PAGE_16, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS LIVE MUSIC S li 18 BEST. s li "COITIENpALint -a£pphl Safeway Plaza Mldtawn Mail [Mualo for weddings, ll15OSImcoa N. -200John St. dances, banquets, Oshawa anniversarles, etc. 576-9971 576-2431 We play requests. > Phone -CALL 668-6111 668-3741TO PLACE YOUR AD. F. ALAN LAWSON CA truste@ in bakruptcy 221 Kl'hg St. E., 435 George St. N. Oahawa, Ontarlo. Peterborough, Ontario. Telaphone (416) 433-2166 Telephone (705) 745&2741 ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pldduck Roma Dobby T. R. Canden C.A. - Trustee SERVICES INCLUDE: Trustee In 1Bankruptcy ReorganizatIon of Inaolvent busineasea lncludlng proposaais. Asaiatance to sacured craditora In realization of collataral. Othar raeavershlp and trustee services. CARPEN TRY HUGHEST PRUCES HOME REPAIRS' Pald for GoId and Silver & ~~colns,okignscocs IMPROVEMENTS tAure, crocks, boh paint. METRO LIC. B-2554 lngs and sealers. Kitchens, Ceramlc TII- F IN L lng, Drywall, Rec. FIN L Rooms, Cedar Decks FLEA MARKET a nd Patio Doors. 725-9783 FREE ESTIMATES 23KNSTW. CALL 668-4686 OSHAWA m mmmm mmm - - m - - - m SCIJLPTURED NAILS and hair ramoval dons prîvataly et vary reasonabla pricas. CalI 668.0800. CONGRATULATIONS on your*for. thcomlng merrlage. Pleese vlaw Our semplea of engravad weddlng Invitations at your leisura in our Ajax Plaza atore. Dlckson Prlntlng & Offie s uppliaes 6831968. HELP la on the way for firme whosa printer has recéntly gone. out of business. t-ou Dlckson hes the coat cuttlng ldeas you naad at a tîma lika this, 683-196. rBEST DEAL IN TOWN The Whltby Free Preas willl delîiver your message to, over- 70,000 readiers every week - reasonablyl Cal: I I I I I I I I I la F THNKS McGEE IThe family of the late John McGee and the late John McGee are very grateful to everyone who helped us ln any way dur- ing our loss. It is a great consolation for us to know the many true friends John made durlng his life. May God bless each and every one of you. Vour kindness will not be forgotten. Sincerely, Mr. John C. McGee and Margaret Mary, Ted and Jane. BUYING OR SELLINO. SEETHE-. WANT AUS I I q I AUTINS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 Large auction sale of fur- niture and antiques, the estate of the Late REU- BEN TINDALL, wiil be held ln the Town of Whit- by, 601 Gilbert St. W. (go west of four corners to Sunoco Station, turn south). Chrome set and four fancy back chairs, carved back antique chair, wrought iron table and four chairs (good), modern dinlng roomn hut- ch (good>, 6 dining room chairs, Duncan Fyfeq, table, 5 pc. silver tea ser- vice, 12 po. settIng of Doulton dishes (gold trim- med, over 100 yrs. old>, Symphony MInton china pcs., china cups and saucers, 12 pc. settlng of Haddon Hall dishes, sil- ver-butter dlsh and .knife, copper lustre spooner, qty. of other silver dishes, sterling spoon, silver .spoon holder à nd spoons, pressed glass, plckle cruet, large qty. of other antique dishes includlng 2 pcs.0f Bennlngton, an- tique bed chesterfileid and 2 chairs, with wlcker sides, antique regulator dlock, black and white portable T.V.,,3 pc. ches- terfield suite, upholstered chairs, gramaphone, violin and case, home made violin, guitar, Sing- er sewing machine (cabi- net style), 4 pc. bedroomn suite, captain'chair, 3 pc. bedroom suite, chest 0f' drawers, parlour table, trunks, boston rocker, set of antique store scales, pine f lat back cupboard;-6 panes in doors, drop leaf table, Thor washing ma- chine, deep f reeze, coal o11 lamps, aladdin and gas lamps, 4 antique maho- gany chairs,- antique tables, apple peeler, 2 Kodak cameras, antique razor shârpener, large qty. of sealers, old irons, iron string holder, dehu- midifier, very large qty. of interestlng small goods from the basement. Ter- ms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10 A.M. Register early. REG JOHNSON AUCTIONEER (705)357-3270 WANNAMAKER AUCTIONR SER VICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The'place Io buy or seli. We wiil pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) * SALE * Sunday AUGUST 8th 12:00 noon. Royal Hotel Bazaar Hotel Memrorabilia On Sale Old Furniture, bar chairs, cash registers, paintlngs, etc. rsfroshments avalable aetbar LO5T, - Grey end white kttan ln AnnealBurnsearea. Reward. Celi 8VAESALES GARAGE SALE Antique furni- ture, colîectabies, ciothlng, rugs, bed chesterfleld and 3 others, chairs, dressera, beds and houes- hold goods. 7 Calder Crascant, Prîngie Creek, Whîtby. Auguat 6 f rom 1 to 9 p.m. Auguat 7 and 8 from 9to 5. ARTICLES 1FOR SALE] 2"5 Storm Doors Tripla Seeled *Scolors $i89.0.4 styles installad*including tex: ýAlso eco- nomîcal and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal windows'end patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 WAN NAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We wiIl pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (E'JGS.) AVUMOMOTVE U~EARPAI~R/PARTS ARTICLES FOR SALE BUTCHER BLOCK Grade A-i Hlnds of Beef 46kg/2.09 lb. Sides of Beef 3.86 kg/I .75 lb. Fresh Meats &Cold Cuts 1626 tbykSi . 166 rok t. S Y i666-1545 TWO' single mattrassas, box aprînga wlth trames, extra long, sîza 39" x 79". Excellant condI- tion. $100 aach. Phone 579-3354. FOR SALE - Color TV, 2611 floor modal, good condition, $150. Gold 15 ou. ft. cheat freezer $250. Glrl'a 26" bIka, blua, $50. Seara 1-year- old gas mowar $100. Glas top gold coffea tabla and end table, $150 for set. Cal 668-1235. FREEZER, 15 cublo Inch, $250. Phone 666&2453. MOVINO - MUST 5ELL. Waahar and dryer, Ingls, 10 montha old. Llvlngroom auite, balga/brown. Coffea and two end tablea. Double bad wlth bookahaîf haadboard. Beat offar. Phone 668-0174 after 5 p.m. RED MAPLE bedroom suite, 39", conalats of dresser, nlght tabla, headboard, footboard, railia, mat- trasa and box aprlng. Excellant condition. Phona 668-1972 afler 6 p.m Now Open I< 'smÎ ~106 Byron St., Whitby Aiso Home Parties 668-723_ VISIT our used furnitur a we- housa by appointment.* Big savings on desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. caîl DIckson PrInt- ing-& Office Supplies to arrange an appoîntmant to viaw. 683-1968. AVUMTîMVE le REPAIR/PARP1T Planning Officer: $29O000 $349900 The MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, taxation data cen- tre, seeks an individual to compiete branch pro- ject asslgnments under a structured project con- trol approach. You wlll design new or revlsed sys- tems and prepare appropriate documentation; eva- luate existlng EDP and manual systems; analyse statistical data; prepare test packages and repor- ts; help Implement new programs or systems; pre- pare proJect sohedules, written project proposais and reports. Location: Currently Toronto, however; this position wlll only be availabie to those candidates who are willing to work In Oshawa when the minlstry relocates later this year. Qualifications: Experlence In a planning or EDP environment; sound kniowledge of research and planning methods and practices; EDP systems experience; excellent analytical and development- al skills; sound communication, interpersonal'and report wrltlng skills; understanding of structured systems design and analysis methodology; famiiiarlty wlth a tax administration environment an asset. Please submlt applicationiresumne quotlng file RE- 123 by Aug. 20,1982, to: Ministry of Revenue, Per- sonnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1X8. Equality of Opportunlty for Employment ®ubliéServiice SECRETARY - Muet have pleasant. parsonailty, be well organized, typing, some bookkeeping exper- lance, sales off ice orianted. Phone 831-2333. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Showour quality lina of carda and gifla to friands, neighbours, relatives. No experience neceasary. Our full colour Christmas catalogua makes Il easy and profiltable. Write or phone today for Information and f ree catalogua. Monarch Greetings, Box 516, Hamilton, U8N 3K3, (416) 527-3891. INSiJLATION SALESPEOPLE, top commission plus bonus. Phone 831-2333. PHIONE SOLICITOR, hourly rata plus bonus, workîng hours 5 to 9 p.m. Phone 831-2333. CLDCARf SERVICES DAY CARE aveilabie for pre- acnooiara In my hlome, West Lyn. BONMAIR MOTOIRS de area. Phone 668-438. Automotive Machine Shop * Complete engine' EMPLOYMENT -rebuilds & installation WANTED -.* Valve jobs *Ail eraee wrkSI ONaelax ia ffy *AIl worlc - full guarantee - reasonable ratea. Caîl t-nde parts & labour et 668-7166. 1750 Plunimer St. Unit 18 South Pickering CLASSII 831-341'CONTINUE9 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISI NG? Downtown business re- quires that person who: " Possesses good corfl- munication skills " Has ambition and self confidence " Is eager to Iearn * 1 capable of earning an - above average ln- corne *And ls not af raid to workfor it. If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start imme- dlately. Come ln to our office anytime Wed- nesday through Frlday. M.B.M. PUBLISHUNG 131 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 3 FIED ADS ON PAGE 17. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day 0f publication. The Whltby Free-Press will not be hiable for fail- ure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertisements. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled- RATrES: $4.06 for 20 words If bilIed; 12o each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words lie each. You mnay charge your Classifiled Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each additional word. N MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the flrst 50 words; 12e each additionaî word. AUCTION SALES - 32C per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avallable at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiIi make every en- deavourl cept no1 through1 to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- liabiîity regarding loss or damage aîleged to arise failure 'or delay in forwardîng such replies. We wili not be responsible for box number replies not calîed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monoay noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classif ied Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to in- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALI 668-6111 4u um - m m - m - m - rnm mmm mu m mmm - ~ IKINGS KOLOUR KORAL IC * 135 BroCk Street South *Whitby 666-1231 * \INT4S SWAt-LCOVERINGS IL I& - RELO W ANTED U MmMNý 1