WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 21, 1982, PAGE 9 C-prlpu nishrn'ent ban-- may be legal: 'trustee ~: The Durharp' Board of SEducation is conaider- ing abo ahn ctrpthat pu ishnga crporal could be contrary to the eatablished law _in Canada accordlng to Whitby Trustee' John Buchanan. Theboard is currently clrculatlng -, a draft policy statement ý that would appear to remove flot only the, strap from the school but the use of detentiona as well. Under'-the headlng of< j "uncceptable methoda of -discipline by staff" I the report says that " the. board disapproves. the use of ýphysical punlsh- ment.-", Under Section 43 0of the Criminal, Code 0f Canada, a t eacher'a right ,to use, physical force as a method of discipline is clearly' stated. "Every schoolteach- er, parent ,or -person standing, in the place 0f the parent la justified in uslng force by way 0f correction -toward a 110w would you like to draw 21, at Black Jack? WeHl, if you're, lucky at carda you should make'an ap- pearance at the Whltby Arts Station Gallery thia Saturday as they bold their annual Las Vegas Night. The fun gets started at 8 p.m. wlth entertainment and gamea of chà nce. Admission is $1 and restricted to persona aged 19 and over.* Las Vegas Night 18 the gallery's contribution to the County TowntCarnival that gets under way today. For more about the carnival, see ody'a special puil-out section. -Free Press Staff Photo Bridge The followlng are the resulta of Ilut week's play at the Whitby Curl- ing Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mra. Harvey Winter. .North and South: lira. A.W. Armstrong and lira. W.C. Riatow, 76; Mir. and lira. Jim Wharrie, 75; Mir. and lira. Donald Wilson, 64; and, lira. John Frost and lira. P.N. Spratt, 63h. East and West: AI and Don Leslie, 76; Mr. and lira. Robert Broadbent, 75; lira. Florence Love and lias Nancy n Love, 65; and, Mr. and lira. Harvey Winter, 62. The resuits of each week's play at the club. will be reported in the following issue of the Whitby Free Press.' 192Th.eyear yo u'iI say "yes"y 1982 to the new £faCZd ixe 7MCOer y= ,ora0S,OOO#ik4t. MISER 57 mpG 44 mg HIGHWAY COMBINED 4.PLI100 km) 8.L(00 km) REGULAR LEADEDOA Maclntosh 290 North Front e Bel levi 1le 966-861( Chrysier Plymouth n Limited 4l 9 *ýl4Vit 4 331 Park Rd. S., Oshawa 728-4838 pupil. or child, as the case may be, who, la un- der his care, if the force does not exceed What-la reasonable under the' circumstances," the code says. Whlle the writers of the rêjport recognize this clause they maintain that "theboard believes that lnflicting physical punishment is not i the bést interest 0f the children under our juris- diction. "The board believea that physical punish- ment la an undeairable means 0f conflict resolu- tion, violence begets violence, and physical punishment '- does nothing to identify or remediate the causes of the child's miasbeha- vior," they add. The report. also says thatsu chpunishment la "4counter-productivýe to the buildingof a&Positive self-concept.", But, the report does, not" say thatý physical force, will not be neces- saryfrom time to time. 4Fpor example, the board recognizes that physical fdrce 'may be reqlrd n self-defence,. to protect astudent from another individual or to 'protect a student frornà a llfe-threatenlng situation," it said. "What ia referred to la the 'deliberate use" of force as punlahinent."' While the, report says that the board willallow timie h find acceptable alternative methods of" discipline, "t'he use of physical punlahment i our -schoola will, be discontinued by,1984.06 30 (June SO, 1984)." While Buchanan says that he la in agreement with much of what the draftý report' says, he says, it bas not suffi- ciently -addressed. the question of 'what la cor- poral punishment. ' . "They haven't defined it," he said lastweek. "What la it yout can't. use?"' Buchanan said. that, while physical punish-, ment- may be ouüt, hi, wants to kniow wbat alternative methoda 0 f discipline, will be used before -the ,.report becomea board policy. "The philosophy be- hlnd',it is get, iAt's utopia," ýhe sai, 1sI'd liketo see it but I don't know how we're going to get it."9 I And because accept- able ýforma 'of discipline haven't been outlined, Buchanan- says the policy wll be, ineffect.- "I don't, see how you implement this wlthout somnething to baà ck it Up.? Buchanan, a police of- ficer by profession, also sees legal probleins with the report,, espe- cially concerning teach- ers' rights under Section 43. "To some degree, We're taking away somne of the rights the, law , as. given hlm," he said. The truatee -says he - knows what the report W~ aiming for -but .str.esses that it hasn't done it.:<- "X know whatithey.'re trylng, to do but they're not doing it, " lhtsaid. " There's got to be speci- fics here, .'if you d'O something, this la ýthe penalty."'p Buchanan also points' out. that corporal, pun- lhetincludes cor- poral, touch -and incar- ceration.ý "That means any- thing fim physical pun- lahment to a. detention,". he said , adding It, would also include "standinîg in the corner or being sent to the principal's office. ', For Buchanan, the report la incomplete be- cause not only' la corpor- al punishment not de- fined, but acceptable ,methoda of discipline are not outlined.- "iThey haven't com-, pleted the ý policy," hé said, ' "We've either. gone too far or not far enough." "«What do you mean, by corporal punishment under_. this board?" Buchanan asked. "Let's defineit, what la it that' you'don't want them to do?" theft' Approximately $22,- 000 worthm of electronic equipment was stolen from a local firmn during thé night 0f -July 12 and 13 according to the Durham Régional Po- lice Force. A spokesman for the force said that entry to. Sigmacom Stems, Inc.,, on Industriai Drive, was gained by forcing an' air condition- er from a window. 1 When employees, re- ported for work last Tuesday morning equip- ment such a_s ampi- fiers,. acramblers and- receivers were dis-- PRddîNG 21 H R.O ATEL ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEPTION CAJIDS INVI TATIONS THANIC YOU CARDS I ANFRH mEWI SUMMR CLARANE SL Reon ton ypviler elcti &maual fl garne o 10 iscou e covered. to have been ' A1W4MAHINE.M stolen. mrCAUIE SLUIMBER LINE Model »AESOSR 8,000 BTU' *,Lowsilhouette contemporary look a Wood- grain-effeot front panel conceala controls when unît la off, e Easy-Mount aide curtaîna.e Unît-moufta fluah to most ailla Front air dis- charge with adjustabie air-direction controla Easy-Mount Installation: f irai windows 241/2 - 40" wide e 3 Cooling and Fan-Oniy"speeda In- cludlng low, extra-quiet Slumber'Speed e Multi- position thermostat for comfort-level selectlon e Exhaust control (vent)'. Reg. $499.111 $418 'QOueAIM US TO SATUSFY" Be a, winner k qu