PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS froquois. summer camps for kieds to an. elegant meal at Steve's on Sunday, June 2Oth Every Father's Meal ½/2Price!' 922 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 579-2369 With the summer months rapidly ap- proaching, most parents are probably wondering what to do with their children during holi- days. Well, the Town of Whitby's parks and re-, Dm ing. Guide THE GREAT WALL, 116,Dundas Street West, Wh!tby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Chinese food loyers. A 'large selec- tion of Canadien dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and'up for lunch, and $à .80 and up for dinner. Open from, il a.m. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tili 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. \~~j~)VILLA RESTAURANT VILLA DINING LOUNGE FATHER'S.DAY SPECIAL Buy one meal at full price, get the second meal for ½/ price. FREE SALAD BAR. Roast Prime Rib Of Beef Au Jus ............................... 9.95 Top Co >ntre Cut .........................9.25 Bar-B-Q Park Spare Ribs ............... .....>................. 7.95 Stuffed Ralnbow Trout ....................................... 7.75 Breaded Veal Cutiet WIth Bar-B-Q Sauce......................... 7.25 Chicken Parmagiana ......................................... 7.25 Park Tenderiain (Pineapple Ring) .............................. 7.25 Flsherman's Piatter ............. ........................... 7.25 Two Tender Ju lcy Pork Chops (Apple Sauce> ....................650 Roast Turkey.............................................. 625 Cordon Bleu............................................... 6.25 Hickory Smoked Ham Steak .................................. 6.25 Businessman's Steak ....................................... 5.95 Chopp ed Sirloin.Steak <Onion Rings) ........................... 5.75 (Also Chiidren's Menu) LIveCountry & Western 799 Park Rd. S. Entertalnment Every Oshawa (pposite G.M.) Thurs., Fr1. & Sat. Phone - 571-3156 Clip'This Coupon 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. creation department is offerlng a few programs to help keep active children out of misehief. Throughout the sum- mer four différent day camps will be offered at the Iroquois Park Com- plex., The Art Adventure Camp is a full day (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) camp which offers children a planned. and exciting program. There will be arts and crafts includ- ing painting, batik, macrame, copper craf t, nature crafts, camping skills and swimming. -FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL - Filet Mignon$ Salad Bar and $ 9 after dlnner treat. .. .. .. .. .. .. Seaf ood Salad aifo$ & Soup Bar ...... i o 350 FEATU RING WOODY THE DJ Mon. - Sot. playing ail the music you weuut te heur. Group Reservations Accepted. 433'l1405« Next to Steve's 922 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa BLAR PARK FISH & CHIPS« Blair Park Plaza. Lupin Dr. Our Specialty English Style Fish & Chips, EVERY MON DAY & WEDNESDAY. Buy i order fish & chips (cod) getI FREE We.f ry halibut, Cod, haddock, shrimp and scallops. Eat in or take out. BREAKFAST & LUNCHEON SPECIALS. 668-8672 Mon. - Sat. 9a.m.* 7 .m. Gîve... THE'HEART FUND ta~îer teak houge CHAR-BROILED STEAKS., SEAFOOD & SPARE RIBS Also on the drawing board, but flot confirm- ed, is a camp-over comn- plete with campfire and wiener roast or a trip to the Metro Zoo. The art adventure program will be offered in four two-week sess- ions and is for boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 12. Session one is from June 28 to July 9 and costs $45. Session two is from July 12 to July 23 and co sts $52. The third session runs from July 26'to-August 6 costing $45 while the last session runs frorn August 9 to August 20 at a cost of $52. .The departmnent is also offering three dif- ferent' sports camps featuring soccer, ténnis and basebail. Each of the sports camps are offered in two four-week sessions at a cost of $45 and the camperswill be di vided into groups depending on their age and ability. Al of the camps, ini- cluding the art adven- ture program, include a free haif-hour swim. The soccer camp is designed for the indivi- dual who enjoys playing recreational soccer. This is an opportunity for the youngster to, learn the basics of soc- cer, keep, in shape and havefun. This, program will be held in the after- noons- from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Those attending the soccer camp may be able to attend a game of. the Toronto Blizzard or a member of that pro- gressional squad may come- to the camp to give'a few pointers. The,:basebali .camp, which wilI also be held from 1 to 4:30 p.m., is designied for both begin- ners and advanced play-, ers who wish to develop or improve their skills. The departmnent is hopeful that the camp- ers will either go to see the Toronto Blue Jays in action or a Blue J'ay will come to camp for an af- ternoon to teach. The most popular of have been destroyed-by rire and aiong with them rnany valable geneo- [ogical records. " Anyone who is able to, provide the Society with any information ifh asked to, write MeIntosi at 22 Dawson Street Whitby,. " TUES. NIGHT Filet Mignon.............. " WED. NIGHT New'York 8 oz. Sirloin . 9 " THURS. NIGHT Surf and Turf.............. *SUNDAY NIGMI Spareribs ................. Served With Above Meals: Salad, Potatoos (French or BaIc.d>. Hors d'oeuvres Mos French or Garlic Bread Business Hours: Tues. to Thurs'., 12 Noon - 10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 12 Noon'-11 p.m., Sun. 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. CLOSED MON DAY LUNCHfEON SPECIALS! Tes. to Fri. 12:00-3:00 p.m. Hw.o2WHITBY Fr 1j Mile-West of Brock St. 668-2751ý the sports camps is the tennis program which is being offered in both a morning (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) and afternoon à 1 to 4:30 p.m.) session. The mornings will be for beginners and the after- noons will be for more experienced players.,, It is hoped that parti- cipants in the tennis pro- gram will be able to, compote in tournaments, with other camps. The sports camp sessions will Ije held from June 28 to July 23 and from. July 26 to August 20, and are for. boys and girls between 6 -and 12 years of age. Aillof the progranis will be held rain or shine with indoor activities planned in case of indle- ment weather.. The camps will not be run on statutory holi- days. Ail campers are urged to, wear the proper clothing, especially for the sportscamps. If the camps are ac- ting as child or daycare facilities, parents ýmay qualify to, use the fees as income tax deductions for 1982. For more information abou 't the programs, eall the 'Iroquois Park Com.plex at 668-7765.1 G ro up looking for old tornb stones' The Whitby-Oshawa Geneological Society is looking for cemeteries. The society, part of the Ontario Geneolo- gical Society, is attem- pting to record ceme- tery tombstones wlýth> special 'attention being directed towards those that refleet the early settiement of the region. According to society secretary Dale Mc- Intosh: "This concern arises from the realiza- tion that much valuable, even unique, geneologi- cal informnation can be found on tombstones. $1095 s 995 $14 95