PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1982, WHITBY FREE, PRES's Bugselli 'elected to A.M.O. Whltby Councillor Joe Bugelli has been elected to the board of directors of the Association of Municipalities of ont- arlo (A.M.) ' The west ward repre- sentative on 'Whitby Town Coundil earned the post at A.M.O .'s an- nual conference held last week in Toronto. <Also on the 30-mem- ber board of directors from Durham Region are Ajax Mayor Bihl McLean and Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard. Oshawa Regional Coun- cillor John DeHart made an unsuccessful bid for the prestigious board. A.M.O. acts as a hobby for the municipahities before both the provin- clial and federal govern- ments and vlrtually al of Ontarils over 800 municipahities are members. .Bugelli told the Free Press ln a brief inter- view late last week that he is hoping to get on A.M.O.'s ,resolutions committee. Only this committee and , the policy committee "have CLEAN-ERPS Sr SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS eir ~? FRAGRANCES tent 0f many per- many people put ln a*e Cfijmes and colognes their drawers 'for S r Be careful wlth wili affect the dyes sweet smellIng * lu* your favorite per- and cause permanent ciothes. If these O fume. You canf spend damfage. The resuit sachets, potpourris, **fot onlyyour Initial 'could be stal ns, rings, or fragrant cryst'als* cost but also extra color loas and odors. corne ln direct con- Ir clothlngdollars. K&M Women's fragrances tact with your cloth- * * Cloaners and the In- are not the only of fen- ing, permanent dam-, ~ternational Fabricare ders; men's after- age can resu It. e10 institute, the worid- shaves and colognes Be sure to read and wide trade associa- are also capable of folîow the directions S (7 0. 0-0 tn for launderers these types of damag- carefuliy and accur- * S)and drycleaners, offer es. ateiy ,beiore uslng 1 the foiiowlng sugges- Another cause of these produots.YuS S tions. damage is the pretty may be very giad your r The alcohoi con- fttie, sachets that did. "dlCLanLn9 ccSvUicz fo' t/L EnU'rz amity ir 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 ~ THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE ls hereby given that the CounclI of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-iaw to stop up, close and seli that untravelied por- tion of the public highway' municipaiiy known as Byron Street North, being more speciflcally described as follows: That untraveiled portion of Byron Street North, as shown beiow, iying north of the C.P.R. right-of-way ln Lot 27, Con- cession 2, Town of Whitby, and -being more particularly designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey registered ln the Reglstry Off ice for the Registry Division of, Durham (No. 40) as'Plan 40R-7057. EEýcM AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of the Council o the Town of Whitby wili, at the hour 7:30 p.m. on the: 7th day of September, 1982 ln Committee Room 2 of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear ln person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims hîs land wilI be preJudiciaily affected by, such by-iaw and who applies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 1llth day of August, A.D., 1982. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T. Cierk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone 668-580 any meat, " he says. The councillor sald it will'give hlm '"a finger on the pulse of the rest of the province through the course of the year."1 The executive ineets at the cail of the chair but no fewer than two or, three times a year. Conimittee meetings are usually held five or six times a year;ý- Like other local politi- cians from across theý province, Bugelli voiced some apprehension about the ýpossibiity that the government will not increase their grants. These g rants usually account for one- third or mnore of a municipality's budget. Bugelli said that what Claude , 1Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing told the conference not to ex- peet any more money. 1" IBasically, what he said was not to expect any Increase in subsidi- zation next year. " Bennett, he added, in- dicated that grants will either stay the same or have a "minimal" in- crease. Bugelli said that the A.M.O. resolution ask- ing the government to come up with an "lequit- able formula" on'muni- cipal grants lacked any direction and was lilcely to accomplish nothing. 1However, he does flot think ,Whitby wili be overly affected. "Certainily no more so than fo r the rest of On- tario,". he said pinting out that Whitby tax in- creases have been well. below six per cent in the last couple of years. CÇanoe stolen from driveway Wh oever stohe the canoe from a l ocal home last week will have to portage itbefore he can make use 0f it *. The Durham Regional Police Force said that the canoe was stohen from a Jubilee -Court home sometime bet- ween 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on August 26. The. 12-foot orange, plastic Sunsport'canoe was valued at $200 and was stolen from the, driveway of the resi- dence. BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 ANNUAL MASS RESURRECTION ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERY (Taunton Rd. East of Brook St., Whitby) By MOST REV. ROBERT B. CLUÜNE AUXILIARY BISHOP AND MASS FOR DECEASED >CONCELEBRATED BY LOCAL PARISH'PRIESTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBERIl, 1982 - 10O:30 A.M. The Catholic Cemetery 'by Solemn Bless- ing is dedicated to God and set aside for the burial'of the bodies of Faithfni De- parted to await the Day of Resurrection. The Catholic Cemetery is a place of pray- er for the repose of souls of our departed brothers and sisters ini the Faith and of re- flection'oni the eternal truths revealed by God. Buri al* in a Catholie Cemetery with fellow-members1 of the Church is our final Profession of Faith. Toronto Cathol ic Cemetery Association 668-8912 Bugellli seeks <third term in. west ward, West Ward Councillor Joe ..Bugeui bas an- nounced that he wil seek a thirdterm as a ward representative on Whitby Town Council., Seasoned local politi- cal observers'have been speculating that Bugelli might mun for a seat on Durham iRegional Cotin- cil. However, Bugelli has discounted the- possi,- »bility this time out citing personal .commitments and the three-year term as reasons. 'T guess I'd like another termi as a ýward councillor , under the three-year terni situa- tion," he-said in a brief interview with the Free Press on F'riday. Bugelhi said -that two, years often isn't enough to' "effectively judge" the performance of any individual, on council. He wants to know whether or not the tbree-year term will- make any difference. During bis four-year career on council, Bugelli said that hé has worked bard to solve problems that were created- by his' prede- cessors. 've inherited other people's created pro- blems," bie said adding they were unable to re- solve tbem because of " a lack of foresight." As specific examples in bis own ward, he points to the difficulties the town bas exper- ienced in getting de- velopers to live up to the ternis of the subdivision agreements. He points out that finally 70 par cent of the problems witb the King's Gate Subdivision have been solved and the' remaiming 30 par cent will be dealt with Post office closes$ for Labor Day William A. Vaughan, suparintendent of retail collection and delivery, has announced that the Whitby Post Office will be chosed on Monday, September 6 ini honor of the Labor Day holiday. There will be no letter carrier, wicket or rural route and mobile ser- vice. However, the box lob- by wihh be open and street hetter box collec-, tion service will be pro-, vided on a Sunday scbe-*' Learn A Fascinatlnig Hobby! CEAI CLLASSES. Large selection,0f greenware & supplies REGISTER NOW! 1450 Hopkin'sStreet', Whitby4 66a8-6941 Auttiorized Duncan Dealer before- the end of the year. 41 can now look for- ward, to new devehop- ments," Bugellisgaid adding "hopefulhy we can make sure that future subidivision agreements are easier to implement." .Heaiso had praise for the accomplishments of tue current council.^,_ "I think this has been a very good-councih, it has worked together as a team ," he said. .As, evidenceý of this, Bugelli dlaims that "4you've got an election coming up with essen- tially no issues."P <Whitby's. growth. and rise in the rate of, local taxation has been "lby far, the best in -the region, " Bugelli adds. "This was because of the performance of the existing council," he said. >Bugehhi also serves as the chairman 0f the counicil's operations committee and is a member of the execu- tive of the Central Lake Ontario -Conservation Authority (CLOCA) of whose conservation area committee he. is chairman. He is married and bas four children. Bugelhi is the vice-president of Computer Composition of Canada, a Toronto typesetting firm. '" I'd like to say that V've done the job to the best of my abihity for the last four years,".Bugelli concludedwhile giving a hint at bis political future. He will be "look- ing seriously at moving up at the next election (1985)"y Pahthough he hasn't made up bis mind whether to run for regional council or for the mayor's chair.'