Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1982, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26,1982, PAGE 7 Brnkl in Byines ByROXANNE REVELER Cl 655-4951 wlth items for this column. Hi there: Just beard the funniest true story from a friend of mine wbo lives in Sudbury. Gerry apparently decided to build a wooden garbage container tbat would hold b is cans and make them look a little neater while'sitting on the curb. Now it must be pointed out Ithat Gerry is a policeman and not a car- penter, aithougb be considered bis carpentry skills to be sufficient to enable hlm to build bis garbage carrier. A great deal of tirne and effort went into bis projeet and finally it wasfinished. Out to the curb went tbe container one Jnorning. You can imagine bis surprise when be returned home that.night to find the cans and no container. Neighbours indi- cated that the garbagemen had thrown it onto the truck witb the rest of the garbage. Gerry's only retort. "They sure know how to hurt a mnan's ego." DANCE THIS SATURDAY Last ch,. -Ç4ek to buy your tickets for -this year's BrooL. , 'qir Dance. The big day tbis year is SaturdbId 1 ;n the Brooklin Arena starting at 8:30 p.m.k* *ô 1e provided by B & H Sound. Tickets are Q.. 'son wbich in- cludes a lunch, prizes, and L,>. -, Pick up your tickets from Short's Pharn< ,wn or cal 655-3733 or 3245. TALENT SHOW Everyone tune Up your guitar, exercise your vocal chords, poiisb Up your dancing shoes, and dust off the piano. There will be a talent show in the arena commencing at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 6. Tbere wilI be a piano there for your use but you must bring your own accompanist. We bave a great deal of talent in the area and I'm sure many will want to perform.ý This is flot a con- test. For more information on this please cal Eileen Crawford at 655-4287. HELP NEEDED Heather Bray, in conjunction witfr the Brooklin Block. Parents, is in charge of the Loât and Found Booth, at the fair tbis year. This booth will need someone in attendance at aIl times and your heip is needed. Any block parent who is willing to iend a hand on either the Saturday or Sunday please cal Heatherat 655-3334, before May 28. YARD AND BAKE SALE The Brooklin and District Kinette Club will be holding a yard sale and bake table on May 29 (ramn date June 12) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 7 Cassels Road West, Brooklin. Proceeds will go to com- munity service. GET YOUR TWO CENTS IN At the risk of being repetitious, my pet peeve is duxnb T.V. commerciais. From speaking to many of y0u, I get the idea I am not alone. Now there is something we can ail do about it. The best, and really the only way to let advertis- BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY & DELICATESSAN 61 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEAT PIES55 EACH LEAN COOKED HAM3 35 0LB. Sbe aur unadvertised in-store specils. THE TOWN OF V% PROCLAMATION ers know what you do not approve of is to write to "The Advertising Council", 1 240 Bay Street, Suite 302, Toronto M5R 2L7. Commercials bave been pulled off the air in the past wben Ithey offended enough people. You might have noticed the one- time "«real remons"l commercial is no longer on ..... that's wby. There is even a special' numberyou can cali to complain about those specific feminine products that are advertised. It is 961-6321. Use it, they will listen and beed. LIBRARY NEWS Brookin Brancb Library announces a "Puppet Special" on Tbursday, May 27 from 3: 30 to 4:30 p.m. This program is quite remgrkable as the boys and girls have donated their time and effort to present this puppet special compietely created by tbem- selves. Scenes, puppets and scripts are a joint ef- fort by ail. Presenting five pla'yswill be Bobby Fraser, Bryce Johnson, Justine Maw, Elaine Kiveil, Sarah Chislett, Katy Reazin, Dana MacDonald, An- ju Mebta, Michael Hunter, Yvette Bazarin, Mîssy Blytb, Rachael and Tabby Wells, Deanne Reeks, and Michelle Montgomery.' You're in for'a treat; don't miss this special event. We would like to thank the Brooklin Horticultural Society for donating marigolds and assisting the children witb pianting them during the story hour on Saturday, May 22. A very large "'thank you"l from the childr'en and staff! Brooklin Branch Library request the pleasure of your company at an "Open House", as part of the Brooklin Spring Fair festivities during the week of May 31 to, June 4. -Open bouse is to be held during regular library hours 2 to 9 p.m. daily. SNURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION The Durham Region Family YMCA is now ac- cepting registrations for the 1982-1983 session of nursery scbooi. The classes wiil be heid at the Brooklin Community Ceniter on Tuesday and Thurs- day mornings from 9:30 to 11: 30 a.m. The cbildren participating must be between the ages of 21h and 5 years. They will enjoy a free play period, a time of, getting acquainted with new friends, crafts, paint- ing, circle ýand story time Mothers are asked to, heip once a montb. 7. For further information please cail 668-6868 or visit the "Y" office at 416 Centre Street Soutb. BURNS KIRK GUILD NEWS Burns Kirk Guild, Asbburn, invites ail ladies to, our montbiy meeting on Tuesdlay, June 1 at 8 p.m. at Burns Churcb. Barbara Wiiliamson of Asbburn wiil be telling about ber new business "Day Trips in Southern On- tario". Come and hear about a nice relaxing day trip by bus that you might like to, take. There wili, of course, be refresbments. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The junior choir bas ended a successful year of singing. The year was highlighted by a Christmas musical presentation of "Supergift from Heaven". Recently they attended the Sandra Beech concert at Eastdale Collegiate, Oshawa, and enjoyed singing along with Sandra and ber band. The members of the junior choir would like to say a special thank you to Brenda Wallace'for ber continued support over the years and wisb ber well in ber move to the senior choir. Tbe choir bas grown tremendously tbis year. Anyone interested in joining cali eaUl Connie Sweet at 655-4140. PIANO RECITAL On June 8 at 7:30 p.m. the students of Connie Sweet wiiI present a Spring Recital at Brooklin CONT'D ON PG. 18 Marigold flower The Whitby Chamber ber Office.. The eut-off of Commerce bas' an- date for entry forms to nounced that it wiil participate in the Mari- sponsor a "Marigold goid Contest wlil be July Flower Contest"' to hon- or the officiai flower of the Town of Whitby. The Marigold Garden Contest wiil be for al businesses and resi-,P U dences in the Town of f ts Whitby. The juding will take Citatioi place on August 16 adn 17, 1982 and will be divided into six categor- ies: residential; institu-v tional; commercial (smail); commercial (large); industrial (small); and, industrial (large). One winner will be chosen from each cate- w gory based on four W areas: design and iay- GOlou r out; generai health and, ou condition; quality of our maintenance; and, specificat ions. plant dispiay. Presentations, to wn 2 9 ners wiil be, at the Chamber of Commerce dinner on'September 8 1982 at Cullen Gardens. Trophies wiil be given to each winner of each category and a plaque l will be designed to beon buildin display possibly in the - Tourism Information e d - Centre. - L Entry forms are available from local __________ nurseries, Whitby Library and the Cham- WTC e xec The Whitby Theatre Company bas now elect- ed its 1982-83 executive. Some 60 members at-. tended the annuai meet- ing, electing Mike Roan- tree, president; Marion Dennis, vice-president; D'Arcy Smyth, execu-, tive producer; Carole MacNeil, treasurer; Carol Lang, secretary; Margery Bird, front 0f bouse; Doreen Astrop, publicity; Harold O'Brien, membership; Rick Kerr, social con- venor; and, Garvin Farr, youth co- ordinator. Gail Cheyne will take the position of past- president. contest 15, 1982. Cali the Cham- ber of Commerceý for furtber information at 68-M0. THE CORPORATION 0FI THETOWN OFWHITBYj NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE ls hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whftby intends to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sel! an unopened walkway in the Pringle Creek Phase I Subdivision descrlbed as foilows: That unopened walkway, as shown below, bounded on the east by Ander- son Street and on the west by Rlb- blesdale Drive and being more parti- cularly described as Block 'G', Registered Plan M-1 110. PWVGJi CREEX PARK W_ The Town of Whitby originally acquir- ed these walkWay lands ta provîde pedestrian access between the An- derson Street sidewalk system and the lands located at the southeast corner of Manning Road and Ribbles- dale Drive. However, recently approv- ed development proposais for proper- ties located north of the unopened walkway make provision for pedes- trian movement similar ta, that which was to be provided by the walkway. In view of this, the subject walkway lands are no longer required by the municipality. AND FURIHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of the Council of the Town of Whitby will, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 7th day of June, 1982, in Committee Roomn 2 of the Whitby Munici- pal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, On- tario, hear In person or by hîs counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his land will be pre- judicially affected by such a by-law and who ap- plies ta be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this l2th day of May, A.D., 1982. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T. Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Il N 2MV8 Phone: 668-5803 ION 0F /HITBY Brooklln Spring Fair Days TAKE NOTICE that June 3 to 6, 1982, is hereby proclaimed as "Brooklln Spring Fair Days" ln and- for the Town of Whitby. Citlzens of Whitby are asked to take part in the many events associated wlth the 1982 Brooklln Spring Fair. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, tthis 26th day of May, 1982. 7R.A. Attersley, Mayor, Town of Whltby *VKTrRIA AND GREY TRUSt? Sînce 1844 Men*c Cana&a Depos,, însuuancvConpoat.un Whiiby: 308 Dundas St. W.. 668-9324 - Toronto Line 683-7189 To be held ai Miracle Food.Mari Town Plaza, Whitby MMUR

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