4 PIECE WALNIJT bedroom suite, triple dresser, $50. cail 723-5965. Apr.28,82(L) ENRLELECTRIC 7.5 cubic *foot refrigerator, very good condi- tion, $125. Generai Electrlc 30 In- ch self-cleaning rangé, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dlsh- washer, good condition, $150. Gail 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82(B) REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. cou 0of black plastic 1%" pipe, $20. White alum. door, R.H. hInge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, needs reflnishIng, $45. Phone 668- 7404. Mar.24,82T -WATER SED, 'soild Scotch pine, excellent condition, heater lnclud- sd. Asklng $1,050. Phone 668- 9016 anytime. Feb.17,82(M) MORCYCEW SAAIENETAS] 1974 75 cc VAMAHA. Good condi- lion. $M0. Phone 723-3290. Apr.7,82(K) 1974 YAMAHA HDC500. street bike. Mint condition. Loaded wlth extras. Only 10,000 miles. Asklng $M5. poil 655-3840. Apr.28,812(lt) TUAN YOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH.,,Vour advertisement ln the. Nhl 'tby Free Press Emporium Sec- lion wlI l almost snything for y'ou ... ekîdoos, boats, TV's, fumîl- tura,'pianos and pets ... thellat la endiess.' Caîl 6684111 now for 'urherdetlla 1 465 CU. INCH motor &1 weiI, stilI ln car, asking GM raity whaols, fus fiu Olds, etc., $150. Canbt '76 Ouater, 20,000 n Phone 668-63. 1 1 1 ý shovels, lawn chairs, paint, quantity cf tools,' extension cords, wheel barrow, Lawnboy 19" lawn mower, chiids bed- room suite consistlng of white dresser, Hollywood mirror, bock shelf, nlght table, head boards, school desk, 19" spartan celer ýT.V., buffalo, robe, Quebec heater, '4x6 fit. foam sheets, antique gaîv. wash tub & plunger, car tires, gaîv. bolier, wicker basket, antique arm chair, pine hutch, trunks, lampe, oval- drop leaf tablé, crown.sealers, antique umbrellas, pots & pans, typewriter, pine book sheif and much more toc numerous to mention. -An excellent sale. Owner mcving to the west. No reserve. Lunçh available. Sale out- side weather permitting. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS 985-2459 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 8 - 11 A.M. 741 Meadowvale Road West Hill For Mr. Roy Chapman who has lived ln this home for 60 years. Large sale cf antique & primi- tive furnishings, glass- ware, china, Ford tracter, plough, disc, old sleigh, plus hundreds of coliect- able Items. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 726-4455 WHITBY FREE PRESS 1668-6111