WIITBY FREE PRESS,WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982, PAGE 9 Teens on Patrol will be out fighting vandalism in parks Vandalism is a grow- ing problem in the parks and recreation areas of Durham Region accord- ing to Debbie Blucher. Blucher is the project leader of Teens on Patrol, a program spon- sored jointly by the Durham Regional Po- lice Force and the Soli- citor General of Canada. The six patrollers in the T.O.P. program will be found this summer working in pairs in parks which are exper- iencing high rates of vandalism. Now in its fourth year, Blucher said that the program has proven successful in discour- aging incidents of park vandalism. "By speaking with people in and around the paiks, the patrollers hope to increase comm- unity awareness of van- dalism and to heighten the awareness of the citizens' role in promot- ing and . maintaining community facilities," she says. "Another goal of the program is to improve relationships and under- standing between com- munity youths and the Durham Regional Police Force." Prior to going into the parks, the patrollers go through a series of training seminars which include lectures in crime prevention, drug abuse and fire preven- tion. They are also re- quired to pass an emer- gency first aid course given by St. John's Am- bulance. "Statistics show that the percentage of park vandalism dropped in the parks which were patrolled since the program began four years ago," Blucher says. "Such incidents as broken equipment, loitering, motorbikes and drinking decreased in the parks with the presence of Teens on Patrol." She points out that a decrease in acts'of park misuse and vandalism saves taxpayers money. "Consequently, the parks are a safer and more pleasant place to be, " Blucher says. Patricia Nugent and Craig Anderson are seen practising mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as part of their first aid course before being sent out to patrol local parks as part of the Teens on Patrol program. The program, operated under the auspices of the Durham Regional Police Force, is designed to discourage vandalism at parks. -Free Press Staff Photo Whitby man.... Ken Ferguson top student at Durham OSHAWA - Kenneth Ferguson of Whitby is Durham College's top student for 1981-82. At the college's May 29 convocation, he gra- duated from the three- year mechanical tech- nology program and is this year's winner of both the Founding President Gala Medal and the Stewart R. Alger Scholarship worth $250. These awards are presented to the best overall Durham gra- duating student and Ferguson qualified with the highest academic standing. - Six of Durham's 45 graduating students on the Dean's List were from Whitby. Aside from Ferguson they are: Judith Taylor and Gaila Nicholls, graduat- ing from the business division; Loreanne Davey and Genevieve Parrott, graduating from the health sciences division; and, Martin Wind who graduated from the technology division. Whitby, Brookin and Ashburn also had their fair share of the 618 stu- dents who received diplomas from the col- lege. Ashburn graduates are: Maureen Ankert and Kathy Wade. Graduating Brooklin students are: Robert Baker, William Brough- ton, Diana Johansen, Kimberley Johnson, Judith Lahe, Terri Pearson, Christine Pino and Leanna Schell. Also graduating from Whitby (aside from those previously men- tioned) are: John Bakker, Isabell Brufat- to, Angie Calabrese, Janet Callister, Allison Craig, Inga Elaine Dean, Patricia DeMille, Cornelius Derks, Shari- lynn Donohue. Maureen Farrow,. Douglas Finkle, David Fleming, Cindy Gillard, Rick Graziotto, Cathy Hamers, Brian Hatter, Shelly Jonas, Jo-Ann Jordan, Lisa Kirkton, Dianne Koroscik; Karen Lee, Keith Lightizer, Gloria Lopez, Jeff MacRae, Robert Martin, Patrice Mc- Pherson, Cathy Mollon, Paulette Noble, Rosa Pelegrino, Susan Ques- nel, Kevin Shannon; Loretta Sheppard, Peggy Sillen, Janet Tukker, Frances Van Hoof, Mary Van Hoof, Marlene Vanderwall, Margaret Waddell, Rosita Wiggers and Patricia Wood. On behalf of its read- ers, the Whitby Free Press would like to take this opportunity to con- gratulate all of these Durham College gra- duates on their fine achievements. THE DRAPE RY 01 S-HOPPE CANADNS BEST DRESSED WINDOWS