SALE STARTS MAY 20, 1982 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECI FIED R SPECIALS SALE ENDS lUNE 30,1982 GLFT CERTIFICATE/CERTIFICAT-CADEAU CF 492185 FREE McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFICATES (This sample is fnot redeemable) FR EE McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFICATES With every $50.00 of Marchandise purchased of items advertIsed on this Sale FIer, on one order, we wiIi giveryou $1.00 In McDonad's Gift Certificates. NO MAXIMUM <$1 .00 ln certificates for every $50.00 exciucilng P.S.T.) STEEL SHELVING UNITS Hard Grey enamel finish. Each unit consists of 6 shelves, 4 uprights, reinforcing plates, nuts and bolts. 75" high x 36" ide x 12" deep- SALE PRICE Buy 3 or more $93.25 each 73.95 each 68.95 each 75" high x 36" wide x 18" deep $108.75 each SALE PRICE 86.95 each Buy 3 or more 81.95 each 75" high x 36" wide x 24" deep SALE PRICE Buy 3 or more i, 44% rSAVE CORRECTABLE TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND LIFT OFF TAPES COLOUR CODE ORANGE MFG. SUGG. EA, KFR-150 RIBBONS SALE/EACH 6 12 il 144 $3.88 2.90 2.69 2.29 2.151 LT CS Il TAPES $3.33 2.49 2.29 1.99 1.8 $3000 OFF 4-WAY POSTUR E STENO CHAIR #2504 4 WAY POSTURE CONTROL VINYL BACK AND FABRIC SEAT COLOURS: MFG. SUGG. $103.00 BLACK GREEN GOLD TANGERINE $127.50 each 98.95 each 93.95 each LATERAL CABINETS COMMODORE E 2 DRAWER 36" Heavy Duty with Lock & Keys. Mfg. Sugg. $354.40 CASH & CARRY *229' DELIVERED $242.00 4DRAWER 36" Heavy Duty with Lock & Keys. Mfg. Sugg. $595.20 SÂVE OVER 200.00 CASH & CARRY *386. Stocked in Black or Tan, DELIVERED New Heavy Guage Hanging $399.00 Bars Nncluded. File Fles o nldd KRAFT<> AND BUSINESS ENVELOPES MFG. SUGG.SALE * 9 (4x9) 15.45 12.30 *10 16.40 13.04 (4 1/8x9%) BROWN KRAFT 24 LB. 6% x 912 24.90 19.72 9 x 12 38.20 30.32 10 x 13 44.40 35.19 12 x 16 91.75 72.72 (Per M) (Per M) 1000 59(L 23.00 20.60 24.43 21.86 36.99 56.76 65.99> 136.37 33.20 50.94 59.20 122.34 INFORMATION PROCESSING AND MINI-COMPUTER RIBBONS by . IBM 6240/QUME Daisywheel Printer Multistrike film, black 1 /4 in. x 295 ft. 6.35 mm x 90 m #183 Mfg. Sugg. SALE $7.00 ea. $5.25 ea. DIABLO HYTYPE Il Daisywheel Printer Multistrike film, black 5/16 un. x 393 ft. 8mm x 120m #178 Mfg. Sugg. SALE $8.00 ea. $5.99 ea. DIGITAL DECWRITER Dec. LA30& LA 36 1/2 in. x 40 yds. 12.7mm x 36m Mfg. Sugg. SALE *56 $6.50 ea. $4.89 ea. ICOLUMNAR 1 100 8½" x 14 AVAILABLE 2 COLUMN UPTO 8COLUMN 8½ x 14 17 x 14 17" x 14" AVAILABLE 12 COLUMN UP TO 16COLUMN SALE Mf g. Oà mr Sgg.1 0/ea. 50/ea. 100/ea 4.30 2.95 2.75 2.65 7.95 5.95 4.95 4.85 FREE PUNCHING ON ORDERS OF 50 PADS OR OVER Prîces and specfcations are subject to error. If they should occur, we apologize for any Inconvenrence. Errors & Omissions excepted. Specls reman n affect so long as supplies last, and prices may be subject to change In a ccordanca with manufacturers increases. Substitutions may occur ln extrema cases. 'dpi su FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER $50.OO HIGH QUALITY GRADE "A" BOND SAVE 33% ADD ROLLS AS LOW AS 58¢EA. SALE REG. EA. 5210 2Y4" $ .86 ea. .69 .65 ea. .58 ea. 3" $1.22 ea. .98 .90 ea. .85 ea. o* SECRETARIAL DESK COMMODOR E *3066 Illustrated Black-Wainut Top. Main Desk 30x60 & 18x40 Return. SALE CASH & CARRY $327.00 REG . -I $467.50 .00 DELIVERED $356.50 #3065 Right Pedestal #3066 Left Pedestal Desk, Left Return Desk, Right Return 1 1