PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY,ý JULY 14s 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Ladies Gre at Ride earns .$7,-372 for ca ncer.society By MARION IRWIN, gé hereaults of the Klwanla CIub's Ladies Great Ride For Cancer hel d on Saturday and Sun day, May 8 and %, are golng to be muce better than aniticipated. by ride chairman,' Charlie Cyr. At the moment, the money turned, in thus far totals. $7,372 and there is still ' approxi- mately another $1,000 to $1,500to cornein.' Although .the final total will' not match last yearp', arnount of $10,000, the Kiwanis and Cancer Society volun- teera are very happy with thia year's resulta. .The reason for this 18 dueý tothe fact that for the firat time, the ride was rained 'out.Origin- ally scheduled* for 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 8, the ride .had to -be postponed "becauùse at that'hour a heavy rËam was fallig. As a remuit, there were actuaily two rides held. Because the foilowing day was-Mother's Day,> several people 'wanted AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOF 2069 Simcoe St. N. (At 5th Ooncssslon) MID SUMMER- OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, JULY 24 $1,OOO OFF NEW HARLEYS. SPECIAL PRICES ON ACCESSORIES. COFFEE & DONUTS. FREE DRAW. ~MORE IIAN AMAHItLJ 579-90O46 716 Wilson Rd. S. Unit 6 to do the ride on Satur- day as they had, plans. for the followinig day. Consequently, about 20 'brave souls started out on Saturday at 2 p.m. in a sprinkle of ramn. Mother -Nature was kind to them', how- ever, and theywere able to finih without any, large downpours'. The, following, day (May 9) though, about 75 other ridera did the ride at the prearrangedi raim date time of 1 p.m.. Tis Urne the' weather' was moa cooperative and ail enjoyed a lovely leisurely ride. Following the ride, prizes were drawn and refreshments were ser- ved. All riders were urged to have " heir money in by the, ý.,d of May in order to be eligi- ble to win a new bicycle. 1The winners of these bikes were Frank Bar- doul, the top man entry with $705 and Carol Good, the top lady entry with $292. Six Whitby banks and trust companies entered groupa of ridera as well turning in about $3,000. For their efforts the two top banks will be' treated. to a buffet lunch pre- ÀV dw ÀV ÀW ÀV ÀV Àw Àff lww"qwà wà wv 7'wÀM wý ÀW ÀW ÀV ÀV ÀV ÀW ÀV À rÀvà M ÀW m ÀV ÀV ÀW Av_ EsM <UýVSTO eý -Tom Wilcox (centre) the past-president of the Whitby Kiwanis Club la seen here prêsenting the prizea to the two top money eamrèr in the recent Ladies'Great Ride for Cancer. Both Carol Good (lef t) and Frank Bardoul received a ton speed bicycle for their efforts. Good was the top lady rider wjth $292 in sponsorahipa with Bardoul, the top man earned $70 5 in sponsorahipa. -Fyee Press Staff Photo pared' and served by cancer- society volun- teera. -Al- in ail, considering the weather and the harder econornic, times' ride c ëhairman, Charlie Cyr, said,: "The club is really happy thatwe did as well as $8,000. The fellows had to corne out twice to man the route, etc. but theywere really glad to do so." EDITOR'S NOTE: Marion Irwln is the spe- clal'events chairman of the Whitby branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. Wie lding gn gets man six monthsl.,.jail SA man who brandish- ed a pistol at his mother- in-law's Whitby home ini an attompt to visit his estranged wife has been sent to jail for'six mon- ths. County Court Judge J.P.,Kelly handod down the- sentence last week, after Robert Rogers, 24,' of Stayner, .Ontario ploadod,, guilty to possession ' f a reistrict- ed weapon and carolesa storago of a firearm. According to the Dur- ham ýRegional, Police Force, members of his wife's famxily over- pwrdRogers and held hirm for police after thoy saw a .'22 caliber revolver. When police- checkod his vehicle thiey- also found a .303 caliber rifleë and ammunition. Rogers was originaily charged with attempted murder, pointing -a fire- arm and possession of a dangerous w eapon 'but Judge Kelly withdrew the charges after pro- tri'al negotiations were entered into- by defenise counsol Ales Soana:,and the Crown Attorney. In- addition to the ilg term, Judge Kelly- or- dered poice to confis- cate the siezed revolve'r and rifle and prohibited Rogers from owning or poaesigany weapon fo h otfivo years. 30 day o theft' A 30-day jail toi been given to a Brunswick man v tomptod to <aL $25,000 boat Holiday World, e CI.r 1111 ART DEPARTMENT ON. PREMISES attempt: ni has -das Street East marine a Newv supply dealer last mon-,, who at- th. eal a County Court Judge4 from Hugh O'Connell un- a Dun- posed the sentence on Ken Paul Machuni, 31,, last week after hepload- od guilty toattmt theft and possession -of stoleh goods. 1Machum was chargod by tho Durbani Region- al Police Force on June 6 whon he was appro- hended hitchina a boat and trailer tobhis truck. Ted ARNTSý 1 LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROCK RD. N., PICKERING (1 'h miles north of Highway 2> TOP SO. Sand Limestobe Treated Timber Stone Pinenmuich Patio Siabe Curbs Flrewood Peat-Loamn INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES (DELIVERED'&OR INSTALLED) 683-0887 u~1uI=~r± Let Subaru show you the difference Just remember that it's qut. easy ta find an inex- pensive car. ýThe trIck 1is9ta flid on. that stayas that W8lý. C&CMOTO RS sSALES * SERVICE a PARTS 160 Slmncoe St. S.,' (North of 401) OSHAWA' 728,-0181 Complete Einine Rebuilding Domestic or Foreign Gas. Diesel -Propane* %ih Performance Farm & Industrial. Remcondition Cylinder Heads Pressure Test & Injector Tubes Installed Resurface Heads & Flywheels Blocks, Deck, IBoring & Honing Rods & Crank ,Re-msized Harley*Davidson Engine & Transmission Rebuilding & Big Bore Kits Available "Drop ln or Gîve Us A Cali" Ask for Perkey, Chrîs or Denny 118E1 C19VSTOM i