WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JIJNE 30, 1982, PAGE 15 Loceal talent on CHEX The Brooklln Horticutural Society sent four delegates to the 1982 annual meeting of the Ontario Horti- cultural Society that was held recently in Guelph. Seen here at the convention are (from left to right): Margaret Beath, Valerte Hundert, Jim -and Mary Housego and Joan Brak. -Photo courtesy of O.H.A. Raiindampened BHS rose show By MARGARET BEATH B.H.S. Dfrector The annual "Rose Show" held' by the Brooklin Horticutural Society in June is usually one of our mnost beautiful and successfuI, events, but 'this year, due to lack of co-opera- tion on ,t he part of the weatherman, there was a decrease in attend- ICEACHERN ems for this column. WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS Kathy Kennedy and Walter Parnowetski were married on June 5 at Lake Louise. Kathy is the daughter of Barb and Nick Kennedy of Broadview Avenue and her husband is a native of Saskat- chewan. The newlyweds returned to Whitby for their honeymoon and a party was held at Cuilen Gardens ini their honour. The Kendalwood neighbourhood hosted a shower for Kathy and presented her with a money-tree. Kathy and Walter wiil make their home in Calgary. Good luck, Kathy!1 WHITBY FREE METHODIST CHU RCH The Whitby Free Methodist Church, Rossland Road, will sponsor a sertes, 0f'Sunday outdoor ser- vices at the Whitby Mail. The foilowing is their summer sehedule: - 1 July 4 -, A Summer Sunday Evening Praise Ser- vice sponsored by the Free Methodist Church at Whitby Mail this Sunday (JuIy 4) at 7 p.m., courtesy of the Whitby Mail management. This week corne hear "Son Shower." July il - The Snider Family Singers at 7 p.m. July 18 - "Homeward Bound" at 7 p.m. July 25 - "The Spirit Brass" at 7 p.m. August 1 - "Randy and Leah" at 7 p.m. KINGS CAMP FOR KIDS There wil be a summer play camp for kids at the Whitby Free Methodist Church, 1916 Rossland Road, Wbitby from July 12 to July 16, for ages 4 te 12. There wiI be something for everyone from. puppet shows, magie shows, music, bible stortes, etc. Everyone welcome. Cail the Whitby Free Methodist Church and enroil your child for the,, summer funi program. COFFEE POT The Ratepayers Association have a 100-cup coffe erk. If anyone should require the use of the coffee >ot this summer, please cail 725-896. It is a com- nunity coffee perk and is yours for the asking. WELCOME HOME ANN Ann Preston is now home from the hospital and >eginning to get around slowly using crutches. Nice o have you home Ann. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER This wil be the last column for the summer. Have good holiday and we wil see you in Septeniber. ance as well as the num- ber of entrtes. However, the rains may have dampened the gardeq5- but certainly not the enthusiasm of the rose growers. President Lyla Allan opened the meeting and O Canada was sung to the accompaniment of Rose Heron at the piano. Secretar Joan Brak made the announce- ments, including the good news that, our society was awarded first prize for 1"Most Ori- ginal Float" during. the Brooklin Spring Pair Parade, and that Valerie Hundert won first prize for ber Pot-et- fleur arrangement at the recent convention held by the Ontario Hor- ticultural Association at Guelph. Delegates to this con- vention were: Joan Brak, Aldine Wick, Jim and Mary Housego and also in attendance were Don Wick, Valerie Hun- dert, Marg Beath (the writer) and Dorothy Barter. Over 740 members across Ontarto attended the convention. Follow- ing this report, Valerie Hundert and Margaret Beath welcomed guests from Whitby. Lyla then introduced -$159000 m jewels stolen Approximately $15,- 000 wortb of jewelry and coins were stolen from a Bellwood Drive home last week. According to a spokes- man for the Durham Regional Police Force, the thieves gained entry to the home last Thurs- day night through a sliding door leading to a patio. Police said that two bedroom doors were forced open and bed- rooms and the basement were ransacked. The items stolen in- cluded charmn bracelets, charms, rings and coins. the speaker for the evening, Ross Linton, who spoke on the do's and don't's of cultivat- ing and propagating roses. He referred to them as «"semi-tropical overgrown shrubs" and has no less than 500 roses in his garden, with an 85 to 90 per cent win- ter survival record. This fact, together with7 his obvious love and know- ledge of these popular shrubs, was evident to bis listeners. Valerie tbanked the speaker. Diane Rotbnie then announced the winners for the show as follows: best red rose, prize donated by Red Rose Tea Co., was won by Gib Marlow; best decora- tive, prize donated by the Enmporium, went to Doris Marlow and the best decorative in the junior class was entered by. Kara Braun. Judge for the show was the well-known rose grower, Dorothy Sand- ford, who as usual, did a fine job. A delicious lunch was served by Fred Kofalvi. Our next show' and meeting will be beld on August 25. Jim Cheyfie, known throughout the region for his numerous roles in lîttie theatre, and Judy White, who recent- ly co-starred with hlm in "My Fair Lady", are making a television pilot for CHEX TV, Peterborough. Called -"Canadian Characters"', the plan- ned sertes would pre- sent two one-person per- formances in each pro-. gram. Jim wil be play- ing the part of John Me- Crae, the Canadian sol-' dier, surgeon and poet who wrote the now world famous poem "In Flanders Field".' The action takes place May 3, 1915, the day that he buried a former stu- dent of- his at McGiil, and the day it is said he wrote the poem. In the second haif of the program, Judypor- trays Mary Pickford as a girl of 171/. As taîkies had not arrived yet, ber movie audiences at that time had not heard her speak. Here in a rest period on the set, she Closed -William A. Vaughan, superintendent of retail collection and delivery for the Whitby Post Of- fice has announced that the branch wiil be closed tomorrow (July 1) in honor of the Canada Day holiday. There will be no letter carrier, wicket, or rural route and mobile ser- vice. $190 break-m Break-mn artists got away with $190 after breaking into the Fire- place Restaurant on Thickson *Road South last Thursday night. According to the Dur- ham Regional Police Force entry was gained through a basement window. The break-in was discovered by em- ployees reporting for work last Friday mor- ning. talks excitedly about hercareer and how it was when she was plain Gladys Smith in Toron- to. The dialoguewa written by Darwin C. Vickers, who- is also producing the show. If successful, actors in the Durham and Peter- borough areas will be auditioned for such par- ts as Marie Dressler, BiUly Bishop, Red Ryan and Mary Livingston. Ajax resident Louise' Lukianchuk will intro- duce and narrate the sertes. Approximately three years ago Vickers pro- duced another sertes of 15 dramas. for CHCH TV, Hamilton, called "'The Golden Horseshoe Theatre", culminating, in an independant ad-, judication, and a Holly- wood style awards night - also televised. On this occasion Jim Cheyne won best actor for the sertes; another Whitby resident, Bert Heaver, won best direct- or; Oshawa actresses DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 Hours: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings ByAppointmnent Only (across f rom Beer Store) *CINEMA SHOWC4SE Julie Brterly. won best actress - and Oshawa, writers Andrew Nichoils and Darreil Vickers wom best writers. It is worth noting that they were competlngl with other groupa from Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Misslss- auga, Bolton and Suna- coe. -TUE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whltby 668-7021. A, favourite eating spot for Chinese food loyers. A large selecticrn of Canadian dishes also serVed. Prices range fromn $2.70 and up for lunch,' and $3.80 and ap for dinner. Open fromn il a.m. to i ain. weekdays, Friday and' Saturday open tiJ 2:30 a.m. We are now fuly licensed. Wmmling: $OMO SCunes May Frghten 6. - - Theatres Branch Ont. STARRING - O01ETH WILLIAMS Wenknghts - 7:00 & 9:10 Sat.iSun. - 2:15, 4:30,6:560 a 9:00 'AOULT Not suelable r fa. on HELD OVER STARRING - HARRISON FORD Weehnlghts - 7:05 à 9:15 Su/.sun. - 2:00, 4:15, 8:55 & 9:05 hOL /ýTRRING3 - SLETRSTALLONE I wmg- S @ cm f vo HELO OVER SeL/Sun. - 2:0 U,S,ô:519:0 n ACCOMPANIUIENT J Ne4ctahi. lfo ch.Id.w, Corrido r Capers ..:.fBy MARYft z~mli MoC172"4967 withitt 1