WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1982, PAGE 5 Planner 8ay8.... Oshawa cemetery-okay Director Wayne DeVeau (right) and AI Branton and John Rousseau (centre) of the Witby Parks and Recreation Department are seen here finlshing up repairs to the floral 75th anniversary logo of the Boy Scoutsof Canada atRotary Centennial Park lâst Friday. The park was attacked by vandals last week who in two separate incidents did over $2,300 damage to the park. The vandals destroyed four maple trees and well over 300 marigolds. Town officiais say that if the vandals are apprehended, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the - Free Press Staff Photo Town.. reéplanting at Rotary Park Witby Town Council wlll tell its -City of Oshawa counterparts that this 'municlpality has 'no objection to the establishment of an &5- acre cemetery at the corner of Thornton and Taunton Roads. Whitby's comment-s on the proposai were sougbt despite the fact that the ceremony will be. entlrely within Oshawa's jurisdiétion. The site is owned by Toronto General Bury- ing Grounds and wlll in- clude a columbaria, cre- matorium and a mauso- lea. In bis report to coun- cil, planning director Bob Short said:, "staff have no difficulty wlth the proposed (cemetery) as there would appear to be no adverse impact on the orderly development of lands in the town." "Such a use, however, would logically be situated at the edge of the future industrial area rather than in.the middle of the inter- municipal Industrial designation,"1 he con- tinued., "In this way the cemetery would act in part as a buffer between industrial and residen- tial- use areas and provide an open, space which would act as an amenlty to both the resi- dential. and industrial areas,"t Short con- cluded. DANFORTH TYPEWRITER SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE RecondItioned Typowriters electric & manual, full guarantee. 10 % discount on all service & repairs. With this coupon. Rentais available. 408 Dundes Street West 2940 Danforth Ave, Whitby Toronto 666-1131 est. i930 698-2589 Whitby parks and re- creation department crews have almost com- pleted the replanting of marigolds at Rotary Centennial Park after it w.qs attacked on two separate occasions by vandals last week. The first incident took place during the week- end 0f June 5 and 6 when four maple trees and 150 marigolds were uproot- ed and destroyed éaiÃniig $2,060 damage. SA further $350 damage was done during the nights of June, 7 and 8 when another 150 mari- golds were destroyed by vandals. As of press time no one had been appre- hended and charged in connection with the inci- dents and town officials say that if anyone is, they will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. The town's bylaws provide for fines of up to $1,000 for anyone con- victed of such acts of vandalism. Mnayor Bob Attersley, who also sits on the Durham Regional Police Commission, said that the park will, receive dloser attention from the force. "We will do every- tigfrom a police standpoint," he said ad- ding that hie was furious about what he described as "senseless" attacks. Attersley said that the incidents will not pre- vent the town from con- tinuing its park beauti:- fication work. " We keep planting, we keep growing," - he said.. "We wiil replace, we will keep going. " Replacing the mari- golds is simple compar- ed to the task of regrow- ing the trées the mayor said adding that the maples were the resuit of three years careful growing. "You just can't replace nature's growth, " he pointed out. Attersley has also taken it upon himself to visit at least one local school to tel children about the wrongness of vandalism. The solution to the problem he said lies in trying "to educate the kids of the Town - f Whitby not to do such things."I Attersley will be at E.A. Fairman Public Sehool on June 23. Vera Hugel appomted to seat on LACAC Whitby Town Council bas appomnted Vera Hugel to the Local Ar- chitectural Conserva- tion Advisory Commi- ttee (LACAC). Hugel will replace David Milils who "found it necesuary 10 submlt bis resignation te LACAC because of the demands on his lime te other commitments,"1 according te town clerk Don McKay. She wlll complete Milis' term wbicb wiI expire on November 30. LACAC is responsible for makdng recommen- dations te council for- the preservation of heritage buildings li the town under the Ontario Heri- tage Act. Its members are unpaid. Q: Ever seeoa fat jogger? A: Not for long& IF YOU'RE A REN TER>' HERE'S ENCOURAGEMENT TO BECOME A HOME OWNER. From now until October 30, 1982, the Ontario Renter-Buy Program is offering an interest- free loan of up to $5,00() for 15 years to Ontario residents who have been renting for the previous 12 months or who have neyer owned their own home. The boan applies to the purchase of newly-constructed homes only. HERE'S HOW OUR PLAN, WORKS. If you decide to buy, you must make a minimum down payment of 10% of the purchase price. The Renter-Buy loan will-amount td an additiona/ 10 % up to a maximum of $ 5,000. The loan must be added to the total down payment. The 15 -year, interest- free boan is payment-free for the first 1<) years, with repayments beginning in thé il th year. THE PUR CHASE PRICE. The purchase pnhce must flot ex- ceed $ 115,000 in Metro Toronto and surrounding areas. Elsewhere in Ontario, the maximum pur- chase pricelis $90,000. Minimum qualifying price is $20.000. THE HOMES THATQUALIFY Any home or unit suitable for perma- nent, year-round living as long as it was not used previously for resi- dential purposes- This includes condominiums, mobile homes and owner-built units. Housing on'the resale market does flot qualify. THE PEOPLE WHO QUALIFY Individuals and couples can apply, but couples can make only one application. If you or your spouse have owned residential property (with the excep- tion of vacant land or seasonal vacant cottages) in the 12 months prior to the date of application, you do not qualify. Corporations, O trustees, partnerships, etc. also do flot qualify. WHEN THE PUR CHASE MUS TBF MADE. This program went into effect May 14, 1982 and continues to October 3 0, 198 2 inclusive. The unit must be occupied as a principal residence on or before April 30, 1983. CALL OR WRITE FOR DETA ILS. We've just covered the main points of the Ontario Renter-Buy Program. 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