PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1982, WHITBY-FRPEE PRESS 14,926 out of work localiy PÀATRRELO gy 80DNDSS.' The nuznber of clients food, services; retail employment in the / AN/RA KWHITBY, nmlyd and regist- trade; special trade eý oDuhm 22B225. Brock St N. ~ iui Can~ada Employment In August, there were there were 122 students 25 à K iN.Centres in Ajax, Whitby nine agreements signed In thesklcorespn WHY RENT? - $19,900,.fuil price for 12 x 60' motbiIe and Oshawa for the under the G.I.T.- Gen- sored by, the Canada home plus 14 x 14' addýbn ýded&r cieck, swimmthdg monith of August-totail- eral Industrial Training, Employment, Centre pool, fridge, stove, îNéïýà piérk, ýo ed- 14,926, consisting of Program. As a resuit,, and 27 people receiving ' minutes drive to Oshawa. Ask for Ossie. 7,118 femnale and 7,88 i epewi eei cdm ugaiga maie clients, according fromn both training and Durham Coilege. BANKRUPTCY SALE .,SAVE THOUSANDS'-! lm- to public liaisonofficer maculate- 3 bedroom home, wlth double gttached Gary Hilier. grage. Cathedral celling In fafiro ih Plcmnsi h brick fireplace. Large master bedroom. L1arge fen. tbreoffices totalled,357 O ,Q0 0 0 W iii er cedyad. Professlonaiy "landscapedyr.Js for 'the month, which MARLENE KERR tIlsted. Don't miss It. Only $89,500. cmae oattl0 AYRGERS ih urnkmaa 17plcmnsdig For the sëecond week taiy and, she and ber Bill Turansky, mana ger W., Frank Real Es- 5ACEAR -Prccayne ho .Lrge July. The majority of i oawib ei husband, Harry, bave a ger W. Frank Real ES tate :Limted,-, Wlhitb barn. $36,900. Tweed, Ontario.> clients were registered dent, bas -won. $10,600 17-monthold cblld. tae lmte, hib Off ice,, wouid' like to in material bandling fo h Otro~A-spokesman for the lot- Office wuidlîk ,congratulate MAR' BUSINESS - Restaurant business,, land, building, adrltd osrc tery Corporation.trycpoainsd Ofcegratultie _,t LENE KERR for: he plus bungalow on highway ho., 7. Only $78,500. tion trades; product tatRob lnst u ROGES fo he Listing- Achlevemnent ____________________ fabricating, assembling In last Tbursday her money in the bank Saes Acleemnt for the month 0f AUG-. - . and 'réepairing; sales; nigbt'sWtro ra, frtetmbm.- fr the month of AUG- UST. service; clerical ad Sberry Robe won,,ber in ~ etme US.related.dfi. Wintario *draw, Wbitby During August, the Tbe 25-year-old Haw- residçnt- Ernie -Brýyck, BAGOTgreatest employment' ley Crescent resident 40, . of . Holiday Drive [joprunities .eitd n wrsa .lglsce as"n$Ù00 ~~im. REALTY I NC.REALTOR ~~~accommodation and wrsa ea er- as o 1,0 MEMBERS OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT ** * REAL ESTATE BOARD ERT NIGB HM REALTOR 579-4010EGO ET WHITBY BARGAIN - Blue Grass Meadows, 3 yr.1 668-62,21 old, 3 b/r, 3 baths, sunken lirmf, sep. d/rm, main. EXPENSIVE TASTE AFFORDABLE > LIVING - t' f loor f/room and f/pa. and garagep plus il ¾ % mtge. Cozy family. room, bar, spaclous backyà rd with en- Now reduced to $78,900. tertainment deck, prlvacy fenced, secure f Inanc- 25Brcck'St. N., qWhtbY 668-6171 1ing $53,900., Doug Sturges68-6221 or 655-4293. lèdOOME SPECIAL - Converted 5'plex, $16,000. JUST IREDUCED TO $67,900. - Perfection plus can THE PARADE,- Choose elther Of 4 bedroom P.A. AskIng $89»900. Try $1 2,000. down.ý be enjoyed In this brick ralsed bungalow, In choice executive homes', circular staircase, main f loor area of Whitby, cathedral ceiiings n, living rm,., den laundry and family roomand fîreplace, walkouts 2 FAMILY BUNGALOW - One 3 b/r and one large 1 - has a glass walkout 10o cedar deck and fenced from ktchens and-basements, excellent f inanIcing b/r apt., 2 f rldges, 2 stoves, beautif ul brick flp, 11/2 yard, Sarah Bursoy 668-6221. for 3 years. Starting $117,900.. Caîl Marione Kerr att. garage, only 15 yrs. old. Aski'ng 568,900. 'CLOSE TO PARK - Great for the children,1 $50,000. w/$12,000. down and filnancing al1 arranged., at i7/%1'8,gatfrhepensktce with bay window, wall of glass In hvng.dinlng-rm. I AFTE HOUR CALLcombinatlon overiooking fully fenced privatelo I LIST YOURA' TRHUSCL walk-out f rom unfinished lower level 10 rear yard, ,în I P ROPERTY rn ans-6385 asking $71 ,900. Lîian North, 668.6221 or 668-7479. LLA OT