Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1982, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, ,SEPTEMBER 15. 1982, WHI'ýTBY FREE PRESS- ~'COINGVENTS CALENDAR EUCHRE The Léadies' Auxliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112 wil hold their moifitb1y euchre night on Septem- ber, 16 begnning at 8 p.m. in the Leglon Hall on Byron Street South. - Prizes and lunch. will be offered. Tickets,, costlng $1.50, wiil be sold at the door. LEGION APPEAL The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 471 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa wlll holda blood donor cllmic on Tuesday, September'21 from 1 to 8p.m. The public is welcome flot only to, donate blood' but te visit the legion's facilities. This is a' "Legion Week" project. B.H.S. EVENTS The - Brookita .Horti-- cultural Society has two major events lined up for this monîth. The society will -hold their fali plant auction on.Septembeèr 22 begin- ning at 8 p.m. at the Brookin United Church, Cassels Road. Offered for sale will be 'a wide .-selection of house plants, perennials and nursery stock. This meeting wil also feature Mr., and Mrs. C. Tink who -wiIidiseuss' chrysanthemàum cul-., ture. The society wiIl also hold its faîl flower. show, on September 25 at the Whitby Hydro Ele ctric Co'mmission THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND1 IN THE-MATTER 0F an -application by the WIiTBY HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION for approval to expropriate land being part Lot 26, Concession 4, designated as Parts 10 and 11, Registered Plan 40R-1032, ln the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipaiity of Durham for the purpose of the construction of a new garage and ser- vice centre. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to ex- prôpriate the iand.described as follows: Ail and Singular that certain parcel ortract of land and premises situate, iying. and being ln the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Muni.cipaiity of Durham, and being composed of that part of Lot 26, Concession 4, designated as Parts 10 and il on Plan 40R-1032, subJect to a right-of-way to those entitied thereto by law over Part 10, Plan 40R-1032 for the purpose of ingress and egress. Anyowner of lands ln respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taklng of such land is fair, sound and reasonabîy'necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriatlnïg authority shalh 80 n'otify the approving authority ln writing, <a) ln the case of a registerecfàowner, served personaiily or by regist ered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he sà served by publication, within thirty days after the filrst pùbiication 0f the notice; (b) in'the -case of an, owner who i not a'registered owner,1 within thirty days after the first, publication of the notice. The approving authority Is The Counclilof The- Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby, 575 Roàssand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION Per:_ R. Hopkins Secretary.Treasu rer NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act provides that, (a> where an, inquiry is requested, It shahl be' conducted by, an inquiry of- f icer appolnted by the Attorney General; (b) the inciuiry off icer, (1) shah give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evi- denceand argument and to examine and 'cross-examine witnesses, either personaiîy or by his counsel or agent, and (il) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a f ixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to ex- ceed $200.00 and the approving authoritymay ln ts discretion or- der the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "owner" and "1registered owner" are defined ln the Act as foliows: - "lowner" Inciudes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person en- titled to a llmited estate or Interest In land, a committee of the estate of the estate of a mentaiiy incompetent ýperson .or of a person Incapable 0f. managing his affairs&, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee ln whom iand'is vested; "1registered owner" meansan owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is speciled ln »an Instrument ln the proper land registry or sheriff's office, and lncludes a person-shown as a tenant of land on the Iast revised assessment roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing ln respect-of the lands intended to. be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the Inqulry off icer are par- ties to the Inquiry. "This notice f Irst pubilshed on the 8th day of September, 1982.", Fairview Lodge,, Coch- rane and, Dundas Streets. SThe show's theme will be "Pot.of Gold.", .9ntries for,,the show will, be accepted- be- tWeen 10 ýa.m. and 12 noon wlth public view- ing being held between 2 and 4p.m. For.more information on" 'either 0ôf the'e n- ts, call Veromea Colan- gelo at 655-3869. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER. Trhe next world.,wide' Marriage ' Encounter weekend in the Région of Durham will be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on. September 24e 25 and,2O. For more information on this, ,program, cal Ralph or Theresa Luke in Oshawa at 728-348. FASHION SHOW < The Volunteer Asso- ciation 0of the Durham Centre for the Develop- mentally Handicapped will hold a fashion show on September 22 at 7: 30 p.m. a t St. Gregory's Auditorium, 194 Simcoe Street North', Oshawa. The show is entitled "Wine, .Cheese 'and .Fash ion" with the fashion being provided <by Eaton's of, the Oshawa Shopping Cen- tre. Tickets are $5 each and may. be purchased at Brook Stop, 22:Brook.ý Streét South; Middle- ton's ,Stationary, .113 Dundas Street West; or, Bailey's Pharmacy in the Safeway Plaza.' Ail proceeds will go to benefit the, develop- mentally handicapped residents of Durham Centre. OPEN HOUSE Brooklin 'Group 74 will hold iUs, annual open house of arts and craft on Thursday, Septem- ber 16. from 7: 30 to 9 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. Courses will'be offer- ed this year in stained glass, glass engraving, quilting, bunka, paint- ing and others. Fees will be charged. For more information cail either 655-3474 or, 655-3245. FIELD MEETING The Durham Region Field Naturalists will hold their firstmeeting of the fail season on Sep- tember 27 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of, the R.S.. McLaughIin Public Library, Bagot Street, Oshawa- The guest speaker will be Bill Bradbury, past president of the Oshawa Camera Club who, will also have a slide pre- sentation of wild- flowers, fungi and but- terfies. Members, and non- members are welcome and there wiil be an op- portunity to find' out about upcoming meet- ings, outings and activi- ties. For more information caîl Lorna Machell at 668-0855. ONE PARENT' MEETING The ýnext meeting of the Oshawa Chapter of the One, Parent Fami- lies, Association, of Canada will be held at the Lake Vista Club- house, Emerald Ave., Oshawa on, September 21 at 8 p.m. Featured wîll be a bake and slave auction., For more information eall Barbara Hi éks at 728-7205. DANCE CLASS The West Lynde Com- munity Association will *BUY - *LEASE *'RENTýý- snorjazz anàd. ballet dnecasses this fail. The. classes wlll run for 35 weeks beglnnlng on Wednesday, Septe- ber 22 and, illbe sUPer- vised'by the ýIntaLeja iý, School of Dance'. For moreinformation eaUl Tony Bate at 668- 6130. STORY HOUR The Whitby, Public Library will. be holding ~ its' Saturday Story ,Hour on Septernber'18 and 25$ from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for children- aged five ;~ and up. Featured this Satu- ; day will, be, the story "A Treeful of Pîgs"l and ex- cerpts from "The Mup- pet-Movie." The theme '0f Septem- ber 25's story. hour will ' be " What's ina Name?" For more informpation cati the library at, 668- 6531. DIR. ZED' The wild and wacky Dr. Zed (alias'Gordon Penrose) will- bring sorne of hisrnost bri- ' lliant>'scientific experi- ments to- the Whitby PublicLibrary on Satur- day, September 18. Ail boys and, girls between the ages of 8 and 12 years are wel- corne to attend. For more information caU the. library 'at '668- 6531. REGISTRATION During,*the week of September 20 to 25, the >Whitby Public Library will accept registrations for their fail pre-school story hour program. This year's programn will begin on October 12 and 14 and will mn until DecemberA1 and 16. Childrn takingjpart in this programn must be between the ages of 3 and 5 and. not attending school. Registrations wilil'be accepted at the children's desk or by calling 668-6531. ORIGAMIt WORKSHOP On Saturday, October 23 froml10toila.m., the Whitby Public Library ~ wii be holding an oni- garni workshop' for children, aged six years and older. Origamni is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. informùation 'eaU 668- 4953, '668-037or 668- 7342. BR.IAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOQD AVENUE' SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO0 683-6074 LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON ~SALE' MON DAYS ½ 2"PRICýE PERMS FOR ALL TH E FAM1LY INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC, OUR NEW HAIS-TYLIST ½/2PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE ï, AVAILABLE INCLUDING PERMS« 119 GREEN ST., WH ITBY 668-9262

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