Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS 0 zm LTTERS TO'THE DITOR i VALLE'S OPEN FRUIT M ARKET HWY. 12 NORTH OF TAUNTON ýRD. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 Aw'.- 9 P.M. 2% MILK 2 L Bag .99 Produot of U.S.A.' Canada No. 1 CAU LI FLOWERS Large Heads EAÇH 1.49 . New White CALIFORNIA POTATO ES S10 Lb. Bag 4.53 Kg. 2B.99 Extra Fancy B.C. Red or Golden DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Lb. Bag 1.36 Kg. 1M7 9 COCAmCO LA 1.5L Plus Deposit .9ý9 3. Produot of U.S.A. Canada No. i CUCUMBERS 4I.O mu mu.! mu mu mu mu mu Sweet & Juicy SUN KIST ORANGES 3 3Lb. Bag S1.36 Kg. Assorted Varieties Humpty Dumpty POTATO CHIPS M99 Be sure to visit our GARDEN CENTRE m at rear of store. Wide assoriment of f lowering and vegetable plants stili available. Ail specials in effeot Wednesday, June 9 tili Sunday, June 13. Community Gare sayse. We'need help. "badly EDITOR'S NOTE: The followlng le an open'lettor to the people, of Whltby f rom E. Marie Brooks, the co-ordi- nator of Whitby Community Care. After reading the lotter, anyone Inter- ested ln becomnIng a volunteer is asked to cali 668-6223. To the people of Whltby: At the Fourth Bir- thday celebration of Whitby. Community Care held at the Fairview Lodge Auditorium on April 28, Community Care services were expiained to a gath- erIng of town offi- ciais, seniors, volunteers, ,repre- sentatives of social services1 and healthî agencies and frien- ds. The constitution of Whitby Comm- unity Care sets out our aims and guide- uines for operating a volunteer service to dovetail with esta- blished services' within the town. Slmply stated, we set out of provide opportunities for neighbors to give time and energy to heip elderly people to continue ln their own homes as long as that is reason- ALLURE ELECTROLYSIS OSHAWA Free consultation to, answer your questions on permanent hair removai. able. Specl help is arranged for people experienclng, dîffi- cuit mental and emotio'nai stress. Comfmunity- Ca- reps mandate nowi includes seniors, handicapped and people with'special needs (the last two on a referral basis). Since our inception in February 1978 we have grown to such an extent that our ciientele Is weii over 500 people. The task load and miles driven have aiso grown as you can see by our brief statisticai report below. Total number of assignments:'1978 - 3,172; 1982 - 159581. Total service hours: 1978 - 2,944; 1982 - 17,500. Total miles dri- yen: 1978 -:12,844; 1982 - 107,049. A good look at the service statis- tics for the past year gives a, rough idea of the incredi- ble amount 0f volunteer energy expended by neigh- bors with neigh- bors. This is a 100 perý cent volunteer service. The Item for fees given to workers 'in ex- change for services such as drlving and heip at home is aiso impressive. This is the way seniors share ln the respon- sibiiity of our total service. These statîstics seem. to urge us to 'see' the driver who gets a patient to the day hospitai or regular therapy and safely home again, and the Young helpt. er who visits after sohool to do any number 0f. things IncIuding writing letters, cleanlng the kitchen or shoveil- Ing snow and cut- ting grass. They aiso Invite. us. to isee' the bright and sometimes an gryý faces of people who cannot do ail the things they used to do -qulte ,indepen- dantiy. We are reai people doing very praôticaI things for others and each other. How do we do it? Volunteers, of course, are our life support system. People *f rom ail waiks of life, teen- agers, Young moth- ers and fathers who hope their parents and grandparents have such a se rvice ln the areas where, they live,- business people who give a few hours of their time when they can spare- It, service clubs and seniors who are so giad they are. weil enough to heip those iess fortunate than themnselves. Through and for Community Care we are thrust Into many situations pertaîning to the quality of heaith and liing condi- tions for the people 0f Whltby. Our clients range ln age from a two-year-old cerebral palsy vic- tim to a dariing cen- tury oid citizen, because of this we have' attended and worked on many committees and conferences, such as housing for people wîth speciai needs, job eva- luations for handi- capped, health con- ferences, day care I THE CORPORATION 0F f THETOWNOFWHITBY PROCLAMATION Senior Citlzons' Week TAKE NOTICE that June 13 to 19, 1982,,Is hereby proclaimed as "Senior Citlzens',Week" ln and for the Town of Whltby. Senior Citizens of Whitby are asked to take part ln the many events assoclated with Senior Citizens' Week, 1982. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this. 9th day of June, 1982. R.A. Attersiey, Mayor, Town of Whltby

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