Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 982, PAGE 17 CALL-668*61 Il Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted àsubject to the f ollowing conditions. PLEASE READ s AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 AUTMOBLESANTDT CCOMDATI FOR SLE ~~ NT WNTED 1974 OLDS CUTLASS, power steering, power brakea, fuiiy re- condItIoned and raady f0 go. $1,495. Licence OTN 586. H-opkins Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street Nor- th, Whitby, 668-6689 and 668-4111. VUTOGTIV1 U~EARPASIR/PARTS "SPECJALIZING IN" SAFETY INSPECTIONS " COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR " SERVICE TO ALL MAKES CLASS "A" MECI-ANICS 40 YRS EXPERIENCE ALL WORK GUARANTEED 666-1021 107 WARREN <AT HOPKINS) HOPKINS AUTO SALES & SERVICE MARINE SUPPLIES PROPS and skegs rebulit. Expert boat repaire. Discount fibergiasa repaira. Oshawa Glass Fiber, 341 Duriw-m Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. MORCYCLE'1 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. 1975 Vamaha 400 Enduro. Priced ta saili Phone 668-42oafter 6p.m. 1c PETS I& SUPPLIES Basic Obedionco Classes. 10 week, Open Air Course commencing June 15. 655-4871 TRICiIVIA1 974 FORD STEP-SIDE %i TON, 8. yinder, standard shift, looks and 'ns weii. Stock No. 2-17, $1,695 ertified. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 ýrock Street North, Whitby, 668- B89 and 668-4111. 72 .M.C. VAN, automnatic, ower steering, power brakes, rven reguiariy until recentiy, ids body work, uncertifled. est offer. Apply: 131 Brock treet North, Whitby. ARTICLES FCR RINT rPEWRITER RENTAI, many akes and models, by the week- d, week or month. Discounts alabie. DIckson Printlng & Of- e Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Ù1 us for business machine pairs 683-1968. Il ru ce Bri dri nei B& Str ma enc ava flci Cal tep, ANTIQUES, coliectables, furni- ture, china and glass wanted. Cash. Phone 576-7845. WANTED - Used GO Kart. Phone ' 688-9744. ONIE BEDROOM apartmant basement apartmnent) required quiet businessmnan. Requ parking for one car. $350 par mi th inclusive. Contact John G. 366-7261 (days) or 820-0870 evi Inga and weekenda. WANTED - Clean bachelor api ment or room with <cnnkin,, FLORIDA one. Caii Jack 668-4368 Whltby. VACATION W.WRENTsALS Clearwater - Take the famiiy, FREE: Drop into the Dicksc [trebadroom, two bathroom Printing & Office SuppIy store ~coutylbo eoî the Ajax Plaza and pick uip a fiE tniclose to major attrac-. copy of their 1982 Matric Cale makes for handy reference. 68i 683-5503 1968. USSFOR q HUSES FOI« SAERENT SALEENT LEASE 0F RESIDENCE Tenders are invited for the lease 0f a two bedroomn f rame home with garage, IoCated at 955 Susan Drive, Squires Beach, Pickering, 'Ontario. Imme- diate OCCupancy. Proceed south on BroCk Road from.Highway 401 east. Turn east at second stop ight to McKay Road and follow road to intersection 0f McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. The property is accessible to the. Pickering "GO" Train, and serviced by DiaI-A-Bus and a school bus. This property may be viewed f rom 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June'17, 1982, when a representa- tive of the Ministry of Government Services wili be ln attendance. "Open House" signs wiII be posted. Tender documents may be obtained from the representative on this date or f rom: Min istry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M11-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416) 965-1152 A certified cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and will be promptly returned to un- successful bldders. Sealed tenders wiIl be received uritil 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 25, 1982, at which time they will be opened in public. Tenders will be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For further information, please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965-2040. Please quote File No. M 767-33. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. T.O. 102 Ministry of (~) Government Services Ontario- ON j1 (or 1by ulre ion- Lat aen- art- for 3on ý n ree lt 83- a c i B iN ai Pc p.' 191 31 Bl ln rac chl po lorr 01 SSit fr When the advertlsed item sa sold, dlsposad of, or unavailable fori deemed to have been sold and a commission wlll be charged basei tIiustrated below, regardless If prIce la stated wlth "best of fer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii ba run for 3 MC of $6.00 wIii appiy payable ln advanca of publication of the first ad. piy If bllled whlch muet be paid upon receipt of bilt. The above mli the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be pra-pald, $7.50 biliaq. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertlE clusIve basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiaast one mc RATES (If article la soîd): 5% of mdvertlsed prIce up to $40000 EXAM PLE: SoId Item adiirtised for $12000. Commission due $1 Private advertlsing onlyl Pleasa notify the Whitby Free Press Imme we may delate It from the foliowing issue. Ail ada not fittlng the Enm and charged per výeek as regular classifIed ada on a pra-pald basis ciothlng, reai estate, and personai message typa ada, or ada not ç ciassIfied ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriai ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OT MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cali: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LiN 5S1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AI FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION~ c ALUMINUM combination door, brown, 79 x 36" xl¶V", frame and grill lncluded. Excellent condition - brand new. Asking $125 cash. Phone 576-1283. BICYCLES, ladies' and mens, ln good condition, $65 each. Port- able typewriter $35. Eiectric tan $17. Cali 683-6638. INK DUPLICATING MACHINE automatic with stand. $240 or nearest 0f fer. Phone 668-1718 or 668-9691. MOFFAT STOVE,' harvest gold, excellent condition, $220. Phone 588-1041. RCA 20" COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardly used. With acu- tin color control. Asking $325. Phone 668-5180. NO0 TIME to hoid a garage sale? Sait unwanted articles easily ln th Free Press Emporium section. ai66-6111 to place your ad. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hlch head $50. Hand tools $10. GIrls bika $30. Aitlin excellent ondition. Cail 683-6638. STEREO, Marantz SR2000, AMIFM tereo receiver wilh built ln tunier. echnics turntabie with lnfInlly )Espeakers. Asking$700 or best ier. Phone 668-7336. IFORSAISELE] 980 CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto- sftic, excellent condition. $4,000. ýal 723-6967. 979 MERCURY MARQUIS IROUGHAM, 302, air condition- ig, power steering, power brakes, ereo, tilt wheel. 95,950 km. 5,500 certified. Phone 668-1275 fter 6 p.m. 78 AMC CONCORD Wagon, 6 'linder, air, excellent condition, ,000 mlles. $4.100. Phone 668- 41. 76 PLYMOUTH, power steerîng. Dwer brakas, auto., 64,000 mlles. )50 as is. Cali 668-0786 affer 4 n. 17 DUSTER, Speclal Coupe, new 8, overhauIad 727 transmission th modifled valve body, new >rque convertor, new *'U" joints, ýw brakes, naw alternator, naw d, new rad hoses, new fan beits, roma rocker covers, block hat- i. sport mimrons, light package, ýwr staaring, power dlsc kes, tintad glass, lest har Inter-a Swith consola, rear dafrostar,. 'torola AMIFM cassette, CragarC ». gold mags with Firestone 1 ,0 sarlas radiais. Body good,h ne excellent. Asking $3800 or C t of fer. Cali1655-3266.c JMUTMOELS VgfORFOR.SALE 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air conditioning. $80 or basf affer. Phone 571-0863. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power steerlng, power brakes, power windows, many new parts. Recent paint & body. 66,000 miles. imma- culate. $4,100 certlfled. Pho ne 571-1704. 1974 VEGA, aufomatic, $250 or beat offer. In running condition. As ls. Cali 668-3209. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, hardtop, 350, V8, automatic trans- mission, power steering, AMIFM' 8-lrack sterea, ail new tires, shocks, rear springs 'and radiator. Car s in excellent original condi- tion. $1,500 certif ied. Phone 668- 7167. 1972 METEOR FORD car, two door. Asking $200 for the car but without Michelin tires. Sold as la. Michelin tiras soid separateiy. Two summar - 1,000 miles on 15" rime. 801h for $260. For more in- formation cail 688-6059. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, 4 barrai. Asking $1,500 or best offer orwill trade. Phone 668-5589. CALL 668-6111 to _place your ad- vertisement ln the Whitby Frea- Press. AVOMOTIVE UR.ARPA1'IR/PARTrs' FIRESTONE 721-P235 radial for sale $80. Floor mat for Ford truck $10. CaIl 666-2416. FIVE Dodga custom raily wheeis with Goodyear poiygiass raised white iettering tires, 5E70-14. PrIce $250 for ail. ReaIistlc Nîvaho CB Radio, TRC48, 23 channel, Up. par and lower sida band. Was $499. With pre-amp table, mika and 518 wava antenne. $250 takas ail. Phone 666-1195. 455 CU. INCH motor & trans., runs welI, atilI ln car, asklng $225. Four GM raiiy whaels, fils ful aiza GM, Olda, etc., $150. Carburetor from '76 Dustar, 20,000 miles, $20. Phone 668-5638. NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereo/ radio for lata modal Chrysier pro- duct $125. Two new tjniroyai M.S. radiai tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cublc Inch Dodge 4-barrai motor, compieta, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge RaIly wheeIs, complate, 14" x 6", $150. One 67169 Cuda doorskin, new, $45. rwo new rear 10" braka drums for Dodge/Piymouth "A"' body cars $50. One new Edaibrock SP2P aluminumn Intake manifold with in- stallation package for émail block Chevy $225. Four OmnIllHoion 13" stock Raiiy wheeis $80. Four Mitsublshi 14" Rally whaais, fît Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cal l655-3266. HHOEH~O DINING ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial fruitwood. Table with one leaf extenda to 60", 4 aide chairs. 2 place china cabinet, 45" wlda, 69" high. All ln excellent condi- tion. Asklng $825. Phone 668-4686. 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, tripla dresser, $50. Cali 723-5965. FREEZER, 29 cu. ft., $150 firm. Singer fiatbed sewlng machine, $50 firm. Bath ln excellent condi- tion. Phone 655-8045. G.E ' AUTOMATIC WASHER, good condition, $125. Aiso, old butiars secretary deak, very unique, $550. Phone 728-4849. GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrigerator, very good condi- tion, $125. Generai EiectrIc 30 In- ch seif-cieanIng range, excellant condition, $175. Admirai di sh- washer, good condition, $150. Cali 655-4164. whatever reason, the Item will be d on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 1Otherwlse a $7.50 charge will Sp. Inmum charges wlli be applied to charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 lamenta muet be placed on an ex- înth If not sold. 2% of balance over $40000 .00 (minimum charge la $6.00> îdlately when Item la sold so that îporlumn guidelinas wlll be treated such as: services, help wanted, quoting prîca or quantity. PrWVate te headings. HERWISE SPECIFIED. OR DELIVER TO:' 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. VISIS THE AT NOON. FORD TOT 3UARD car safety sea $25. Hlgh chair $15. Umbrolier strolaer $15. Foldlng wooden play pan $20. Cal 655-4164. GENDRON CARRIAGE, converts fa travel bed or strolier. Good condition. Asking $40. Phone 655-3006. SUPPLIES' ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, with 41h h.p. motor, $600. Outdo or gas amp, 6 feet hlgh, $30. Hand lawn- mower $10. One mag tire, sîza G60-14, $20. Phone 668-1063. 14' FIBERGLASS FISHINO BOAT, 40 horse elactnlc Mercury, battary, tank, llghts, central staarlng, In- cludas naw boat traller. Asklng $1,850. Phone 66-7092. CAPTAIN NEEDED 1978 LARSON hiard top deep V blua water express cruiser, 23' Plus, sieeps four, teak cabîn and swim platform, stand up head and galiey, hydraulic trlm tabs, depth sounder, etc. Less than 50 hours runnlng time. Must be sean to be appreclated. Private' deal. $20,000. New price noqw ovar $35,000. WIlI considar run-about or house tralaer as partial paymrent. Phone <416) 264-4692 or 416> 431-5631. ARBORITE dînette table and four swlvel chairs, excellent condition, $175.- Frost-free refrigerator, lîke new, $250. Calil 683-7644 anytîme. CHAIR - Cogswell style easy chair, recentiy upholstered ln goid fabric, excellent condition. $95. Cail 668-3683 after 5:30 p.m. or on waekends. CHANDELIERS. one large, on& Ontario Government Te'nder m M = lm 1 KITCHEN TABLE, ovai, 47" x 36" rwlth il 'h " leaf. Green and yeiiow vein arborite. In excellent condi- tion. Asklng $40 or neareat offer. Phone 668-6563. d MOVING- MUST SELL - Teak- a wood diningroom set, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 year oid, $425. Moffat fridge, excellent condition, $250. Four-poster water bed, ex- cellent condition, $800. Phone 1 668-9016. ONE-VEAR OLD apartment-slzed dryar $190. 24" air-tlght wood stove $200. Free standing acorn fireplace $50. Gas dryer $85. 5 Three-way recreational frldge 1-$175. Eight interior propane llghts $45 for set. Phone 655-4238. REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. cou 0of black plastic 1V2" pipe, $20. White aiumn. door, R.H. hinge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, needs refinlshlng, $45. Phone 668- 7404, MOTCYCLE' 1975 650 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, wlndshleld, backrest and carrier, ln storage for the tst 2 years, excellent condition. Asklng $1,150. Phone 668-7167. 1974 75 cc VAMAHA. Good condi- tion. $300. Phone 723-3290. 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. Mint condition. Loaded wlth extras. Oniy 10,000 miles. Asklng $950. Cali 655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, ln excell- ent condition. Asking $60. Phone 666-1677. 1971 HONDA 08100, excellent condition. Asking $350. Phone 668-8479. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GUITAR, Yamaha, model CJ818, almost new condition. Asking $150 with case. Phone 723-0931 af ter 6 p.m. j CREATIONA' VGVFICEHICLES GO-KART, good condition, ha Honda G200 engine <5 hp). Engine runs excellent. $350. Phone 668- 3931. SOFT TOP CAMPER traller and a dlnlng tent. Asklng $475. Cali 668- 9605. 1 1

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