PAGE, 2, WEDNESDAY'SEPTEMBER 15, 19824 WHITBY FREE PRESS PULL-OUT SECTION Good Looks ... Good'Cooking.. .Al Possible "with the New Kitchen Ranges Hlgh 'mortgage rites and 1,lnflated houslng pricea are -causing homeowners to stay put these days. But whlle fewer people are moving, many familles are ,remodeling ,their present homes. One of the moat popu- lar. remodeling projects is a-'kitchen makeover. But' people do It for dif- ferent reasona. Some want a new "look," othera want versatîity, and stil othera are slmply looking for con- venlence, 1Manufacturera of kit- chen appliances are aware of these Interests, and, are dolng some- thlng about'them, like lntroduclng complete lines of electrlc ranges that suit decoratora, gourmets and home- makera alike. For' the ,consumer- turned-decorator, there are sensational looks that, can b e achleved wlth thenew-lino. The ranges come in sucb rh designer colora as fresh avocado, harveat wheat, almond, coffee and white. On some modela, distinctive black glass doors- are avallable as the peet accent. Some companles have also created a variety of styllsb backguarda from whichtue consumer can choose.. One of the moat appealing. lsa acanopy- style'baclc panel that la fouind on the Centennial, model. It features a soft fluorescenit llght, and rlch .woodgraln, finish that blends nlcely wlth moat kitchen cabinets. Gourmet cooka'willl iippreciate the many special features that companiles have engin- eered, into their new lines. Standard on, some of the new e lectrlc, ranges la a Vari-broile control that gives a, cholce of 'many broiling temperaturea , and makes it easy to get per- fect resulta meal after mal., Another plus is an automatie oven dlock control that is avallable on moat modela. Yet whlle consumera are sometimes gour- mets, and sometimes decoratora, they are more frequently home- makera, anad,,,tbat'a when. they reaily appre- diate the sheer ease and convenience of Tap- pan 's new electrlc ranges. Cooking is lesa, work and more fun when a range is customized to a family's particular needa. That's why the' new electrie ranges of- fer such options as con- tinuous or self-cleaning ovens, Visualtee win- dows, waist-high broil- ers, hlgh-wattage, -sur-, face elements and over/under combina- tion-microwave., 1 S, if you are cookln g up plana to re-do your kitchen,. don't assumne that ail electrlc ranges are created equal. There's a range that is juat'right for you and your kitchen. OUR BUSINESS US TO BEAU.TIFY. YOUR ENVIROMMENT. Prepare now for fail planting. Visoit Our Garden Center. Aë [» OTantonNursery &Landscaplng just east 7574 of Thlckson 725744 RELAX-.... a4 Back to School Specials4 <All Movies$3.üOO 4 DURHAM VIIDEO'4 Nwarrivais every week. N(ew for Fire True Confessions. 4 Conan The Barbarlan QUASAR V.H.S.ý RECORDERS $9.95 pelrday4 Fr1. - Mon. - $29.95 Sat., M on. - $19954 185 Brock St. N. MOnr1-4 Whitby 666-2808 Tues. Wed. Sat. 10-6 Large capaciiy u FuIl funciion.timer Te mperature-cookiflg 9 power levels seiiing Digital dock Def rosi cycle <Despite ils impressive size and sound, the' piano has an extremely. delicate nature. For example, it doesn't like surprises. No. dramatic changes, please. "Sudden moves-from one home or apartinent or even from room to room can aend a piano's sound out of orbit, " ac- cording to piano techni- cians who say pianos should be' moved only, wvhen aibaolutely neces- sary, and then by lifting thein instead of rolling thein. Although modern cen- tral heating andair con- ditioninfg. neutralize cli- madec conditions in moat homes, experts caution that "variations in humidity can'affect a piano'a pitch faster than anything else. " Rapid changes, in. hu midity can eventuaily ONLY $5,99* Go 50 MONTH U N-HOME WARRANTY, BT TOSHIBA QUTAN ýTV,&A P PLIANCE~ 191 King St. W., Oshawa 725-3600< Business Hr.: Mon., ,Tues., Sat:-1O-6 p.m.;-Thurs.,- Fri.-1O-9 p.m. CLOSEDWEDNESDAY cause wood joints to loosen and may even crack the. sounding board. The ideal room, condition for a piano is a relative huînidity of 40- 42. (The average coin- fort range'for people is a relative humidlity of »0 40.) Some other threats to a piano's well-being are moths, 'beeties and mice. To. prevent in- terior damage, it is recommended that a piano be. ch ecked regu- larly and demothed by a technician every 10 ye ars. Regular interior cleaning also wiil elimi- nate the danger of mice that like to camp in the recesses of the pianoi. If lef t to theinselves, these trespassers,'wfil nibble on piano wood, some- times wlth devastatlng How much mainten- ance a piano needs depends on how much' use it gets. If the piano is played often and with gusto, it should be tuned Let's See There's no place like home for entertainment, consumers are discover- ing. Thanks to the.explo- Sion in the home electron- ics field, families may be spending more lie around the hearjh than ever before. And, why not? No'need to drive miles through traffic to a motion picture theater, pay an exhorbi- two or tbree times a ~yea. Tereare 18-20 tons of tension on the piano'a., atrings which should be maintained -at a constant level. Pianos that are largely orna- mental ln the home can A sudden change in temperature can make a plahit'.s leaves turn yellow and. suddenly fail off. In this instance, move the plant away from the vicin- i-y of your radiator. -, When your plant look's crowded or its roots begin to protrude from the pot's drainage hole, that's a good sign that it if's ready for repotting.- If you're not certain as PICTI PI P PICTURES Ali Shapers <AlilSizes 14 Albert St., OSHAWA.576-4370. usually, get by with a on- ce-a-year tuning and conditioning. Followlng these 'tipa ahould keep the piano happy and tuneful for a lifetime or two., 1 A Movie... At Home,! tant price for admission, plus a baby sitter, when you can see a video tape of the latest movie and neyer have to leave the comfort of your own home. Or, you might enjoy an evening listening to state- of-the-art stereo instead of going across town to that concert. Instead oUfighting the crowds at the local sta- dium, you can watch that game on subscription TV right in your living room, or more symbolic of t he '80s, your media room. Home electronics have moved out of that corner in the living room or.den, and into their very own realm..Today's "with it" media room can boast any number of c ostly elec- îronic marvels: video recorders, big-screen pro- ject ion, TV, electronic gamies, home computers, headphones and audio equipment-, rulti-sc.reen television and videotape cameras, and is desigped- expressly for enjoying such gear. *Home entertainment has- many advantages- there's no need to be c on- cerned about the availabil- ity of gas to gelt where you are going; you can include family and friends in the fun at no extra cost; and you don't have to take off your slippers! The-family of the'80s might spend a typical'eve- ning in var ' ous activities: ýthe kids could be playing a fast and furious electronic igame. Dadmight be en' joying a concert -of classi- cal music ... . and Mom and Aunt Gracie might be' watching the latest three- hankie movie ...ail at. home. to what is 'ailing 'your plant, be sure and consult experts at your nursery. Pamting, TIip ~A loose lid can cause thickened and dried-out paint. After each paint job, before sealing lhe can, run a cotton swab around the rim to, re- move excess paint that, prevents the lid fromn closing tightly. The dis-' posable type also make handy tiny paint brush- es for touch'up jobs in areas you can't reach with a brush. Combo Dooýrs ,improve Looks If you think a atorm door detracts fromn your home's entry, you haven't been looking at today'a products. Attractive wood panel combination doora are available with. inter- changeable storm aash and a creen panels. Whether stained to bring out lie -natural beuaty of lhe wood or painted la match the front door, they can en- hance 'lteebooks of any home from Colonial to contemporary. An Ex'per 1t Gives Advice On Keeping a Piano Fit mu e' U/fhm1usic! Maklng your a beauitiful Lowrey organ creates a -feel- . ng of warmth ____ n and love and a great famlly spirit of playing together. Let Mell Music and Lowrey improve your home harmoniously. N%ALL NMUSIC Midiown Mail, Oshawa 571.a2100 Green Thumbm g ........... 1