Whitby Free Press, 21 Jul 1982, p. 24

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PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY,JULY 21,1982, WITBY FREE-PRESS MU. A PISIESSIOIAL I IS BEST. "COITIN EITALSe Luî fr weddings, dances,banquets, anniversaries, etc. We play requests. iPhone- 668-3741 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oll paint- Ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA. THIS SPACE CAN BE YOURS FORI PENNIES PER CUSTOMER.' CALL 668'61,11 PORTRAIT.- WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 668-7100 1ý03 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY « CARPN R HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 -Ktchens, Ceramic Til- ing, Drywal'l', Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 St Clair l.pITh p"&piper mpp Safeway Plaua Midtown Mail] 115SImcoe N. 200 John St. 576-9971 Ohaa576-243.ii EDUCATONL SERVICES "ORAMMAR for people who hate gremmar" la the Ideal pocket reference book for business peo- pie. $395 par copy and avaliabie at Dicicson PrInting & Office Sup- plies in the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries lnvlted 683-1968. SEVES CONGRATULATIONS on your for. thcoming marriage. Please vlew our sempies of engreved wedding *Invitations et your lelaure In aur Ajax Plaza store.' Dickson Printing & Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP la on the way for firme u'îiose prinier hes receniiy gone oui of business. Lou Dickson ha the cost cutting ideas you need et a time like this, 683-1968. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f Irst day of pubilpation. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hlable^ for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publîca- tionbeyond the cost of the space occupîed by the error up t'O a maximum cost of the f Irst Inisertion. The VYhtby Free Press reserves the-rîght to classify or reJect ail advertîsements. Ads must appear In the paper one day bof ore they can be changed or cancelle. RATES: $4.06 for.20 words If billed; 12o each addîtîolnal word.. Pre-pald Insertion of 20 words $3.50; addItional words 1'ls each. You may charge your Classifîled Ad to, your Chargex or ..I.. ----- LNSN NRLNWFOR FALL IPIANO LESSONSI ITheory And History OfferedI IExperencedeacher Bachelor of Musce, A.R CT. L2WL 668-6361 SERVICES e,~~ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE youth bed, pine and cedar, 4 poster, takes twin size mattreas. Asking $70. Phone 668-5245. B-PC. SOLID oak dining roam st, antique. Phone alter 5 p.m. 668- 5908. EATI ONAii Sf~ECE QUEST BRIGHT AND GIFTED CHILDREN GRADES 1 -9 AND PRESCHOOL' QUEST is a programme, located ln Oshawa, open to bright and glfted children- beginnlng at age three through to secondary level, who meet the school requirements. The environmnent provides stimulation and challenge and the opportunlty to realize potentlal. Excellence is recognlzed and encouraged ln a supportive atmosphere. Some openings are stîli available for September: PrimarylJ unlor School - Preschool to Grade 2 Intermediate/Senlor School - Grades 5,6, 7,8 For admission applications telephone 655-4832 or 579-7575 or write to Mrs. R. Bank<s, c/o 448 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4T6. SCULPTURED NAîLS and hair removel done privately et very reasonabie prices. Cali 668-0800. SONLEY Friends and relatives of Henry and Velma Sonley are Invted to a dance on the occasion of their 4th Wedding Anniversary on Frîday, Augus't 6 at 8:30 p.m. Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. lt's a surprise. Best wishes only please. GARAG E SALES GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Juiy 24 et 139 Pringie Drive, Whitby, stert- Ing et 9:30 e.m. Many househoid articles. Rein date Sundey, Juiy 25. -9 ARTICLES FOR SALE VISIT aur used furnîture ware- hous by appointment. Big savInga on desks, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Print- lng & Office Suppiies to arrange an eppoiniment to view. 68-1968. HIMALAYAN KITTENS, two female, six weeks*oid. Phone 723- 5372. FLORDri VACATION ~W~ RENTSALSý Cieerwater - Take the femlly, Ithree bedroom, two bathroomî cutyclub homes, Pools, tniclose to major attrec- lins nly $2W. .we ely. 683-5503- SMALL-SPACE FOUMOwiIh ciasslfed ads LOST - Tabby cet, maie, 9 months nthe. oid, not neutered. "Max' has a I h white cheet and white feet toaie- Whîtby Free Press bow, wlth a tebby piatct' on one A mladttwi g bgrst. eibow. Lost at Eastbourne Beach '* rAi ormli d Ib wII he hlgeN. Lyndeshores Conservation area. town remde the cimmmilled pages.. Reward. Phone 666-2767. tWHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 I ~ AUTOMOBILES FOI SALE OwASCO USED CAR DIVISION Presents -,à ' 1979 Mustang GhIa, sports p ackage, Sun roof, stereo cassette, sharp! lic. OJX 864 $57495 1981 Pontiac Acadian, 4 door hatchback, radio, tacho-' meter low km., lic.RHT 312 $59395 1,979 -Pontlac Acadian, 2 door, 4 cyl., 4 rear defroster, $39695 speed, radio, lic. OXJ 117 1976 Datsun 710, 4 cyl., 4 speed, iow mileage, lic. LXM 384 $2j395 1976 Malibu Classlc, 4 door ~ sedan, weil cared for car, lic. KMW 400 $19,995 1980 Ford Plckup, 6 cyl., m i Ljjm<Y e standard transmission, Ex- .- plorer pkg., radio, low km........... _'I li c. E P8273 $49995........ 1977 ChevelUeMalIbu Clas- J $ sic, steel belted-radiais, rearý defroster, AMIFM stereo, 8 track» power 'booster, lic. _________________L HU 686 $29895 ~~J OWASCO Aiae .?Omha Award Winner CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGES 13 AND 140 -~ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Visa Account and receive the discount on the prîce of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100words; 12o each addîtîonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f Irst 50 words; 12s each aciditional word. AUCTION SALES - 32s per Une. (no word aëls allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additîonal charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Pree will make every on- doavour to forward replies to box numbors, however, we ac- cept no lîabilîty regarding loss or damage allegod to arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We wil not be responsible for box number replies not called for withîn 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insortcr cancel Classlied Ads. Frlday noon prîor to publication to ln- sort or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 IKINGS KOÃ"LOUR KORAL INO I 135 Brock Street South Whitby 666-1231 8 MOOFIÈSUN WOfRTHY8 PAINTS WALLCOVERINGS Inspirational Cards and Glfts. F. ALAN LAWSON C.A%. truste@i bakrupty 221 King St. E., 435 George St. N., Oshawa, Ontaro. Peterborough, Ontario. Telephone (410) 4332166 Telephone (705) 745-2741 ESTATES MANAGERS' Ronald Pîdduclç Roma Dobby T.R. Canden C.A. - Trustee SERVICES INCLUDE: Trustee In Bankruptcy Reorgenization of Insoivent businesses Including proposais. Assistance to secured creditors In realizatIon of coilateral. Othe? receivership and truste. services. WANT ADS WORK WONDERS!! -----------------------------

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