PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUsTiT', 1982, WHITBY F REE PRESS Follow the leader' Well, who is the leader? At the Whitby Public Library's drama day, Kelly Melvor, 8, of Garden Street tried to answer that same question.« Aside from playing a different form of follow the leader, the children got to do a littie acting. -Free Press Staff Photo Vet has no confliect, Batten says Dr. Clayton, MacKay has noa conflict of inter- est in serving as the Pickering, Ajax- and Whitby animal contraI committee's advisor according ta, North Ward Cauncillar Ross Batten., Batten, Whitby's representative an the- P.A.W. committee, made a statement in de- fence of the local veter- inarian after Ontario Humane Society execu- tive vice-president Tom" Hughes accused him of having one. Hughes claimed that since MacKay boards animaIs at his Dundas Street- East animal clinic, he should flot have been party toaa recommendation ta close the cat boarding house at the Thickson Road North animal shelter. "I do not feel he has a conflict af interest," Batten said painting out "we asked him ta ser- ve." The councillor also said that the committee needs his professional advice andwould rather have it from someone who knaws the local situation. "It is better to have that advice^ coming from1 in your comrnunity," Batten said. "I do not feel that Dr. MacKay would give us advice detrimental ta the society for his own personal gain," lie ad- ded. EITOR'S NOTE: On page 10 ai today's edi- tion, Dr. Clayton MacKay defends him- self against Hughes' ac- cusation. F-'-.0f8F --IJ--9007Jp1-13 0IU p1 45Oo** y ,) -tom it;,**YO , 1 Oi_±ýgj , *;kit4>flQ)1,600,.40 -r 10 Y - NJ.)à p 0)a-ic - r-J f 1 - .- *UM0 iUOU- 7 4 *b5 -F 0 ' 40CDFI « WHITOY - Wh.m rs ogr e..à uaWey of LU@. It might loi like chicken scratch ta most of aur readers but this'is Japan-' ese. Thisiïs just one page of a four-page promotional pamphlet put out by the Town of Whitby ta attract Japanese industry ta this cammunity. According to Mayor Bob Attersley, 1,500 copies of, the. pamphlet were sent ta the Canadian embassy in Tokya for distribution ta, all major corporations, banks and leading institutions in Japan. Similar booklets have been published in German and French for distribution in those countries. Mayor selligtonh Jap an and ,Germany, The Town of Whitby is seeking ta attract new industry from as far away as Japan, France, and Germany. One of the tools being used ta seil the town is a pramotion pamphlet that is published in each country 's language. Accarding to Mayor Bob Attersley, the'infar- mation is. distributed tlirougli the Canadian embassies in each nation ta, their major corporate groups, banks and lending institutions. About 1,500 copies of each are sent. The pamphlet gives a general overview of the town including its gea- graphic location, land costs, transportation services, employment market and energy sup- ply. The cost of the pack- age is borne by a fund established- by -five major residential developers with hold- ings in the town. This fund is used ta promate Whitby ta prospective industrial land buyers. Attersley said that since some af these organizations may not came ta Whitby, he will take Whitby ta, them. - "I'm very happy we're doing this," he said, "The idea is to go where the market is. 1 The mayor also said that he lias been told by the embassies that fia other municipality is promoting itself in this manner. 91 don't know of any ather community doing' this, " Attersley said. He pointed out that if, the town gains even one new industry because of this promotion, the' money - none of which, came from the tax- payers - will have been well spent. -It is also interesting ta note that Whitby recent- ly became home ta two Japanese firîns: Sony of Canada and Makita Power Tools. Contract unsigned, town has'ful phone options The sudden departure of JCL Telcom Corpora- tion from the local busi- ness scene has flot left the Town of Whitby with any serious prablems, according to admini- strator Bull Wallace. A few weeks ago, Whitby Town Coundil awarded their contract for the supply, installa- tion and maintenance of a new telephone system to JCL. However, the con- tracts were nat executed and work had nat begun on the town hall when the company went under. The contract was valued at $56,138.12. The town decided ta, purchase its awn system after a report by town clerk Don MacKay sug- gested that the munici- pality could save a sub- stantial amount of money if they owned their system. "The tawn is review- ing its situation," Wal- lace said last week, "but we haven'tý taken any action yet" JCL's disappearance "did nat have any affect at ail on the municipali- ty .... since no contracta have been executed," lie added., The town has a num- ber of options open ta it, the administrator point- ed out. Firstly, it can award the contract ta Cantelco, the second lowest bidder on the original tender. Second- Iy, the town could -go tlirough the entire pro- cess again the deter- mine wliether or nat JCL's price can be met. Wallace indicated that a decision will be made in the near future., "The town lias'a ful set af options open ta, it, " he said. Bible' sehool Ail Saints' Anglican Churcl i isholding a- Vacation Bible School from August 16 ta 20. Activities wil be held fram9toll:30a.m. Ail children between the ages of 5 and 12 are welcomed. There i&-a $1 registration f ee. "Regina Porter shapes. autumn in easy Iightweight knits."1 Figure 1. The new proportion in long- er sweaters that extend-down to an esy knit cuffed Pant - Tunfic sweater with cowl insert look. Other styles in collection. Wineberry/khaki stripe in sizes S.M.L. Sweater $155001, Pant $8500. Figure 2. For good looks or pure prac- tality nothing beats the. sweater dress, cowl rieck with V-accent. Per- fect accessory dress. Black and Wineberry. Sizes S.M.L. $6500. We would like ta Invite you ta corne ses oui- new collection oai lau fashions. STORE HOU RS: Monday to Thursday 9:30-6:00 Frlday 9:30-9:00 Saturday 9:30-6:00 AMPLE FREE PARKING Z THIRD STORE UNDER THE BREEZEWAY 58 ROSSLAND R.W OSN OSHAWA 571-0787