WHITâY FREE PREâSSIWEDNÈIýbÀ,AU Ã, ~2 AE3 Changes will be -made to the PeterPerryAwar The Whitby Chamber of Commeye will be making changes.to the Peter Perry Award, president Howard Smith said last Friday. These changes were prompted by the origin- al winner of the 1981 award, Mari on Irwln, who said that.she would flot accept the award for herself alone. Instead, she insisted that the award by shared with Mandy Crawford and Joyce Cox, the other'two nominees. '<< In last week'ls edition of-. the Whitby ýFre Press, Irwin made some strong. crlticisms, of the award, given anal to the town's outstand- ing citizen. She 'attacked the chamber's practice of annoupcing, the final 30 years of mayores These gentlemen re present 30 years of political power in the Town of Whitby.'Ail of them servedas mayor of this mumcipality. - Seated in the centre is the current mayor, Bob Attersley. From left to right are:, Warren Mowat (1964-65), Stan Martin- (1960-63), Jim Gartshore (1975-80), Des Newman (1966-75) and Harry Jermyn (1950 and 1952-59). The late Bill Elliot was mayor of Whitby in 1951. The photograph was taken at'the retirement dinner of Forbes 'Doc' McEwen and is believed to be the first time that ail former mayors of Whitby have gathered together on one occasion. It was taken in the mayor's office at the Municipal Building. -Photo by Jan Tito Lenmknox work exhihited at library Throughout the month of, August, the works of Whitby- artist Ken Len- nox wiil be on display in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library. Over the past five years, Lennox's pen and ink drawings have been devoted to the -cultural heritage of Ontario. Be- cause of his fine atten- tion to detail, bis work gives a nostalgic look at Ontario's historical ar- chitecture. Whether it be church- es, barns, farmhouses, railway stations, old in- ns, or private homes Lennox reminds bis viewer of the value and beauty of our heritage in a unique way. Lennox's interest in art and dawing began as a pre-schooler and he entered many compati- tions and exhibits suc- cessfully. He studied fine art at'the Three Schools of Art and graphic arts manage- ment at Ryerson Poly7 technic,,both in Toronto. 1Af ter spending sever- ai years in.the graphic arts industry, Lennox now operates a studio at his Frost Drive home and is involved in print- ing, advertising,' gra- phic design, illustration, picture framing, calli- graphy and cartooning. His work also has been exhibited. at the Toronto Union Station, the Green Door Gallery, the Agincourt Public Library and the Whitby Museum. Throughout the exhi- bit, which ends, August 31, reproductions of Lennox's work will be available for sale at $2.50 each in the library ART DEPARTMENT. ON PREMISES auditorium. 64 nominees for the award the week prior to. the, ceremony. "The method they are using ls notý a good one, " Irwin- said 'adding that shebelieved the award had ,.become- a contest which was flot the cham- ber's intention. "lIt was flot their in- tention to' make it a competition >and 'it-- shouldn't be one," she said. Inaà written statement Smith said that. the chamber realizes there are somne problems but this does not mean that they no longer'support it. "The Whitby Chem- ber of Commerce sup-> ports the concept of the Peter Perry Award and will continue to do so," he said. Smith'pointed out that the purpose of the- ad- vance publicity given to the three nominees was intended to create more interest in the award. "This procedure was used last- year for the first time to promnote greater interest in the award," he said, "The chamber had absolutely no intention of reducing the- obvious stature of the award through this method." s The chamber presi- dent 'also said that a' meeting will be held in September to reconsi- der the situation. "Somfe int erested.peo- pie,- including this yers Peter Perry Award recipients, will' completely review the method of presentation and the nature and style of the event," S mith said, "Any other sug- gestions will be grate- fully received and seriously considered." r He also indieatedthat he would like to'see the awards continue -as a prestigious event., "The Chamber 0f' Commerce wants to continue with this pres- tigous award in the proper spirit and in a suitable' and fitting manner," Smith .said, concluding§ "Wi th the assistânce of interested people, we will generate the proper- enthusiasm for the next and future awards." 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