WITBY FREE PRE SS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1982,,PAGE 21 ..CDL 3UEIJl 1J Emporium d wiII ,only be accepted subjeci to the following conditions. COMETOTHE- P4 McLAUGHLIN SQUARE FLEA MARKET We soul foods, antique furniture, wicker, silk -f lfowers,. f udge, handlcrafts, childrens clothing, Smiscellaneous and much more. OP EN SATU RDAYS 9:30 TO 4:30 VnosSUNDAYS lOTO5 Vnoswantled. $15 per booth per weekend. lnquiiles'phone: p 43-1395 or Torontd 488-5343 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1976 VW RABBIT for sale. Auto- matic, *good condition. Asklng $2,500. Phono 688-0188. 1975 FIREBIRD'FORMULA, power steering, power brakes, power windows, many nowparts..Recent, paint &'body. 6,000 miles. imma-, culato. $'4,100 certif led.,Phono' 571-1704. 1972 BUICK LE SABRE, power brakos, power steorlng, ln good condition. Asking $800 or beat of- rfor. Phono 688-0934. PROPS and akega robulît. Expert b>oat repaira. Olacount fibergiasa -repairs. Oshawa Glass Fîber, 341 Durham'Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. -ARTICLES TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makesasnd modeis, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts avaliabie. Dickson Printing & of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machins ropairé 883-1968. 03E : FREE: Drop lnt the Dickson -Printing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free co py of thoir 1982 Mtric Caien- dar.' Prlntod un' two coiours, l makos for handy reference. 683- 1988. AU3TINS WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED. Estates, household items, furni- tUre, glass, tools &'equip- ment. The place to-buy or seil. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 15- 11 A.M. Estate of 'the* late Mrs. J. MoCiellanci of 504'Centre Street South, Whitby, to take place on this loca- tion. House & contents. Dinlngroom suite, 2 smail chests, 3-pc. llvingroom suite, hait moon tables, standing 'lamps, book shelves, cedar chest, radio & record player, neediepoint -stools, Pic- tures, books, linens, Oak iibrary. table, drop-front desk, oak'stacklng book case, glass, china, an- tique dlock, trunks, bed- room furniture, walnut tables, walnut highboy, crocks, washer & dryer, 24" range, boxes of books, linens, beddlng, pictures, fridge. Many, many items to choose from. A fantastic bunga- low with a possible 2 ex- tra lots to bulid on. A real good sale - be t here 1 BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.> @3CONS AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 13ý AT 6:30 P.M. Brooklin Community Hall For a prîvate estate from Ajax. Furnîture, glass- ware, china, goid & dia- mond jewelry, paintings, coins, stamps, Doultons & coliector. plates. Another superb auction at this hall. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 W UTIOEER JACKSON- AUCTION EERS <Esîtos - Ferme Household - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 VACATIONI %: RENTALS S Clearwater - Tako the famiiy, Ithroe bedroom, two bathroomî jcountry club homes, Ppoots,' tenns, los tomajor attrac- 683-5503 PRîVATE - Muet Seul - Otter Creek, Whjtby. $89,500. Dtached hous, four bodrooma, double gar- age, ivingroom, dlningroom, famliy room. Cai86-1883.7 ACCOMDATION WAWA~1DNTED HOUSE or apartment, two pets, immodiatety. Cati Dwayne or Donna 683-5358. JULY 1ST - 4 bedroom house ln Whltby ares. Responsiblo fsmlly with referencos. Telophone 431- 2643 or 828-9466. PLEASE READ When the advertised Item la sold, diaposed of, or unavaliable for whatever reason, the Item wiiI be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated beiow, regardiess If price la stated with "lbeat offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad %wIII be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiII appiy payable ln bdvance of publication of the firat ad. Otharwlse a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bilied which muat be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum chargea wiii be appiied 10 the final commission due but In any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-paid, $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait advertiaements muai be piaced on an ex- ciuslve bass with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not soid. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertised pre up to $400.00 - 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minimum charge la 86.00) Private advertising onlyl Piease notIfy the Whitby Freea'Press immediateiy when Item la soid 50 that we may daiete It from the foiiowlng Issue. Ait ada not fitting the Emporium guidetinea wiii be treated and charged per week aa reguier ciassIfied ada on a pre-paid basia such as: services, help wanted, ciothîng, real estate, and parsonai message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Privaté ciasaifiled ads may appear ln the Emporium aection under appropriaie headinga. ALL ADS WîLLGO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: In doubt cati: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 868-61 il 131 Brook St. N. SPO. Box 206 WhItby, Ont. Whltby, LIN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE - FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE, CEDAR 4 x 4%s 8 feet long. 70 et $5 each. Phono 655-4200. May 12,82(T) FILTER OUEEN vacuum cieaner, Ilke new, $450 or beat 0f fer. Cati 576-2844 allerS p.m. Feb.24,82(M) FOR' SALE - Ice cream cooier. Aski ng $250. Phone 855-3814. Mar.3,82(V) FOR SALE - Refrigerator, froat free, and'30' stove. In excellent condition. $525 for paiç or will sali aeparateiy. Phone 623-1534., Feb.24,82<S) iNIK DUPLICATING MACHINE - automnatic with stand. $240 or neareat offer. Phono 668-1718 or 668-9691. Mar.1 7,82fW) LARGE NAVY metal trunk, used once. Asking $100. Phone 725- 3118 after 8 p.m. Feb.1 7,82(0) NO TIME to hoId a garage sasie? Seit unwanted articles easiiy in the Free Press Emporium section. CaiI688-61 il b place your ad. RCA 20"1 COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardly used. With acu- tint color control. Asking $325. Phone 66-5180. Ar1,2H REFRIGERATOR, white, nol froat free, $75. Ca1t1576-7987. Mar.3,82(V) SEWING MACHINE un console, stool lnciuded. Cost $600 - sti for $150 al Inclusive. Phono 668- 4840. Mar.17,821M) THE WORLD IS YO URS.. IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you maya the Weîcome Wagon Iron tes la the rlght person Io help you tlnd a place In your new com- munity. Cal606-1523 or 579-7521 ARTICLES FOR SALE SINGER STYLIS H 514 wilh cabinet. Excellent condition. Buil ,in button hoier. varied stitches, Compielo iune-up 1 year ago. An excellent purchase ait $200. Caeil 686-0579 aller 6 p.m. Mar.24.82(W) SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hitch head $50. Hand tools $10. Girls bike $30. Ail In excellent condition. Cali 883-6638. Apr.21 ,82(Si STEREO, Maraniz 5R2000, AMIFM aterso receiver with bulIt In tuner. Technics turntabie with lnfinity 0E speakers. Asking $700 or besi otter. Phone 6887336. Mar.17,82(S) AUUOMIES 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition-' 1ing, power steeri ng, power brakes, à tereo, tilt wheel, 95,950 km. $5,500 certif led. Phone 8-81275 aflter 6 p.m. Apr.28,82(M) 1978 PLYMOUTH, power steering, power brakos, auto., 64,000 miles. $950 as la. Calil688-0786 atter 4 p.m. Apr.21 .82(A) 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air conditioning. $800 or'best offer. Phone 571-0863. May I12,82(V) 1975 DUSTER, Speciai Coupe, new' 318, overhauied' 727 transmission with modified valve body, new Torque convertor, new "U"~ joints, new( brakos, new allernator, new rad, new rad hoses, new fan boita, chrome rocker covera, block heat-, ors, sport mirrors, ight package, power steoring, power disc brakes, tinted glass, teathor Inter- lor with console, rear dot rostor, Motorola AMIFM cassette, Cragar O.T. goid mage with Firostono SS60 series radiais. Body good, frame excellent. Asklng $3,800 or beat offer. cali 655-3266. Mar.24,82(A) 1974 SATELLITE, power steering, power brakes, radio, new muffier. Neods body work. Uncertifiod. $150. Phone 668-8455. Mar.3,82(T) 1974 VEGA, automatic., $250 -or best off or. As is. Phono 66883209. May 5.82(S) 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, herdtop, 350, V8, automatic trans- mission, power steoring, AM/FM 8-track stereo, ait now tires, shocks, rear apringa and radiator. Car la in.excellent original condi- tion. $1,500 certifled. Phono 668- 7167. May 12,82(F) 1970 MONTE CARLO 350, 4 barrot. Asklng $1.500 or beat offer or wuli trade. Phono 688-5589. Mar.31 .82(S) I I I AUTOBOBIES FORS S.EALE 1972 METEOR FORD car, two door. Aaking $200 for the car but without Michelin tires. Soid as la. Michelin tires soid separateiy. Two summer - 1,000 miles on 15" rima. 801h for $260. For more In- formation calil688-6059. Mar.10,82(M) AUVOMTIVE U~EAREARîPARTS FIVE Dodge custom raily wheeis wlth Goodyear polygasas ralaed white lettering tiras, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. REALISTIC Nivaho CB Radio, TRC48, 23 channel, upper and lower aide band. Waa $499. With p5-re-amp table, miko and 518 wave antenna, $250 takes ail. Phono 688-1195. Mar.10,82(G) 455 CU. INCH motor & rans., runa weilist1ll ln car, asking $225. Four GM raiiy wheets, fils full aize, GM, Olda, etc., $150., Carburetor from '76 Duater, 20,000 miles, $20. Phone 688-5638. May 5,82(M) NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereo/radio for sate model Chryster product $125. Two new Uniroyal M.S. radiai tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cubic Inch Dodge 4-barrel motor, com- plote, 57,000 miles, $400. Fo&r Dodge Raiiy wheeis, complote,' 14" by 8", $150. One 87189 Cuda doorakin, new, $45. Two new rear 10" brake drums for Dodge/Pty- mouth "A" body cars $50. On. new Edelbrock SP2P aiuminum ln- take manifold with Installation package for amailiblock 'Chevy. $225. Four OmnilHo rlzon 13" stock Rally wheeis $80. Four Mit- subishi 14" Raily wheeis, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cali l655-3266. Mar.24,82(A) BAB, NEDS FORD TOT-GUARD car safoty seat $25. High chair $15. Umbrolier strolior $15. Foiding wooden play pen $20. Cali 655-4164. Mar.1 7,8218) GENDRON CARRIAGE, convorta to travel bed or stroller. Good condition. Asking $40. Phone 655- 3006. May 5,82(S) 1973 18' CRESTLINER, hall & deck oniy, dock neoda repaira. Asking $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNiSON MOTOR, complote wlth power. tilt, lever control & tilt switch. Asking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sieeper soats $125; t.achometer $25; speedometer $15; stern lght $15: adressury ter minai box $45; 18 gai. gas tank with fuel geuge, tank vents & deck plats fittings $110. Or wlll salit complote for $1.500. Cali 726-6700. Feb. 17,82(S) AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUEb FROM PAGE 20 -f ARTICLES FOR SALE] ART ICLES la ~FOR SALE11 CHAIR, - Cogsweii style easy. chair, recentiy uphoisiered ln goid fabric, excellent condition. $95. Cati 668-'3683 after 5:30 p.m. or on weekenda. Apr.21 .82(M) ÇHANDELIERS, one large, one amaii for salie.- $150 or beat offer. Phono 889947. Apr.7,82(B) CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skiar, beige & brown fiower nylon fabric, cushiona require new foam. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 868-9805. Apr.7,82(D) FOR SALE - One bulIt-in Kitchen- aid dishwaaher, $175. One stove, piug ln, 2 burnera, with oven, ideai ,/ for cottage, $80. Phone 688-9548 aller 5 p.m. Apr.28,82(K> 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, triple dresser, $500. Cali 723-5965. Apr.28,82(L> GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrigerator,ý very good condi- tion, $125. Generai Eiectric 30 In. ch seif-cieaning range, excetlent condition, $175. Admirai dish- washer, good condition. $150. Cali 655-4164. Mar. 17,82(B) REDECORATING- MUST SEtLtI 100 ft. colt 0f black plastic. l1/2 pipe, $20. White aium.' door, R'.H. hinge, 34 x 82, $25.. Wall unit, neoda rôfl ,niahlng, $45. Phono 688 7404.. Mar.24,82(T) WATER BED, solid ' Sc otch pine, excellent condition, heator inciud- ed. Aaklng $1,050. Phone 8.8 9016 anytime. Fsb. 1 7,82(MI) START YOUR SPRING CLEANING now and beat the rush. Then ad- vertise your gooda for sale ln the" Free Press Emporium.. Get Imme- dIate resuits. Phone 888-8111. 1974 75 c VAMAHA. Good condi- tion. $300. Phone 723-3290. Apr.7,82(K) 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. Mint condition. Loaded with extras. Oniy .10,000 mules. Aaking $950. Cal 655-3840. Apr.28,82(H> 1972 HONDA, 350, twIn, ln exceli- ent condition. Aaking $800. Phone 661677. May 5,82(W) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS1 1981 SONEX D eluxq C.baon 180 eiectric guitar with case and cord. Like new, $500. Phone 655-3008. Mar.-3,82(R) HAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboard & many features. $1,695 or beat 0f fer. Cali atter 4 p.rn. 6885272. Feb. 1 7,82(L) I WE CAN H ELP YOU IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU MAY REALIZE. " HAVîNG PROBLEMS GETTINO YOUR BUSINESS STARTED OR KEEPING YOUR BUSINESS GOING? The Whitby Free Press la read by more than 22000 of your potential customners every week - and our circulation ares includes Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin ... ail the way up 10 Port Perry. " CAN'T DECIDE HOW TO WORD YOUR AD OR JUST WHAT INFORMATION YOU Si-OULD INCLUDE? Talik to one of our prof esional advertising consultants. They're here toheip you. " YOU'RE NOT ARTISTICALLY INCLINED AND DON'T HAVE THE EXPERTISE TO PUT AN EVE. CATCHINO AD TOGETHER? No problem. Our paste-up department consista of experlenced peopie who wiii design a tastefui, effective ad geared specificaiiy towards your service and the message you want to put acros.0Of course, the Whitby Free Press has the lateat equipment, which enabies us to meet your apecifloc requirements. " BUT YOU DON'T HAVE A LOT 0F MONEY TO SPEND? We offer ail these services and yet our fees are very reasonabie. Cali now - we're sure we can help you plan an effective advertising campaign without going over your budget. Sound too good to be true? Cati the Whitby Free Press now and get ail the particulars. 668-61111