PAGE 20, WFON Ik*ýSI) 4 V AlýCITST'l B' 1982, WMTÉY FREF, PRMâ LY, AT 0 1 ion COUPON', w -th everyl $25.order, Full. detd'ils in store. Burns Cooked Ham Bittner's, pre-cooked Bratwurst Frozen, cello pack haddok Fillets» Swîss style raspberr or cherry Gay Lea Yogurt M ccitt. Regular or mînt Aquafresh Toothpaste 100 mL Assorted colours facial tssue Kleenex pkg. of 200U~ Mi Bargain pack MEAT SALE. I .72/kJ '781lb. Frozen eviscerated 1.3 to 2.8 kg, 3 to 6 lb. average utility grade Roasting chickens Dixie pieces & stems 10 fi. oz. tin Mushrooms Heinz ketchup Tomato, 375 mnL bottie SALE .199 18,79, St. Lawrence Limit 3 1 L cont. per famIly Corn OH Tea, bags McConnell's special blond orange pekoe, 384 g pkg. of 120 SALE 2.99 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FREE FýREE WHEELING FEATURE PRODUCTS WHEELING CONTEST WINNERS Rglro Van Camp beana with pork. brown sugar beana, Reguarorvegetarian beana. New Orleans style. kîdney V7 1 'decaffeinated beans or Stokely's Of~;J' F G.M. PONTIAC ACADIANS high yeld 300g9pkg - 14 l.tin Mrs. Anna Honzal Mrs. G. Parker Mountain Red Toronto Rexdlale Blend Kidney Coffee 2 3 Beans 16 Miss Carol Head Margaret Fleming Niagara Falls Kitchener Martins reconstituted Welchs rozen___ PLUS THE HUNDREDS,0F WINNERS 0F 1.36 L tin r 125fl oz, tin biesfrm ers Skte Breces Frsbe Apl Jic 19 0 Free Spirit Touring 0 Roller .0 Coleman Gas 0 Whamm-O pl Grape 4, quart -ba*et Peairs 2 4 qt. M bukel 'Produ ' C'tof.Canada'.- Canada No. .1 Grade Head Lettuce; 2- Produbt of Canada Canada No. 1 Grade Large Size ý CeloryStalks each. ý5 - 7 - Product t '.c f, , '* Canada No. *è ý%rà de Slzé 18'8 Cantaloupes each Dominion, shoeering frozen pwatoes Flench'fried Best assoriect oalmeal, shoncke biscuits or peanut butter creme Colonial co'okies 450 g pkg. White or yellow, Budget bathroorn Tissue pkg. of 4 Quikk.i, plastic Garbage bags pkg. of '399 i Enrichçd, Mite Rich-Lhe Bread 450 g loaf Values effective confll mà %dbm 0%4 'y LZZZZ2 *- /kg M N&W IWlb. Product of. Ontario, Ontarlo No. 1 grade, pick your own Newwhite potatoes, SALE 079 Puddings Assortod varletios Dol Monte, 567 g pkg. of 4 SALE 1.'59 Lemonade Frozon concentrated clear or Pink Sun Squeeze, 12.5 fi1. oz. cant. SALE