Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, UNE 23, 1982, PAGE 17 CAýLL 66-8*61 Il Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowiflçj conditions., AUTOMOBILES >FOR SALE'q 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, con- vertible, rsd with back top, 350, V, 48,000 miioî. Phono 668-8609. >THE ALTERNATIVE Mark Connors Says for the best deal on a new or used car see the original "no frilîs dealer" at HOPKINS AUTO SALES 146 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-6889 Sor 668-4111 50 MILES TO THE GALLON - 1976 RENAULT, 4 cyinder, ail Original car, fuily certifiid, ttv@W6-NOW $1,700. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street North, WhIlby, 868- MO8 and 668411 1. 1979 LADA, goid, approx. 50,00 mile. Certif led. Cm b.sason it 1800 Dundas Street Est, Whitby. Aking 82,650. Phono 576-282. 4SPEciA LIZING IN"ý SAFETY INSPECTIONS e COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR e SERVICE TO AIL MAKES CLASS "A" MECHANICS 40 YRS EXPERIENCE AIL WORK GuARANTEED =666-1021 107 WARREN <AT HOPKINS) HOPKINS AUTO SAL ES &SRICE THERE'S MORE CLASSI FIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 19 AUO IONS FANTASTIC AUCTION SALE Estîte of the lite Harvey Boiaiett 39 Ontario St., B3owmanville To be held at 1614 Charles St., Whitby 1JUNE24-1 P.M. Doors open at 10 a.m. Partial ilst is: Grand piano, SpInnett organ, Victorian sofas, Victorian f ireside chairs, crystal chandeliers, Tiffany table lamps, 4-poster beds, Chippendale vanity, Em- pire dressers & bureaus, standing mirrors, dining- room tables, arrow back chairs, Captain chairs, wicker chairs, Boston rockers, rider-back & Spindai rockers, Empire tables, Gothic &,Ginger- bread dlocks, 40-50 old o11 paintings, many water colors & etchings, silver cruet sets, fern stands, antique quilts, wash stands &. so on. Huge assortment of collectable glass & china, crystal, crocks, grandfather dlock, books, gold watch. Don't miss this fantastic sale. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 668-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) AUCTION SALE THURS., JUNE 24 -6 P.M. Brooklin Commnunlty Hall Household effects includ- ing furnIshings, glass- ware, china, collectables and paintings. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION SALE PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE SAT., JUNE 26 -6 P.M. On Shirley Rd., 4 mles south of Port Perry. The estate of HANNAH FORD of Blackstock and added consignrflents. Oak buf- fet, round oak table plus chairs, vanity with 3-way mirror, pres sback arm chair, antique dressers, kitchen cupboalrd, treadle sewing machine, coal ol1 lamp, old china, love seat & chair, -occasional tables, Beatty winger washer, beige chester- f ield & chair, beds, Lewyt vacuum cleaner, metal kltcIhen sink unit, shower, stool & sink, eîectrlc mower, stereo and speak- ers,, new toys, carpets, clothes horse and many ,More valuable Items. Terms cash, Visa or known cheque. For vîewIng caîl 985-7492. PEARCE' AUCTION SERVICES I I AID TO MILLI ON CLASSIFIEI CONTINUED FROM PA PLEASE READ ïWhen the advortiaed Itmm le aoid, dlmpomed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reimon, the Item wiii be deemod ta have been eold and a commiesion will bo charged baaed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE ai Iliutrîted bolow, regîrdiese If prIce la tated With "lbeat of fer."~ If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dfpaeed of, the id wlil b. run for 3 MONTHSand a&MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appiy payable In advancs of publication of the fîrat id. Othsrwise a 87.50 charge will ap- piy If bliisd whlch muet be pîid upon receipt of biII. The above minimum chargea will be appiled ta the final commission due but ln any came the hlgheramount WIIl Us charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, 87.50 bilied. Maximum cam'milon: 8$100.00. Ail advertiaemente muet Us placed on an ex- clumive bas with the WHIT BY FREE PRESS and run atîest ans month If not old. - RATES (if article la sold)y 65% of advertlsed prics up to 8400.00 2% ef balance over $400.00, EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 <Minimum cha rge la 88.00) Private advertling onlyl Ples notify the Whitby Frse Prieslmmodiatoly when Item la eold 80 that ws mîy delete Il from the following Issue., Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelinea wiii Us treated- and chîrged por week ai regular ciaemified ada on a pre-pîid baîla uch as* services, help wintod, ciothIng, real satîte, and permonai message type adi. or ada flot quotlng prIco or quantity. PrIvite ciaaalled ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriato headInge. . AIL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEO SECTION UNLE55 OTHERWISE 5PECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt ciii: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM .6861 131 Brook St. N..- P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. Whitby, LiN SSI THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. )'ADS kGE;16 ticGNos] AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 26 - il A.M. FurnIture, Antiques, Tools Auction sale the property of Mrs. Alpha Sameils at 79 Lilla St. South, being 1 block south of the ights on 7A or 1 block south of the United Church ln the Village of Port Perry. Sale features a 9-pc. maho- gany dining room suite, 6-* pc. limed oak bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, antique love seat and chair, antique tea wagon, Mof at range, Beatty washer, f ridge, oak tables, Singer sewing, ma- chine with cabinet, beds and mattresses, Annen stove, 5-pc. kitchen set, humidifier, 1934 Couner wringer washer, dryer, lamps, pictures, mirrors, wicker baskets, antique chairs, qty. dishes, knick knacks, jars, clocks, radios, draperies, Ilnens, bedding, antique radio, roller black board; milk can, Coleman stove, wooden pump, roto-tiller, garden and carpeniter tools. one of the largest and, most lnteresting collections of books, newspaper and maga- zines to ever be auction- ed ln Port Perry, datin g back to the 1920's. Also hundreds of Items too, numerous to list. Every- thlng has been well cared for and will be one of the most interesting sales ln Port Perry this year. Lun- ch available. Property sold. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS 655-4878 or 985-2459 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED. Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or selI. We wlll pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) <EVG5.) AUCTliON SALEp A 12 plus 50 gai, aquarium andaiii accessories $275. Wine equip- ment $75. Premier drum $700. If interested cail 723-9618. ALUMINUM combination door, brown, 79" x 36" x i1hl', f rime and grlililnciuded. Excellent condition - brand new. AekIng $125 cash. Phono 576-1283. BICYCLES, ladies' and mens, ln goad condition, $65 each. Port- able typowriter $35. Eiectric fan $17. Cati 683-6638. MOFFAT STOVE, harvesi goid, excellent condition, $220. Phone POOL TABLE, 4' x -8', complote, accessaries and table, tennis top- par, $200. Phono 668-8116 aller 5 p.m. RCA 2011 COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardiy ueed. With acu- tint coior contraI. AekIng $325. Phono 668-5180. RIDINO LAWNMOWER with 5 h.p. Brigge & Stratton Eaey Spin En- gine, pnieumnatic noir tires, 26" cu'Il, 5 adjustabie cuttlng heights, per- fect condition. Aeking $475. Phone 655-4995. 51(111 SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hitch head $50. Hand toaie 810. Girls bike $30. Aitlin excellent condition. Ciii 683-8638. TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishman make, eiectric over hydraulic, 17' rime and up, adapter available for smaiier rims, ueed oniy several, limes. List $5,695. Asking $2,800. Phone 655-4995. "FSIRSALE 1980 CHEVETTE, 2 doar, auto- malic, excellent condition. $4,000. Ciii 723-6967. 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS, BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- ing, power slooring, power brakes, sterea. tilt wheoi. 95,950 km. $5,500 certif ied. Phono 688-1275 after 6 p.m. 1978 AMO CONCORD Wagon, 6 cylinder, air, oxcellent condition, 68,000 milea. $4,100. Phono 668- 1041. 1978 PONT1AC PARISIENNE, power stserlng, power brakia, air condiltonlrn.vntnmir Interlor, apoki wheoIm, now radial lire, low mileage, aîkIng $5,500. Phono 668-7007. 1976 PLYMOUTH, power sleoning, power brakos, auto., 64,000 mles: 8950 as is. Caiii668-0786 aller 4 p.m. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power eteerlng, power brakos, power windows, many now parts. Recent paint & body. 66,000 miles. Imma- culate. $4,100 certified. Phono 571-1704. 1975 DusTER, Specil Coupa, now 318, ovrhîuied 727 transmission with modified valve bady, new Torque convertor, now '11." jointe, new brakea, new aiternator, new rad, new rad 6hases, new fan boite, chrome rocker covors, block hat- ere, sport mirrors, ight package, power steering, power disc brakes, linted giame, leather Inter- for with console, rear dofroster, Motorola AMIFM cassette, Cragar O.T.' gold mage with Firoîtone SS60 eeriee radiais. Body good, frime excellent. Aîking $3,800 or beet offer. Caii 655-3266. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air conditiani ng. 860 or boit offer. Phono 571-083. 1974 VEGA, autamatlc, $250 or best offer. In running condition. As la. Ciii 668-3209. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, hardtop, 350, V8, autanfiaiic trans- mission, power. steering, AM/FM 8-track stereo, ail new tires, shocks, rear epringe and radiator. Car le in excellent original condi- tion. $1,500 certified. Phono 668- 7167. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, 4 barrel. Aeking 81,500 or beet aller or wiii Inde. Phono 668-5589. 196 METEOR MONTCALM, con- vertible, powor ateerlng, power brikesanmd top, storod winters, asking $1,500. Phono 668&7007. AVUMTMîVE URARPRIRIRSI NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereol radio for iate modal Chrysier pro. duct $125. Two new Uniroyal MS. radiai tires, P20575R15, 8140. One 360 cubic Inch Dodgo 4-bîrrei rnotor, complote, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge RîiIy wheoia, complete, 14"* x 6", $150. One 67169 Cuda doorîkin, new, $45. rwo niw rear 10", brîke drums for DadgeflPymouth '*A" body cars $50. One new Edeibrock SP2P aluminum Intako manifold with In-. stallation package for smalI block Chevy $225. Four OmnilHorlzon 13" stock Raliy whooiî $80. Four Mitsubishi 14" Raiiy wheoii, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cali 655-3266. FIRESTONE 721-P235 radiai for sale $80. Fiaor mat for Ford truck $10. Cail 666-2416. 455 CU. INdH motor & trans., runs weii, stil n car, aeking $225. Four GM raiiy wheeis, fils ful size GM, Oids, etc., $150. Carburelor from '76 Dueler, 20,000 miles, 820. Phono 668-5638. ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, wlh 41oh h.p.. malor. $6W. Ouldoor gaa amp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand iawn- mower $10. One mag tire, size G60-14, $20. Phonoe668-1063. 14' FIBERGILASS FISHINO BOAT, 40 horse eiectric Mercury, ballery, tank, ights, centrai sleering, ln- ciudes new b>oit traiter. Asking $1,850. Phonoe66-7092. CAPTAIN NEEDEDI 1978 LARSON hard top deep V. biue water oxpress cruiser, 231 plus, seesa four, loak cabin and awirn' plfarm, stand up head and galoey, hydraulic lrIm labs, depth saundor, etc. Lois than 50 houri running lime. Muet be sien ta be appreciated. Privale deai. 820,000. New price now over 835,000. Wiii consider run-iboul or house tralier as partial paymînt. Phono 416) 264-4692 or 416) 431-5631. HHOLDHO BUILT-IN AMIFM radia-8-trîck record piayon, excellent condition, $125. Cheel aIofdrawere $40. Dresser $50. Ciii anytime 668. 0776. CHAIR - Cogaweii style easy chair, recently uphoistered ln gold fabric, excellent condition. $95. Call.668-3683 aflor 5:30 p.m. or on weekendî. CHANDELIER, candios, wroughl Iran and wood, $15. Double bed, steel frame on castors, $20. Oid solid waod bedroom asot, single b.d, large choit and night table, $75. Phono 668-6567. CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skiar, beige & brown f iower nylon fabric, cushions require new fam., Excellent condition. $1W. Phono 668-9805. WANT AIS WORK WGNDERS I i HOUSUEHOLD CHANDELIERS, ans large, ane immiiifor saie. $150 or boat offer. Phono 668-9947. DININO ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial frultwood. Table iwith ans -bua extende ta 60", 4 i de càairm. 2 pace china cabinet,' 45" wlde, 6911 hlgh. Ail ln excellent condI- tion. Amking $825. Phone 668-468M. 4-PIECE-WALNUT bedroom msute, triple dresmer, $50. Caii 723-5965. FREEZER, 29 cu. fi., $150 flrm. singer f iitbed swlng machins, $50 f rm. Bath In excellent condi- tion. Phone 655-8045. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, good condition, $125. Aisea, oýd butiere aecretary deek, very unique, $550. Phono 728-4849. KITCHEN TABLE, aval, 47" x 36" with 11 %,"loaf. Groin and yîiiow voin arborîto. In excellent condi- tion. Amklng $40 or noaroît offer. Phono 668-6563. MOVING - MUST SELL - Toik- wood diningroom sest, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 year aid, $425. Mof fat fridge, excellent condition, $250. Four-poster wator b.d. ex- cellent condition, $880. Phono 668-9016. ONE-YEAR OLD ipartmint-alzod dryor .8190. 24" air-tlght wood atovo 820. Freisetanding'acorn firopiace 850.. Gas dryer 885. Commorcial refrigerating - unit 8400. Automatic wimhir 835. Phone 655-4238. REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. Coui of black plastic 1w"' pipe, $20. White alum. door, R.H. hinge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, needi rofiniehing, 845. Phono 66&- 7404. 7.PIECE ouid pins. b.droom> suite from Pioneer interiors. Perfect condition. Ouoen îizî,lilght atain. Aaking 83,000. Phono 723-5749. 1976 HONDA GOLO WING, un- certifled, 27,000 mils, 82,000 firm. Phone 666&2977. 1975 650 VAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, wIndahield, backreat and carrier, ln etorage for the lait 2 yeare, excellent condition. Aîking 81,150. Phonoe668-7167. 1974 T500 SUZUiCI, only 6,000 ori- ginal mulsa, oxceloent condition. Aîking $1,000. Phone 263-8025. 1974 75 cc YAMAHA. Good condi- tion. 8300. Phono 723-3290. 1974 VAMAHA HDC500 atreot bike. Mint condition. Loaded with oxtras. Oniy 10,000 miles. Aîking $950. Ciii 655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, ln oxcell- ont condition. Aaking $60. Phono 666-1677. INSERUENTS ,3IAR amaha, model CJ818, aimost now condition. Asking $150 with case. Phone 723-0931 ai ter 6 p.m. a Fï RCRETONAL V~EHCEHICLES GO-KART, good condition, hai Honda G200 engins (5 hp). Engino runs excellent. $350. Phono 668- 3931. .. . *. . ... .. ~ . ~J W 4 ARTICLES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE] FOR SALE 0

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