Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1982, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Goddo, éonconcert'Fri.day at, froquoi s, Park On Friday, May 14 at S 8:30 p.m., Q107 FM willl be presenting "lGoddo"' in concert at the Iro- quois Park Arena. in Whitby. 1800 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY $65,900 FULL ASKING PRICE- For this .beauti- fully kept backsplit, finlshed rec room. Lot 7'5 x 200 with above ground pool and double paved 'drive. 101/ % mtge. Cali Osaise 723-5040. LOT 0F HARDWOOD - With cabin on Pond on 26 acres. Vendor will, hold open mtge. Only $19,900. Cali Jlm. RETIREMENT HOME - With bungalow on 1½ acre. Close ta Stoco Lake. Asking $26,500. 'Cali JIm. 100-ACRE FARM - 3 bedroom house with Fire- place. Large barn. 7%.f irst mtge. Asking $69,500. Cali jlm. GOHEEN REALTY LIMITED REALTOR 576-8281. Wlth the release of .Pretty Bad Boys, their second Attic L.P., God-! do returned to action with their first studio al- bum in almoat three years. This album marks a definite ýprogression in the Goddo sound and style from the first Attic L.P. -Goddo 'Lighve. Some 0f Greg Godovitz best material to date which shows off 'a neW maturity and craft in his songwriting can be PRIVATE Whitby, modern detached 4 bedroomn home wIth *large lot and walk-out basemont. Ad- jacent to0 ravine and creek. Mortgage at 111/4 % liii 1984. vendor finencIng aveliabie et 111/4 %. Calil 6M8799. heard on Pretty Bad Boys. ItIs highlighted by "If Tomorrowi Neyer Comes", and "Shooting, Stars", the classlc., Who is Goddo? Greg Godovitz on bass, vocals and' sQngwriter who spent five years with Fludd and, is the name- sake >of Goddo; Gino Scarpelli, gultarist and recruit from Brutus; Doug Inglis, drummer who served. time with Powerhouse before join- ing Goddo. This is God- do - just pure rock. Also playing is Anvil. Anvil have been together for the last three years and were previously known as Lips. Anvil's sound is some 0f the hardest rock yoü'll ever hear and has Report. from Q ueen' SPrk w. By The Hon. George Ashe. M PP (Pc -Durham West). Ontario Minister of Revenue been produced on their debut Attlc h.P. "lard N' Heavy"., Anvil is:ý Lips, lead vocalist/ guitarist; )Dave Allison, rhythm guitarist; Robb Reiner, drummer; and, Ian Dickson, bassis.t.- Tickets are available for the Goddo concert at the Iroquois Park Arena office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. ,to 5 p.m. - Cost $6.50 plus hand- ling for advance and $7.75 the day of.the con- cert. -EUCHRE A euchre night is held 'every Friday at 8 p.m.' at the I.OOF. and Rebekah Hall, 211 Brock Street South, Whitby. AUl are welcome to at- tend. STAMP MEETING The Ajax Philatelic Society, Chapter 163 of the Royal Philatelic Society 0f Canada, meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month on the library of the Harwood Secondary School, Falby Court, Ajax.' Meetings are held* from the fourth Thur- sday in September to the second Thursday in June. Meetings begin at 8 p.m. PEACE OFFICERS Calvary Baptist Church, Ce ntre Street South, Oshawa will hold its annual Peace Officer Appreciation Day . on Mayl16. Representativ'es (in uniform) from 14 police forces are expected to attend. For more information caîl 579-2183. WEA VERS The Shuttlebug Weavers' Guild of Pick- ering will hold ts spring show and sale on May 13 from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Greenwood Community Centre, Greenwood. Suicide Prevention Week will run from May 16 to 22 this year. In recognition of this spectal week, the Dis- tress Centre 0f Durham Region is holding a public education might in the auditorium of the Oshawa Public Library at 65 Bagot Street, Wed- nesday, May 19, begin- ning at 8 p.m. 1 Thdre will be no ad- mission charged and everyone is welcome.,< Karen Letofsky wil be the guest speaker for the evening. Letofsky is the director 0f the Sur- vivor Support Program in Toronto and she will speak about this special suicide support centre. Letofsky has a M.A. in Sociology from the -Uni- versity of Toronto and worked for four years at the Clarke Institute 0f Psychiatry in its be- reavement progran., She has been at the Survivor Support Pro- gram since it began in 1979 as a pilot project under the joint sponsor- ship of the Toronto Dis- tress Centre and the Clarke Institute. ~~_11/ THE CORPORATION OF ~ THE TOWN OF WH ITBY C:3i' IN THE MATTER 0FTHE ONTARIO H ERITAGE ACT, R.S.0.,- 1980, ....... CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS' AND PREMISES AT THE FOLIO WING MUNICIPALADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO. NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the TOWN 0f WHITBY has passed By-law 1360- 82 to designate the following property as being of architectural and/or historical value or interest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337:, (a)- Ringwood Sre 1601 HopkinsSre Whitby, Ontario The composite style of Rlngwood 'refleots trends in Canadian Architecture 0f -the l9th Century resultlng In a fine blend of Regency, Italanate and Second Empire stylings. The house also dlsplays woodwork which'reflects local stylings of that era. (b) Ringwood was bulît by Barnabas Gibson, a prominent railroad contractor. Gibson -built the Port Whitby - Llndsay line, the third Union Station In Toronto, as well as miles 0f railway track throughout Ontario and Quebec. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY THIS 5th DAY 0F MAY, 1982. Donald G. MacKay, BA., A'.C.T. Town Clerk The Corporation 0f the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 "WE'ED CONTROL" Give yourself a Break with CALTHE DANDI-LINE 666-3187 Whitby. When you cali The Weed Man to rid yotur lawn of ugly weeds, and to provide a well-balanced food supply to the grass, you can be certain that you have obtained the services of an expert. The Weed Man owns and. operates his own busi- ness. He has received special training ln Weed Control and lawn care & he utilizes the most suit-, able and saf est fertilizers. Send this coupon> te THE WEED MAN today! Check (.-) the services you require and compiete the address por- tion of this card. Mail to: 4008 Dundas W., Whitby LiN 2M7. 1) INITIAL LAWN CARE ANALYSIS (no cost)- 2) FULL LAWN PROGRAM (Nos. 3-6) OR 3) WEED SPRAY - sprIng and ful 4) FERTILIZER APPLICATION-- sprlng- S) FERTILIZER APPLICATION - summer- 8) FERTILIZER APPLICATION - full 7) OTHER - specify PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS Name Address City _______________Province_______ Postai Code Phone_______ There is flot a parent alive who would risk letting their small child play on 'the open roof of a two storey house. But are you aware that 65 per cent of the children unde r age five,. travelling in motor vehicles in Ontario were exposed to possible injury or death as -a resuit of. impact -'an impact at least equal to that of falling off a ýtwo-storey house? One year ago, a roadside survey, conducted by the Min istry of Transportation and Communica- tions revealed that a majority of children under the age of, five years travelling in a motor vehicle were not adequately secured - even though the majority of the drivers assumed that these chlldren were already covered under the provinces seat belt law.i It is a frightening thought which is further empha- sized by the most recent Ontario Motor Vehicle Ac- cident Facts indicating that in 1980, 18 children un- der the age of five were killed and 1,697 were injured as a result of motor vehicle accidents. In response to this data, the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications has recently pro- posed amendments to'the Highway Traffi.c Act which provides for the mandatory use of automobile restraint devices for children five years of age and under. Children in this ýage group weighing less than 23 kilos (50 pounds) are exempt under Ontario's existing seat belt legislation due primarily' to'the lack of adequate federal standards governing finfant carriers and child safety seats. The proposed provincial. regulations will require that children weighing less than 9 kilos (20 pounds) be properly buckled in portable, rear-facing infant carriers while children between 9 anld 18 kilos (20-40 pounds) wiIl be properly buckled in child seats while travelling in a vehicle regularly used. by a parent or légal guardian. Children weighing 18 kilos (40 pounds) or More will be required to wear lap belts in aIl motor vehicles. The Ontario Government has -also launched the Child Safety Restraint Program to, promote the safety of children as autom-obile passengers. The' message."Life Is Precious - Bucekle Us In" encour'- ages the use of vehicle occupant restraints as a life- long and life-saving habit.11>1 In addition to providing information through the_ Child Safety . Restraint Program, the* Inter- ministerial Seat BeIt Committee (representing the concerns 0f. the ministries 0f health, education, transportation and communications, the solicitor- general and .the'attorney gcneral) is endorsing a "l'oaner program" for infant, carriers and child safety 'seats. "This program will be conductedin conjunction with community organizations. Seat belt legislation has long been a concern of the Ontario Government and the success of this pro- posed amendmnent to the Highway Traffic Act'will be -me asured by the next generation of motorists. who automatically "buckle up" and reduce traffic fatality statistics. Suiecide prevention

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