fw Z. culture of the 1960's made' pot the nation's Most widely used illicit drug. Earlier this year a blue-ribbon panel of the National Academy of Science's Institute of Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR GERRY EMM .Chafrrnan, Durham Region Works Cornrnttee Summer bas arrived at last and altbough we have bad near record rainfals this spring, Wbitby's gar- dens are Ieoking their best. My bat goes off to those homeowners who spend hours upon hours working and enjoying the beauty of their labors - it sure is good to look around Whitby streets this tirne of year. Whitby honored individuals and groups, at its recent Recognition of Achievement Night and it was one of tbe largest gatherings for such a night the town bas seen so far. I would like to extend rny ap- preciation to those people who received awards on- ce again for their contributions to the town. I would like to tak- this opportunity to simpiy an- nounce that I will be eeking re-election to the posi- tion of regional councillor again this fail. As we ail know, garbage disposai is not only a necessity, but also very costly to the taxpayers. At this tirne, members of tbe region's works depar- tment are trying to find ways to improve the service wbile keeping its cost as low as possible. A report is expected before regional council sometime this fal wbicb, hopefuily, will have some alternatives that should correct tbe problems that we could be facing if sometbing isn't done because of tbe bigh trucking costs we have to pay. The agreement that Durham bas with Metropoli- tan Toronto wil bave to be re-negotiated s0 tbat we can continue to enjoy the favorable disposaI rates we bave enjoyed for the past four years at the Pickering landfill site. My next column wii not be until September and by that'time summer wili bave corne and gone. I wiil be enjoying the season with my family but will continue to be available to answer any concerns or deal with any problem you rnight bave. As regionai works chairman, tbe man responsible for regional roads, I would like to urge all of our residents to drive safely and have a happy summer. Ambulance During the week tbat ended at rnidnigbt last Tbursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 91 calîs for service. According to ce-owner >Bull Cocker, the service responded te 29 routine cails and to 33 standby cails for other ambu- lance services in Oshawa and Ajax. The service aise res- ponded to 29 emergency cails, including two motor vebicle acci- dents. Help wanted' Durbamn Centre, a residential faiity for children and adults wbo are mentally retarded requires volunteers for their summer prograrn. Anyone 15 years of age or older, regardless of previous experience can participate as a velunteer. A minimum 'Irnmitment of ten con- ;ecutive days is equired. For more information ùease contact Suzanne (oung in velunteer ser- ices, at 668-7745 ext. 35. By ANGELA TIBBLES How dangerous is marijuana? The ques- tien bas been botly debated by the public - and sorne scientists - ever since the counter- thIde* WSA LE (1 maktDce July14 to 31 30%oFFOFF ion new and used children's clothing- infant to size 1 R 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phn:668-1133 ___i VMERCIIRY AUOMOY 324 Ash Street, Whltby Expert Auto Painting At An Affordable Price.? " compete Collision " Repairs & Painting " Frame Repairs *Frais Estimates *Cars Dons By Appointment OnIy "Not Your Average Body Shop", 668-8522 The Chur Speaks Sponsored by th WHITBY MINISTE] ASSOCIATION~ Lung"Aassoc. aaya.... Marijuana is -dangerous Medicine lssued the rnost comprehensive and dispassionate re- port to date on the health effects of mari- juana. Tbe comrnittee con- cluded tbat the drug is far from innecuous and its use "justifies serious national concern." However, said the panel, mus more' re- searcb wiil have to be done to prove the dire warnings of pét's most vociferous critics. Dr. Arnold S. Relman,' editor of tbe prestigious New England Journal of Medicine headed tbe cornmittee. The committee reported that marijuana resembles tobacco srnoke in its action on the respiratory tract. Heavy use.can preduce chronic bronchitis and even precancerous changes inthe lining of the bronchial tubes. Although iong-terrn studies bave yet to be done, the committee warned that pot smoking could cause lung cancer. 'Smoking marijuana also results in stresslike effects on the circulatory systern, increasing the heart rafe and blood pressure. The lung association be- lieves that smoking marijuana is barrnful ýto the lungs - certainly at least as harmful as tobacco smoking. And se, they urge everyone to protect their lungs against damaging smoke - botb marijuana and tobacco. For more informa- tion, contact Durhamn Region Lung Associa- tion (the Christmas Seal people) at 723-3151. 1It's a matter of life and breath. EDITOR'S NOTE,. Ms. Tlbbles is the executive director of the Durham Reglon Long Associa- tion. WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14,1982, PAGE 9 fact His ways are moot often in opposition to wbat we na turally assume to be rlght. James is wrltlng here te, a group of Christans that bleh are faclng persecution from wltbout and wltbin. Naturally they became a littIe dlscouraged and bit- 'ch ter about their circumstances. Theylike rnany'of tion and bow true -Christiants would face it and be called '"blessed" (Matt. 5: 10,11,12). This is certainly net what we are conditioned to, believe today. Most long for calm seas and as few à e problems.as possible. This does not mean we should RIAL go looking for trouble. 'Tbe point is it will corne to us eften as we take our stand fer God and oppose al - that is evil. Ahl the "trials and temptatiolis" that "crowd" in- to our lives are net meant te take away our faitb or make us fail. Tbey corne to make us soar llke eagles 1.in spiritual places. Tbey corne not to defeat us but Uiiv that we wiil defeat them. They are- not meant te make us weaker but stronger. Se, do not "Iresent tbem as intruders but welcorne them as friends."' For me it really bouls down.to this. Do I trust God? Do I believe that'He bas tbings under control? Can I commit mylife and my situation into His ban- tations ds without reservation. Yes I c 1a 1ni His way- is 4don't always best. Élcone orne to --wm ,ou the ýrocess velop- e men sort of Welcome tro By THE REV. ARNOLD MAIN Pastor Whltby Pentacosétal Church "When ail kinds of trials.-and tempi crowd into your iÃès, my brothers, resent tbem as intruders, but wec them as friends!1 Realize that tbey cc test your faith and to produce in y( quality of endurance. But let tbe pr go on until that endurance is fully de, ed, and you will find you have becomg of mature character with the rights independence ... Councl Column James 1:2-4 (Phillips) I neyer really appreciated this passage in James chapter 1 until I heard it read and expowided frorn the Pbillips translation. It seemed te corne alivel and once more draw my attention to the fact that God does not necessarily tbink as we do nor are ifs ways always our ways (Isaiah 55:8,9). Matter of LA CONTESSA SALE MONDAYS ½ 2PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAMILY MONDAYS &WEDNESDAYS I NTROD)UCI NG SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½ 2PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAILABLE INCLUDING PERMS 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY 668-9262'