Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1982, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982, WH ITBY FREE PRESS Volunteers key-to Community Care CONT'D FROM PG. 6 perate as we In- crease là size and we send out a cry for help to those on iay-off, teachers who may have some free ime this sum- mer, students who have flot got a sum- mer job and shift workers for just a AIDTO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADSI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 TE3j RSJ T3NDRS vice and preventative maintenance programn for existing f Ire alarm systems - Durham Cen- tre and Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby. 25-ECR (N00598) SEALED TENDERS wiII be received until 3:00 P.M., Local time on Monday, June 21,1982. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the On- tarlo- Minlstry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 16B4. NOTE: For further Information regardinig the Tender, please cati Mr. G. LePard at the above ad- dress, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any ed. __ Ontario Me: Calfor Tender No. 82J3 Whltby Psychiatrie Hospital Tenders wIIi b. recelved by the Whitby Psychlatric Hoapital for the rent of approxlmately 16 acres of land Iocated et the hoapital. Rentaile for the curront 1982 soason only. The land la for growing standing mlxed hay, no plowlng or grow- lng of alternate crop allowed. The hay la to be cut, balod and romoved by the successful bld. der. Removal of hay to be com- pieted no later than September 15th, 1982. Lump sum rentai prîce la requlred. Choques wlll be re- qulred prlor to rentai taklng et- foot, Contact Mr. R. Ingleton, Grounds and Gardons Mana- ger, for more Information If requîred. Tenders should be addressed t:- Whltby Psychlatrlc Hospital, Box 613, Whltby, Ontario. Ll N 5S9 Raf: Tender for Standing Hay Tender number 8213 Tenders are to be recelved by 12:00 noon, on Friday, June 25th, 1982. SMinistry (5) of Ontario Heoath Moyb.,e it's time you jumped Into something more demonding thon a car pool., Tender not necessarily accept- Ministry of Government Services AUONOs] AUCTION.SALE SAT., JUNE 12 - 6 P.M. At' PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Perry. Household contents 0 f Mr.- Stanley Gerrow of Port Perry .and a 1970 Chev service pick-up with booster package, excel- lent antique furniture, good appliances, antique» glass & dishes, lawn roller, mower & tools, linen and sealers. Good clean sale. Terms cash or VISA. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 GUN AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 18 At D. & M. Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay (one mile west of Lindsay, on the Little Britain Rd.). Sale time 8-P.M. For those wishing to consign guns to 'this sale, we are registering Thursday eve. tilI 10 P.M., and aIl day Fr!- day. (We are expecting close to a hundred gun sale.) For more details caîl Lindsay 324-9560 or Res. 324-2472. W.R. (BUD) McKEE, AUCTIONEER WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby WANTED. Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or selI. We wiIl pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) few hours of time and energy. A very urgent helpIs sent out ta drivers to ighten the Ioad of the few dedicated volun- teers who drive ,be- tween f Ive and elght thousand miles 'a month for Commu- n Ity Gare. .Without volun- teers Oommunlty Care wouid be non- existant. Remem-. ber as you read on that you too are headingfor an age when you also may need the services Commfunity Care of fers. Our Community' Gare offilce at 185h Brook Street North sa busy, some- timesconfuslng but also a happy place as we try ta take the numerous calis and miatch clients and onel srv -e& epir.: * volunteers wlth the many tasks at hand. There' are timne when we get frus- trated at the lack of volunteers and times wh 'en hîlar- lous tIlings happen ln the tasks we tackie. They are ail worthwhiie when we receive the many 'thanks ex- pressed In 80 many ways by the. people we help. Please answer aur cali for heip-and volunteer now 50 that- Community Gare and the many services we provide wili stili be around ln the future when you too rnay need IL. E. Marie Brooks, Whitby Commun ity Care, Co-Ordi1 nator. 42,9000 hours given Paul Tuttle, regional co-ordinator of Durham Regional ,Commumity Care, released statistics, 'on the agencies'> activi- ties, over the past year Monday.. Community Carepro- vides home support ser- vices t0 seniors and .others with 'special needs through its seven offices in Durham Re- gion. The agéey also provides trained voluin- teers to assist persons with mental health related difficulties. In the year ending March 31, 1982, volun- teers drove over 239,000 miles and performed a total of 40,750 tasks for 2,400 people. The agen- cies service volunteers donated over 42,000 hours of their time, while board members, and office volunteers contributed an addition- al 8,000 hours. ]Rep:ort from Q ueen' s P ar 6!. w By The Hon. George Ashe, MIPP '(PC - Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue Ontarilo -yours, to disco ver Now that the warm weather is here and the first long weekend of summer is over, I would like. to draw your attention to a recent Ministry of Tourism and Recreation publication, the "Ontario Travel- ler's Encyclopaedia".1 Whether you are contemplating a family outîng or looking for someplace different to take visitors to in the province, this bookiet provides ail the answers. The "Traveller's Encyclopaedia", a guide to On- tario, divides the province into 12 separate regions in order to facilitate trip-planning. A graphic map, depicting the specific area in 'relation to the rest of the province has been placed at the beginning of each section of the encyclopaedia. Area 1 encompasses the garden of Ontario and is referred- to in the bookiet as Southwestern Ontario. Area 2, home of the superb Shaw Festival is appro- priately identified as Festival Country. Area 3, the Georgian Lakelands, is a sports enthusiast's dream and Area 4'is simply referred to as, Metropolitan Toronto. Area 5, Central Ontario, has a little of all the other region's best attraction and this is the area in which Durham Region is located. In Central Ontario, visitors are encouraged to visit the Pickering Nuclear Power Station and. Cullen- Gardens and Miniature Village. At the nuclear station, the tour inceludes a film about nuclera power and a panoramic view of the entire site. This is one tour which I would highly recommend to all residents of the area. Another point of interest within Durham Region is Cullen Gardens'an'd Miniature Village. The village presents ovér 100 historic southern Ontario buildings'in a lovely garden centre and for many visitors, this has been one of the highlights of a trip, to the region. Area 6, Ontanio East, includes the City of Ottawa while Area 7 is known as the home of the Ojibway and referred to in the encyclopaedia as the Near North. Rainbow Country, Area 8, 'contains numerous lakes, cascading waterfalls and waterways and Area 9, Algoma-Kinniwabi' harbours the largest game reserve in the western hemisphere. Ontario's true wilderness begins in Area 10 - th e James Bay Frontier, and North of Superior, Area il seems to contain everything which has been created on a giant scale. Area 12, the north western limit of'the province.of- fers new territories of experience and adventure in Sunset Country. The "Traveller's Encyclopaedia" also contains eight routes which traverse the province permitting the traveller to select the area which appeals to his specific interest. Information contained in the bookiet and also available at traveller information centres throughout the province provides Ontarians and their guests with a wealth of information about this spectacular province. For your copy of this year's "Traveller's Encyclo- paedia", please contact my Riding Office, 37 Station Plaza, Ajax (683-6707). Then I would suggest that, with the assistance of the bookiet, you plan your own Ontario adventure. Remember, Ontario - yours to discover. (ONTARIO) LTD. e REALTOR 601 DUNDAS ST. W., WHIITBY THANIKS FOýR YO UR SUPPORT FROM THE BEAVERS,-CUBS, SCOUTS AND VENTURERS 0F WH ITBY DISTRICT. C JUNEI12 lexe LAST PAPER DRIVE UNTIL SEPTEMBER =scA FOR THE STATUS CONSCIOUS $117,900. - Two storey brick, 3 bedrooms, greenhouse kitchen, roman tub, pool size lot, energy saver, 3 baths, $67,000. at 13-7/8%. Ask for extras. Cali GARRETT DOWKER, 666-13331576-7384.

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