Hits to help make career choices Your cid's 'career declsion-making pro- cess begins early ini life and the experiences and attitudes that your cMild is exposed to wiil contri- bute heavily to the even- tual career choice that he or she makes. As a parent, you can help your child's career development. The US. Department of Health, Education and Welfare proposed the foilowing .) suggestions for parents: a Encourage your child's imaginative fan- tasies about what he wants to be when lie grows Up. a Provide suggestions and information regard- ing occupations that your child may not be aware of. 0 Discuss the pros and cons of your own occu- pation with your child. This wil enable lier to obtain an accurate un- derstanding of the dis- appointments and satis- factions you face daily in the working world. e Introduce your child to productive hobbies. Your child's self-confi- dence wiil correspond with Mis developing sen- se of accomplishment which wil help Mim in his, aduit career endea- vours. a Point out.the impor- tance of the 'chld's As many as 10 per cent of school-age child- ren may be affected by a learning disabillty known as dysgrapMia. DysgrapMics .compre- liend what they read and hear but are unable to transfer their thoughts onto paper. (This dis- ability is different from dyslexia which is a, reading disorder). The severity of dys- grapMia can range from preventing a cMild from writing at a normal 80%o OFF Regular Prices Dresses, Pants, Knickers, Blouses ,Winter Coats, Snow Suits and more. Special on SHI RTS BY LEVI'S-PU ERRE CARDIN. $KiJ~' WHUITBY MALL schoolwork for future career relatedsuccess. Explain that reading, mathematics and other school subjects -are necessary for most oc- cupations. eFamiliarize your chlld with her school counselor, or career planning office. Encour- speed to being unable to write at all, in addition to hindering speiling ability. Many dysgrapMces are mistakenly accused of laziness, brain damage or stubbornness -al- thougli they may be of supehor intelligence. Symptoms of this learning disability are poor writing or spelling skills, significantly higher verbal than writing accomplisli- ments and difficulty age.her to consuit with the counseling person- nel and to use the career guidance offices reçgularly. eAs your child gets older,' suggest ideas for part-time jobs that are related to his career in- terests. The experienceI of working :can intro- with remembering let- ter shapes. If detected early enough, the child will not need to be placed in any special classes. Ad- justments can be made in, regular classrooms for these children to overcome dysgraphia. One possible aid is to teach dysgrapMics cur- sive, writing before teaching tliem to print. Take time to think - It 'is the source of Spower; Take time to play - It is the secret of perpe-, . tuai youtli; Take time to read - It is the fountain of wis- dom,; Take time to pray - It is the greatest power on earth; Take timte to love and be loved - It is a God-given privi- lege; duce your child to the business world as well as provide valuable re- ferences. Reading furnishes our mind only with mater- ials of knowledge; it is thinking Makes what we read ours. - John Locke (1632-1704) Cursive is considered' simpler to Iearn since the pendi doesn't lift off of the paper as frequent- ly as in printing. Language specialists are" very optimistic about the educational treatments for dys- graphic students and tliey, empliasize the ability children have in overcoming this dis- ability witli proper tutoring. Take time to bo friend- ly - It is the road to liappi- ness; Take time to laugli - Rt is -the music of the soul; Take time to give - It is too short a day to be selfisli; Take time to work - It is the price of suc- cess; Take time to do cliarity- It is the key to Heaven. - Author unknown Sa fe bicy'cle riding hinits Wliether on campus or off, cyclists should know and observe these basic traffic regulations: e Obey red and green traffic liglits,, one-way street signs, stop signs.- * Keep to the right and ride in a straiglit une, single-file. e Have white light in front and state'approv- ed reflector beMind. Know local safety or- dinances. e Have satisfactory signaling device to w arn of approacli.-, a Give pedestrians on campus the"riglit-of- way; avoid using side- wallcs and stay off the grass.1 e Look out for* cars pulling into traffic and sudden opening of car doors. a Neyer Mitch on other movmng vehicles, stunt. or race in traffic. e Neyer carry riders or packages whicli ob- struct.vision or prevent, proper control of cycle. e Be sure brakes are, operating and keep your, bicycle in perfect runn- ing condition. e Slow down. at all in- tersections and' look to right and lef t before, crossing. *Always use proper hand signals for turning and stopping. o Don't.weavreinr' out of traffic, or swerve from side to side. * When biking at dusk or when light is poor,' wear white, or reflec- tors, to be seen. Mix grated cheese, siiced carrots 'or other vegetables into the SpaghttiOS before spoonýInginto the ther- mos. The-n, round out the lunch box menu with a juicy appie, a -speciai treat of a chocolate cup- cake with fluffy butter- cream-wainut, topping and milk purchased at scliool. Chunky Vegetable Soup heated with sliced franks and additions of cooked macaroni, pasta or noodles aiso makes a nutritions lunclitime meal when teamed with a hard roll, fresh fruit and glass of milk. The scliool bell 'not only signals, the return of the kids to the class- room, but a. focus once again on school lunches. With many federally- funded schooi lunch pro- grams being cut,, par- ents will want to be cer- -tain that the lunch box they. pack contais a nutritious mal, yet one that is enjoyable for the child to eat. So here are two ideas that are not only fun eating, but'are packed full of goodness as well. SpaghettiOs with sllc- ed franks in tomato sauce can be carried in a wide mouth thermos. *Brlng In your quallty used clothing - SInfant to size 12.ý Top demand rlght 'now for.fali and wlnter ciothlng. Speciaists in saving you money4 qua1i iy used children's wear. New Perego stroi lers for sale!. ~215 Dundas St. E., Whltby REGISTERED AS A PRIVATE SCHOOI.UNDR THE PRIVATE VOCATMOAL SHOOL ACT -OUIRSES TAX DEDUCTIB Dysgraphie kids can be helpe'd 'Take time' CLASSES NOW STARTING IN'I~ Modelling, Maie andi Fomale Make-Up Artlstry Seif-improvement Cali RUNWAY Modeiling Schooi Today for your passport to success with presentation of this ad $50»00 OFF on Make-Up Artlstry or Modellng Co'urse. MODELLINU SCOGOL LORD SIMCOE PLACE' 57 SIMCOE ST. S- OSHAWA 579-6237 Idéeas for sehool lunches m (ADVEà TISEMENT> Icorne Tax Course Begins Soon Each year thousands of people are using their spare time to earn money as tax prepar- ers in the growing field of inicome tax service. Last year nearly 9,000 people learned to prepare income taxes at the H & R Block In- corne Tax School.- The exclusive H & R Block developed course, which is tau§,ht in more than 100 communities acros,à lLte country, covers »ail areas of individual income tax return preparation. Morning, *afternoon, and evening classes are available for the 13½ week, 81-hour cour- se, which begins September 15. Anyone may enrol, there are no restrictions or qualifica- tions. The course is Ideaily suited for house- wives, retired persons, teachers, or anyone wanting to increase his tax knowledge. Job in- terviews are available for qualified graduates of the course, however, there is no obligation to accept employment with Block or for Block to offer such employment. Specially trained instructors teach current laws, theory, and application. The course is programmed to teach students increasingly complex problems as study progresses. Each phase is covered by classroomn and practice problems,. and studentâ have an opportunity to actuaily prepare sample tax returns. Stu- dents. find the course both interesting and chailenging. The modest fee for the course is tax deduct- ibe and covers ail textbooks, supplies, and tax forms necessary for the completion of the course. Each graduate will receive a certifi- cate. Registration forms and brochures for the H & R Block Income -Tax School are available by contacting the H & R Block office at 15 Bond Street East, Oshawa, telephone 723- 2217. Jashons 576-431 8