Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982, WHITBY FREE-PRESS l :CALL à PIOFESSIONAL I JOPHN FORSYTH CONTRACTING Custom Renovatons & Additions Rec Rooma e Deoks Saunas & Hot Tubs Skyllghts Guaranteed Workmanshîp1 668-4045 atter 7:00 p.m. IGHEST PRUCES Pald for Gold and Silver jewelery,,dishes, furni- tre,,crocks, 011 paint- lngs and sealers. rLIVE MUSIC IS BEST. 09COMTINENTALSe" Music for weddings, dances, banquets, anniversaries, etc. We play requests. Phone - L668-3741 CARPENTRY' HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 X*ihn Commi ITI~MO i. FRIENDLY ng, Drywalî, Rec. FLEA'MARKET Rooms, Cedar Decks 725-9783 and Patio Doors. - FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., L OSHAWA CAL 668-4686, THE HOUSE 0F MAIDS eEfficient *Reliabie Expert Cleaning 668.6159 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D Licensel PA Cal RTICIPATION 416-363-8031 t" Res@tiÀ 18cu Tn Frea 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses QTWNAJA *"GRAMMAR for people who hale grammar', là the ideai pooket reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 por copy and available at Dickson Printing & Office Sup- plies ln the Ajax Plaza. Deal en- quiries invted 68-1968. __I The.pain !& papipople sTafewayPlaza Mdtown Mal 11SSi mcoe N. 200 John St.I shawa 156-97 5E -43 CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriage. Ploaso view our samples of engraved wedding Invitations at your leisure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Off ice Supplies 683-1968. HELP IS ON THE WAY for firms whose printor has rocently gone out of business. Lou Dickson has the cost cutting Ideas you neod aI a time like this 683-1968. GARAG SALES YARD SALE - Sat. & Sun., June 12 & 13 from 10 a.m. 609 Perry St., Whitby. Many housohold Items. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 12, 9 am. 68 and 70 Teresa Drive (Colege Downs). Moped, pool table, 2 captaîn beds, crib, dIshes, shutters, car jacks, toasters and more. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Juno 12 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5 Carter Crescent, Whitby. lncludlng hockey equîpment and bicycle. Rain date Sunday, June 13. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Juno. 12, corner of Reynolds Road and Teresa Drive. Three family -. Engllsh pramn, rockîng chairs, maple chopplng bock, tub chair, solid wood caf fee & end tables, tamps, adds and ends. MULTI GARAGE SALE - Michael Boulevard townhouse. Saturday, Juno 12 and Sunday, June 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.M. ,ARICLES" IIRSALE] 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed .5 coîors $1 7950 -4 styles lnstallod & Guaranteed. Also eco- nomîcal and enorgy efficient storm and replacement thermal wIndows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durhîam Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 ARTICLES FIRSALE DEKOKER, MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF & HIND QUARTERS 725-4245 14(705>-277-2324 We Accopt VISA We must reduce our stock. 50-80% OFF Alour samp ,les/overruns, seconds and regular solid pine, oak, maple and birch furnishings, houseware, giftware and kitchen accessories. 767 iMcKAY ROAD, PICKERING 683-2911 Sale starts f rom our!1 Open House 1 JUNE 11 -1 P.M. TO JUNEI19 Thursday, Friday to 8 p.m. Other days 9 arn. to 5 p.m. Brook Road South (Hydro, Plant) to Montgomery Park Road, lefi to McKay Road FOR SALE: One C.B. Hy-Gain "Penetrator" base antenna, 58 wave, good condition, $65. One 1/4 wave C.B. base antenne, good condition, $45. 50 feet of base station coax. cable with plugs, $20. One men's brown leather dress jacket, size med., bomber style, excellent condition, Ilke brand new, zipout lining, $75. One men's velour suit Jacket, brand new, almosi neyer used, size 38R, maroon in colour, $75. Cal683- 4277 Ajax.- POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, accessories and table, tennis top- per, $200. Phono 668-8116 aller 5 p.m. RADIOS - One six channel and one f Ive ohannel radio and equlp- ment. Phono 655-368. HARDTOP TENT TRAILER, sleeps 6, A-1 condition. $2900 wlth many extras or $2600 wthout . -Cali for dotails 286-2304. BED-cHESTERFIELD, chrome and glass coffee table. 60th In ex- collent condition. Cal 668-3995. VISIT our usod furnilure ware- house by appoîniment. Big savings on desks, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies f0 arrange an appoiniment to vlow. 683-1968. WANNAMAKER AUCTI ON SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) YARD SALE - Fans, air condition- ors, exercycle, books, many other articles. On chalk Lake Road, haîf mile east of Durham 23. Saturday, June 12. Raln date, Saturday, June 19. 7.PIEcE solid pine bedroom suite f rom Poneer Interiors. Perfect condition. Oueen size, llght stain. Asking $3000. Phono 723-5749. FOR SALE THE ALTERNATIVE Mark Connors Says for the best deal on anew or used car see the original "no f rilîs dealer" at HOPKINS AUTO SALES 146 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-6889- or L668-41 11 CLASSIFIED'ADS CONTINUE ON PAGES 17 AND 18 0F TH'ISEDITION. WANTED] ENUMERATORS REOUIRED for local dlrectory. Muet bo able f0 work 30 hours per week for appro- xlmately 4 weeks. Some evenlng work necessary. Reply ln wrltlng to: Enumerator, Box 206, Whltby Free Pres HELP WANTED Part-tlme or FuiIl-tlme Apply in person to: 122 Athol Street Whitby SERVICES WILL BABYSIT ln your home, Monday to Frlday, starlng June 20 for the summer. Phone 655-3858. DOMSC I HLP AVIABLE MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, lîve-In girls f rom Ouebec, help with chlldren and housework, success or refund guaranteed. caîl 282-2478. Handy Lady CH RISTIAN Scrub floors, gardening, sewing, et cetera. $4.0l/hour Reply to Box 206, Whitby Free Press AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1976 CHEV MONTE cARLO, 350, automatlc, power steerlng, POwer brakes. $1,995 certlfled. Li1cence No. KPO 064. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brook Street North, Whltby, 868-6889 and 868-4111. 1975 DODGE CRESTWOOD WAGON, amail 8 cylînder, auto- matlc, power -steerlng, power brakea. Excellent for famlly travel. $1,695 certIf led. Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopklni Auto Sales, 146 Brook Street North, Whltby, 688- 6W9and 668.4111. 1974 FORD GRAN TORINO. very rellable, oIson, power stoerlng, power brakes, hlgh mleage. $1,100 certIf led. $900 as la. Phone 686-1028. 1973 FORD MUSTANG, very littie work needed, $1200 as le, $1400 certlfied. B' wlde x 12' long truck platform wth racks $400. 1966 Dodge for Parts only. Phono 985- 7894. ATTENTION DISPLAY &,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertIsement for errors on the f Irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be lable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîassify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day bef ore they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biled; 12c each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words lie each. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caîling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12ç each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32o per Uine. (no word ads aîîowed.> BOX NUM BERS: Box numbers are available at an additionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make every en- HELP WANTED I Maintenance Mechanic: $1 0.13 - $1 0.39 per hour The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric' Hospital, seýks an Individual to perform carpentry work, interior'painting and repairs; install win- dows. Location: Whitby. Qualifications: Proven carpentry and painting ex- perience; appropriate certification in one of the skilled trades; good working kriowledge of hand and power tools; good interpersonal skills and physical condition. Please submnit application quoting file HL-25-19182 by June 23, 1982, to: Regional Personnel Admin- istrator, Human Resources Branch, Ministry of Health, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S9. Equal ity of Opportun Ity for Employment Ontario SPublic Service OPEN Registered nurse required by the Ministry of com- munity and Social Services, Durham Centre for the Developmentalîy Handicapped, to provide pro- fessional nursing service to residents by: promnot- ing maintenance of health of residents by heaîth teaching and by primary prevention measures; supervising on-unit medical treatment of resi- dents; administering emergency procedures. Working with the centre's medical staff, typical duties include: arranging and monitoring Immun!. zation programs; participating in case confer- ences;,instructing unit staff counsellors in routine, nursing tasks. Incumbent is responsible for primary nursing care of a designated group of resi- dents. LOCATION:- Whitby QUALIFICATIONS: Regilstered nurse with valid Ontario certif icate of compet.ence; nursing degree or diploma with demonstrated leadership abIlity and experience in lnterdisciplinary setting. Submit application by June 11, 1982 quoting File No. EMRIDRC-5182 directly to Area Personnel Ad- ministrator, Durham Centre for the Develop- mentalîy Handicapped, P.O. Box 613, Whitby, On- tario, Li N 5S9. EQUALITY 0F MENT. OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOY- Communityen Social Services. M I deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liablilty, regarding Ioss or damage aîleged to arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We W'111 not be responsible for box number replies not calîed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to ln- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL - 668-6111 -r- ' t' - L RESPONSIBLE PERSON REQUIRED Start work immedlately! This position consists of a variety of duties including delivering newspapers to carriers, etc. Appli- cants must be bondable and have a good driving record. Ab ility. to work weII with childiren essential. Apply in person to: WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brook Street North, Whitby

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