PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1982e WHITBY FREE PRESS AID TO MILLIONS C LASSI FIÎEDA DSI ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 16.I ARTICLESý FOR SALE DRY FIRE WOOD. Bosch, maple, white birch. 16',sticks. Delvor anywhore. $45 psr singlo cord. Phono (705) 454"260. SELF-HYPNOSIS TAPES. 112< ise. Free catalogue. »238 Doyen- port Road, Suite 111C, Toronto M5R iJ.16 OAS Sr0VE, Hrdwick, brown, wth hood and fiox pipe. Ping-pong table. Phono 868988M aftsr 6 p.m. WAN NAMAKER AUCTION, SERVICES 1614 Charleà St., Whltby WANTED - Estfates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equIp- ment. The buy or seIl. We will pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) FIREWOOD for sale. Whte brch, 16"~ aplit, $50 a face cord. Dliver- sd to OshawaIWhitby areas. Phono 6688-8650. ALUMINUM GREENà OUSE, white, 10 x 12. Cail after 4:30 p.m. 655-3298. OLD, FASHîIONED oak table, 6. chairs, good condition. %Table ex. tends 10 74". 3 lsaves, large curv- sd legs. Asking $450. Phono 728 4338. POOL ACCESSORIES -Dlvlntg board, fibrgiasa stairs and cover. Phono 6684104. 1972 CHEVELLE, 2 door, 6 cylin- der,,coupe, $100 os le. Phone 688- 7309. 1970 D000E CORONET, con b. certif led, new brakes and exhaust systemn. $350 or beat offer. Phone 668.578. ESUP E PROPS and akego rebuilt. Expert boat repaire. Discount fibrgiass repaire. Oshawa Glss Fibor, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 5791433. OFFICE PETS & SUPPLIIES CANARIES FOR SALE Maies $25 eoch. Fomaies $20 eoch. Phono 6682108. TYPEWRITER' RENTAL, mony makes and modeis, by the week- end, woaek or rnonth. Discounts' avoulable. Dickaon Printing & 0f- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Piozo.' ,cati us for business machine repaire 6831968. FREE: Drop mbt the DIckson Prin- ing & Offilce Suppiy store In the, Ajax Plaza and pick up o f ree copy of, their 1982 Metric Caiendar. PrInted ln two coloura, il makes fo r handy reference. 683-1968. WANT ADS' WORK WONDERS (PAMTMNTS71 CODSFOR RENT APARTMENTS for ront. Phone 6U8-6372 for-more Information. WU VACATION I :W RENTSALS Icieartr - Take thesfamilyll EThrebedroom wo bathrooml cutyclub homes, pôoos, tennis, photos, $200 U.S wkiy (les hanmotel room LJ 683M503 LOTS FOR SALE ONE ACRE LOI. $6.000 up. Con- nington. Phono (705) 432-2025. OFFICE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - WHITBY -- Three-room Whitby office suite with private washroom. Mas over 750 square feet of fully broadîoomed and air-conditioned spaclous- ness.. Main off ice about 32 f eet long. Couîd be divided into smaller offices." For further Information cali Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. - and 5p.m. at:I 668-6372 A Br~k1in Blineý s w I. .- By ROXANNE REVELER Cati 655-4951 wlth Items for this column. Hi there: < My brother-in-Iaw, always used to sing his children to sleep until he overheard his three-year'- old, son offering advice to is' two-year-old sister: &'If you prétend you're asleep, he stop." CORN ROAST FOR THE GIRLS The Brooklin Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders will be holding their annual corn roast on Thursday, September 9, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.mW. rain or shine. This<?lr it will be held at the homne of Lynne Robin-, son, corner ofý Ashburn Road and Highway, 7. Al girls and their parents' are Àrelcome> to attend, and are asked to bring their own là awn chairs. The meetings this year will be on the same days and in the same place as last year, commencing the week-0f September 13. For additional informationi please cail Audrey Parker at 655-4523, evenings only., CORN ROAST FOR THE BOYS <Rain or'shine, the Second Brooklin Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are. opening the' new season with a family corn roast at Camp.Batty, on Thursday, Sep- tember 9 at 6:30 p.m. Camp Batty 18 onl the west side of Highway 12 north of the seventh concession. Watch for the signs and the-scouts. Ail members, prospective members and families are invited to attend. Dress warmly and bring your own chairs. For further information cail group chairman Nancy Grylis at 655-3275. The regular meetings of the Second- Brooklin Beavers resumne Monday, September 13 fromn 6:20 to 7:30 p.m. Cubs start Thursday, September 16 fromn 620 p.m. in the Meadowcrest gym. Scouts begin Guardian Real Estate Lt. Reator 497-7272 CHARMING CENTURY HOME~ HEART 0F WHIT- BY - 2-storey, 3-bdm»., loving care to original fea- tures. New kitchen,. roof, ready for you to enjoy. Close to-sohools, shopping. Asking $62,000, lst Mtg. $30,000 at 103/%. Won't ast. To view caîl Marlone Cowan 221-8898. FRANK. REALTOR 225 Brock -St,. N.., Whîtby 668-6171 JUSTLISTIED - 4 BEDROOMS $94,900 - Weil kept Whitby brick semi bungalow with new kitchen, rec room, hardwood f loors and more on a large f enceci lot. Caîl Merv Parchment 668-6171. WHITBY - PRICED TO, SE LL $41,900 - Sparkling new decor, ail new broadloom -,throughout, 4 appli- ances and good financing makes this 3 bedroomn townhouse a terrific buy. Cail Merv Parchment 668-8171, YUA HAYES LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH- THE WORKERS ON THE "ACE TEAM" IN FRANK COUNTRY COUNTRY LIVING - Just wh tyo u have ben wait- ing for to build your home on ln prestîglous area of Brooklin, zoned residential/farmn so become a Gentleman Farmeîr. Sarah Bursey 668-6221. STEAL 0F A DEAL - Detached brick bungalow for $67,900. Where? In a mature area of Whitby, four bedrooms on main floor, hollywood kitchen with fridge and st ove staying, 21' x 14' living, dining combination, partially finished rec. room, new roof ln 1978, vendor will assist with financlng. Lilian North, 668-6221 or 668-7479. 103/ % TILL 1984 ASSUMABLE - This Whitby area home is one of the beét buys In town, 3 bedrooms, walkout from the dining room to patio, aîmost compîeted rec. roomn and 2 piece bath, priced to selI $49,900. Christine Kendall 668-6221 or,668- 7083. DANCE CLASS The West Lynde Com- munity Association will sponsor jazz and ballet dance classes this faîl. The classes wiil run for 35 weeks beginning on Wednesday, Septem- ber 22 and wiil be super- vised by' the 'Inta Leja School of Dance. For more information call -Tony Bate at 668- 6130. $1* I~ ~ ' 4,$ 4 f I î î-' f f441 i444q44444 ~*~f ~ ~ ~ ~ ?fI'................ r I Wednesday, September 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Christian Education Building, Brooklin United Church. PAPER DRIVE The regularmonthly paper drives of the 2nd Brooklin Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will resuine Saturday, September il.' Please.make sure ahl papers are securied both ways and 'at curbside before 9 a.m. Your bundie could be missed if you get them there any later. «Ashburn residents- can leave their papers, also tied, at the Ashburn Community Centre on the Friday prior to pick up. Please do,,not leave them <there any earlier than Friday, asit creates a fire hazard. The Scouts hope they can count on your continued supp~ort in this money-raising effort. BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The month of September features two exciting events for the Brooklin Horticultural Society. Wednesday, September 22 at 8p.m.,is the date set for the faîl plant auction. This w ilbe an excellent opportunity to purchase house plants, perennials, etc., at a bargain! price., Plant material Will be'donated by members and alsolocal nurseries and greenhousesincluding Mar- tin Versluis and Sonsý, Oshawa Garden Center, Holland Nursery and Landscaping, Brooklin Nur- series, White Rose Nursery, Sheridan Nurseries Ltd., Weall and Culen and Vandermeer Nurseries. At the same 'meeting Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink will give an informative talk on- chrysanithemum culture, The theme of this year's fal flower show is "Pot of Gold". The date setis Saturday, September 25 and will be held in Fairview Lodge, corner of Coch- rane and Dundas Street, West; Whitby. Competition will, include chrysanthemums, marigolds and decorative' flower. arranging as well as fruit and vegetable classes.. Entries will be aécepted bet- ween 10 a.m.. and 12 p.m. and public viewing will be from 2 to 4 p.m.' Everyone is invited to attend'both events. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Brooklin Women's Institute wlll meet on.Wednes- day, September 15 at 2 p.m. at the Community Cen- ter. Roll cal. name your favorite news broadcaster. Hostesses, Elsie Gilroy, Marion, Hall and Eileen Young. Visitors are welcome. ,-, The executive held a meeting and planned the programs for this year. Marion Hall and Eileen Young attended the 85th anniversary of ail the Women's Institutes of the world at the Continental Hotelin Toronto on August 12. COUNTRYFEST 82 The Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club are hosting "Countryrfest 82" at, the Brooklin Memorial' itrena, Saturday, September il, »from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission is $5 per person. Music will b e by* "Durham County Line" and "Hickory Creek".' There will be door prizes and a country singers, talent contest. Anyone wishing to enter the talent -contest or anyone requiring tickets. please cail 655- 3454,. ITIS THAT TIME AGAIN Something on the serious side this week. It is that time again. Time when the younger set ison its way, back to school. Just one favor for me please. Take a, few,.minutes to give them the old lecture'about walking.facinïg traffic, how to boardthe school. bus properly, and most important the "don't have any- thing, at al to do with strangers" routine. Also jog their memories concerning the Block Parents signs. I'm sure they won't thank you for saying the same things you 1have said many times before,, but the coming events GARAGE SALE The Parent Advisory Council of St. Theresa 's Separate School wl hold a giant garageý sale on September 18 from 1, arn. to 4, p.m. at the Crawford Street Sehool. The rain date will 1e September 2 5. Tables are» available- for . ent at$8 each. For rentais or more information cail 668- 4953, 66843-37. or 66&- 7342. BIG GAME MEETINGi( The South-Central Ontario Big Game Asso- ciation invites its gen- eral membership to 1a meeting to be held'Sep- tember 12. This will be the last general meeting priôr to the 1982 hunting season and reports. fromn the directors' on summer activities will be dis- cussed. The meeting, com- mences at 1 p.m. in the Latcham Community Centre on Water Street, Port Perry. CASTING CALL Aud itions for the Whitby Theatre, Comn- pany Youth Group's production of "Alice in Wonderland" 1will .be held on Saturday, Sept- ember il at 10 a.m. and Monday, September 13 at 7 p.m. at the theatre of the Centennial Build- ing, 416 Centre Street South. Singers, -dancers and actors' aged 10. to 18 years are needed.,Sing- ers may bring their own CRAFTS Green and'.'White Crafts begin another season in the Green-, Wood, Recreation Cen- tre, Monday, September 13 at 9:30 a.m. The program consists of ten-week courses in weaving, painting,, pic- ture framing, spinning and crochet. For more information caîl Eileen Philip at 683-> 4403. GYMNASTIC CLÛBý The Crairs Gyým-