WHITB Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1982, PAGE 15 Emporium Ads will only be accept'd subject to the following, conditions. -PLEASE READ - AR ICESAR IC ESWhen the advertIaed Item lasaold, diapoaed of, or unavallable for whataver reason, the Item wlll be OA S&HOUSEHOjL ' FO AEFOR SALE dee t ae ensodada omsso il ec asd aed onTHE ADVERTISED PRICE asUPPIE if the Item la NOT SOLD, ordispoaed of, the ad wiii b. run for 3 MONTIES and a MINIMUM CHARGE A12 plus 50 gai. aquarium and ail POOL - 15 fi. x 3 fi. Sand filter, of $6.00 will apply payable In advance of publication of tha firat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wll ap- CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p. 2-PIECE French Provincial cheat- acceasorlea $275. Wine equip- akImmer, repair kit, 2 lb. chiorine, ply If bIlled whlch muai be paid upon recelpi of bill. The aboya minimum chargea wili be applled 10Ctoe oo adtilr x or fle l ute (green). $150 fIrm. ment $75. Premier drum $700. If ladder. Juat needa watert Aaking the final commission due but In any case 1h. hlgher amouni will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 callent condition, low .houre, Phone 66e2725 or 66843M4. i ntereated cal 723-9618. $120 or beat offer. Phone Barry pre-pîid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertlsements muai be plîced on an ex- original owner. Asking, $3,300 or ______________ 668-8455. cluaive basia with th. WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not sold. beat offer. Phone 883-5503. ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, $125. 'Ladies' size 910 brown PROPANE REQULATOR, three 5% of advertlsed prie UP ta $400.00RAE 2% of balance over $400.00 suede coat, excellent condition, 100-poUnd tanks and gas atove, ail frashly drycleaned, $100., Phone for $250W omria rgr. EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertiaed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le 36.00). - O SH L 666-2772.esslio n it,1iz ..C plat and com90. Private advertiiang onlyl Please notify he W hItby Free Press Immediaely when Item lea old 3 tha D O FOR SALE - 19 0 Honda 4 00 c.c. prUESmolt adtbe e,^Bn eas$d0crcuaîPghn, 289739. we mîy delete Il frorinthe foilowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting 1h. Emporium guidalinas wlil ba treated ' w m Hawk. Excellent condition. 17,000 DELUXE Samaionite ard tabflede. Bn ed 10 hne7894. an d charged per weak as regular ciassified ada on s pra.paid'basis auch as: servicas, lheip wanted, ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, km. Asklng 31,200. Phone W6B- new,$11. Bnoclar, 7x 5~ fild __________________- cîoîhîng, real estate, and personal mesaage type ada, or ada nol quoting price or quantiiy. Privais buffet and table, $250. Large stur. 14. 70', $35. Walnut end table $6. SÃ"LAR BLANKET, above ground, claasiled ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriai. headinga. dy work bench $40. Small Duncan ______________ Phone 668-1328. new, 24 fi. dîsameter, $50. Pool Fyfe tabla $55. Old wicker chair covar for 18 ft. x 32- fi. abova ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED..$5 ml-aropesr,3.> 1978 MONDA 400 Tl. Asking $850. DRUMS $270. Excellant condition. ground, used, $50. Phone $45. Smaii air compressor call Phone 688-3415. Ail reasonabie offers considered. 4403.MALAST:Indubci: OR DELIVER TO: Wooden telephone table $30: Oid Plesecal 76191 ftr p.. ________________ FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6-61 131 Brock St. N. rocklng chair $33. Oid achool deak P.O. Box'206- Whitby, Ont. and chair 320. Truck'and triler 171INAX 7.Akn 80 TIRES- Two G60-15 wide track WîbLN5imros$5 osadgr' iy Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- 5PC. PATIO DOORS $150. Piano Dunlop tires with raily whëes, $80EDEDIN FREMPRUMASS Hles $35 each. Campstove $15. metres, hasn't seen dirt much. 1~ $550 Freezer, 16 cu. ft., $200. B.d for pair. 6 h.p. Mercury outboard H DA LN FR M O I ASST EPoe8368.Cleterpm68809 cheatarfieid $75. Dask $60. Phone motor $225 with tank. 25 h.p. Evin- FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. . Pna6368.Ciafrpm68809 683713. rdemotr $25.Rel-t-rel tpaBUILT-IN AMA/FM radio . -track 1976 HONDA GOLO WING, un- recorder $40. Phona 576.769. record player, excellent condition, certif led, 27,000 miles, $2,000 firm. FOR SALE - One Pool cue, 20______________$15 Cha fdwea 40 Phn66-97 ounce, 2 plece, $20 or basi offer. TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishman $125."" ""'1 D esser of $5e $0. PChesearfieid97d. Contact Mike or Annette ai 688- make, electrlc over hydraulic, 17" AUTOMOBILES I ~ AUTOMOBILES liAT M TV I car neceln odto,$7. 174 T0SUZJI ny ,0 n 840 rma d p, date avllblefo ~FOR SALE FOR SALE 9 REPAI PARTSI Cal anytfme 6W80776. ginal miles, excellant condition. smiller rima, uaed only several Asking $1,000. Phone 283-8025. 1DM- ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, limes. List $5,695. Aaking $2.800. COUCH, pull-oui,ý Sealy Poisture- oldor modal, worko good, $80. Phone 655-4995. 1969 METEOR MONTCALM, con- 1974 0MEV' NOVA, A-i1 shape, 1976 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, stand- pedIc rnaitress with rattan frima, 9'x!1 carpot $30. Phono 688-2952. ______________ vertIble, power steerîng, power 31,500 or boit offor, as la. Phone ard, 3 spaed, good runnIng motor. $485. Freezer, 22 cu. fi., white, TWO Wilson Jack Kramar pro brakos end top, starod winters, 655-3027. As la, $150 or basi offar. Phono $250. Rafrigerator, white, 21-1 KODAK CAROUSEL projactor, 'staff's tennis rackets wiih covars aaking $1,500. Phonoe88»7007. 66888785. wide x 22" deep x 5' high, 380. r FOR SALE/RENT* model no. 5200, Carousol stick $100. Caii&fier 5 p.m. 6688.3447. 1974 LINCOLN* Town car, ln good Siove, 24" wide, white, $100. Bar, .0II . loader, 3 alida traysa md 3 color ______________ WMITBY FREE PRESS, 66841111 condition, nýeda miner body woI-k. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan walnut wood grainand black fln- DUNE BUGGY, off road, shortoned alida films, $350. Mahogany-iook WOOD) LATME $150. Chasi of Asklng 31,500 as la. 'Phona 655- parts. Front end, grill, fenders lsh, 5' wide, $50. Two wall unias, V.W. frime and driva train, header foot tabla wlth metîl foldlng legs drawors, brown, 4 drawora, good 191CEELcmîeyr- $200. Air condlonlng unit 3865. walnut melamine finish, 30"' widaexus ayim 15 nc al 310.Tn oda takngcais condition, $39. Boy's junior ten- stored and cartifiod. Asking Drumsanmd rotors, almosi new, $2 x 6' hlgh, $150 for boih. Caf tee & Torrene tiras end chrome wheels. $10ourecnantern320.C ul 668. e, odcndto, 6.Pon 1O hn 6541 o 5- 1972 CHEVELLE, 2 door, 6 cylin- aach. Dîfferential $80. Wind- two end tables, Franch Provincial, T-bar Inciudad. Runs *ail, muai b. $100.R îy--V a c sportsma.spalgod oniio,&60 hoo 1,00 hoe 55417or85- dor, coupa, $100 as la. Phona 668- shielda $100. Mîstor cylinder and dirk wood finish, $100. Cali evan- seen. Askîng $500. 'Phone-68- 8178.______4989.___ 7309.. vacuum $25. .,AMIFM radio $90.. Inga 728-1746 or days 364-3234, 1195. CL88 11tplc ora.lnDoor windows and oloctrlc motors aik for Ken Hldor. _____________ ONE ELECTROLUX shampooan/ CALL 668-6111r1e Po urid. 1973 ASTRA for parts. $100. Phono $10. Phone 655-3006. f loor polîshar, uaad oniy once, lik. h hib ra ra.668-0573.- KITCHEN CUPSOARDS, 22 feet- naw, throe yaars old, $2W. One 16 _____________ 1973 TORINO 4 door parts. 302 uppor, cupboards, 9 fi. Iower,'In- UJK/VN I nch chiid's bîke $15. One 26 Inch 193 OR CURER UTNGTIVEI angine $200. Transmission $85. ciudlng couniertop, doubla sInk .ýgIrI's bike $25.,Ona 20 inch moto-.193EFODICIRPER64000Aircondltioning rad $50. Front andtapa, ln good condition, $400. MO SALE cross bike $80. Kanmore sewing << miles, has hîd'recent valve job,,~odtnesm rl 20 up lo2brsol,$5ocI a acie 12. înrswngma good engin., neada body workentedrangrl$2. upAo2breo6i$5a- mahn 15 Sne eigAUTOMOBILES Aaking $750. Phone 6S5-8062. ONE SPARE TIRE, H78114, white ors $45 each.. Phono 655-3M0. condition.' One 8' alecirlo basa- 1973 FORD Windiow Van, power machine console $45. Phone 576-FO.AL wali on rim, $10. Four hub caps, ______________ board heiter wih built-In thormo- steorlng, power brakes, 302, V8, 4993. FRS L Plymouth, $1.5W oach. Phono 668- .suat, $40. Variety of usad louvarad standard, noada somae body work* 1973 LEMANS, iwo door, 400 5227. and blfold dlosai doora, varlous $800 as la. Phono 888-227.ý ONE PAIR Dominion mon's rouler 1978 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, cubic Inch Amarican (blua block) L ~BABY NEED SIsZee, $10-$25. Phone 668-4886. ____________ akatas, sîzo 7, $20. Lange lco power sioering, power brîkea, air motor, four apaad floor shift, RADIAL TIRES wiih rima (white ~OE¾TNTUKcmlt >akates, siza 7, $20. Usad one soi- conditloning, .vlour Inionior, mage, excellent mechanicai con- walis). 'Two HR78-15 steel baliad TONRU FR4SLE.One wta N apRUKng m et s n son. Ladies' 3A iength, Imitation apoke whoals, naw radial tira, 10w dition, naïade body work. Asking $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear cus- BABY CARRiAGE, ln good condi- shadd bua, 81FOR 7'SALE 7. e sihubw sprayng quani. Evnry fut, dark color, $10. Caii68882695 mloeago, asklng $5500. ýPhone $995 or basi of fer. Phone,.883- tom polysteal (one rim only) $100. lion, new mattreas, $25. Phono On. ruai, 8'xll*, 370. Phono 668- thîng raady to ýgo. Asklng $6,300. anytime. 68-7007. 0927. Phone 688-9655. 655-4658, ask for Maureen. 0094. Phono 655-393. ~XX~X~ Z XaX.c~~........v~î CONTINUED FROM PAGE,14 < FRSLE ARTICLESARTICLES MARINE PC AORTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE SUPPLIES OWN nomicîl and energy efficient PACFR 60,000Omles 2door, blua. rw nr-m i ights at Highway 2, hall- Manager'sOffice, 178 QUeen's QUay East, Toron- siorm or replacement thermal P.&. SYSTEM wlth rovarb. Two Asking $3000. Phone 655-4352. TYPEWRITER' RENTAL, many w8a/ betwsen Whitby and to, Ontario, M5A 1 B4. windowd and patio doars. 100-watt hoadsanmd a six-channel makes and modela, by the weak- Ajax. Macintosh and Coi-t- f FREE ESTIMATES mlnxlng board. Two basaeaint 1976 242 VOLVO, standard wlth end, week or month. Discounts îns frm ordaf NT:FrfrhrifrainrgrigteTn andtwo tweetar-horn cabinets. overdriva, rabuilt motor, $2,000. ladvailîbie. DicNTE:Forkson Prnormtnoting & 0f-e en 'Durham Glass Also ha covers bult for the road. Phone 6W6-747. fica Supplies ln 1h. Aax Plaza. trees. Haif-bushel bag iepes aiM.G eada h bv d 66633 5 33s m II a rifice 31,300.w Cati us for business machine $5.50. Containers SUp- dress, Teiephone No. (416) 965-6034. af ter hou rs 666-1847 Selous Inquirles oniy. 728-7158 rpia8316.pid ac hs a _____________ anytîme. RECREATIONAL weekiy for availabiiity of The iowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- ~VEHICLESI other varieties. 668-3311. cepted. FOR SALE - Boautlfui dînette sei, CNET FHM we ____________ brad nwcan ad bisachirs iaving country. Chesterfield and 1-OTMUETAILER, Sham- F E on caiers.With atchig cicuhairr vlour, one year old, ex- rock, blue and white, sleeps 4,T M LY M in sty o figlat$0o r ble loffer . Pa c o cllent condition, $450. 6-piece sink, Ice box,. 3-stove .bumner, i sty Q - rosewood bodroom suita $350.,5. oli sig3,0.Poe65 FREE. Drop into the ickson Prin-0 -57".299., place dinatte $200. 5-place kit- 4352. tlng & Office Supply store ln 1h. TImalînesa la idportant when you G v r m n chen set $100. Coffes and ond -Aax Plaza and pick up a free copy ara'buylng or seliîng. And a, LARGE PINE kitchon cupboard, table $80 for bath. Varlous mis- TRAVEL TRAILER, 19 foot long, of their 1962 Motric Calendar. CLASSIFIED AD la the low-cost .) 1Monooe îd.";. 270 tems.Phno ,13W . Phono 655 Ask.ng for handy raforence. 683- 1968. CaiiWhiby Freeèress 668-6111. O ntario ï