Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1982, p. 15

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Usng Scion 43 i"professional 'suicide WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYý SEPTEMBER 22, 1982, PAGE 15 CONT'D FROM PG. 14< Imuat meet .an e stabllsh- ed standard1 that forbids some courses of action. It will, Brown said, be "1making the punlsh- ment fit the crime."1 Teachers wli no long- er be allowed to ridicule a hild, be sarcàstic to- Whitby P onýy< club A'meeting-of the, new Whltby and Area. Pony Clubis to beheld atthe Whi tby Municipal Build- igon Rossland Road,' Whty on' Tuesday, September- 28 at 7:30, p.m. New pony club mem- beswlll involve Paren- ts andtheir children Up to the age of 21. Ail are welcome. Registration wiil be from October 1. The new club wiI be open to ail riders a nd non-riders, experienced are owners of pontes or orpe forionc eo Whitby, Brooklin, Ash- br, Ajaxt and parts of Oshawa,. wards hlm or "nag" hlm or, employ sexual harassment. Insteaid teachers wl be en couraged to dis- cuss problems flot only with, the child but' with other teachers, parents and make use of profes- sional support staff such as psychologisti. ý Disruptive behaviour must have ".logical con- séquences." Brown.,said,. as an examjile, that'it would be appropriate to make> a child write an essay on a different culture or people after having madé racist remarks. ..,Furthermore, if'. a child's behaviour was, uncorrectable at school, thon ho should be sus- pended .«,or -expeiled, returned tothe care of the parent, who would have to modify the child's behaviour. However, Brown wa s aiso adamant that -the, strap - indeed, ail forms of capital punishment (L.e. physical) - would be banned by the board by June, 1984. The delay in banish- ing the strap, he'said, was to prove to teacher s that they could have dis- cipline without resort- ing to it. "What we're saying is 'we're not taking away your crutch'." Using. the strap, Brown said, >was a sign of failure, not only on, the parts 0f teachers but, parents as weffi: ".We strapped klds be- cause the parents fail- ed.... we absolved par- ents of the responsi- bility, -we're _,letting them off the hook." 1The trustee was of the opinion that the board could enforce this part_ of .the policy ,without wýorrymng about' the pro- visions,«f Section 43 of lhe Criminal Code, of iCa nada. That section States that "eey school- teaâcher, are ,nt or per- son stndnin the place 0ofa parent is justified in using force > by way, of correction,' toward a pupil or child, as the casç,may be, who is un- der hiscare, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable ,u nder the circumstances."1 Brownsaidthat, ho has been told by Ontario Ministry -of. Education officiais'that the board would have nod difficulty in establishing a'- policy different from the provi- sions of.the law. 'II don't have-any con- cerns, ýit's for the courts to decide," 'ho said ad- ding that It, would be 'ma beautiful GERMAN SHEPHERDI Iwlth coller end tag roamlng *downtown area of Whltby. *Gettngdespratel* PLAEphono 668&0766 or 668.4M8. "professional suicide" for any teacher to Ig- nore! the policy and stand on the provisions- of Section 43., The board is welcom- ing public, input into its discipline policy and is. recéeiving written, sub- missions until. October 21. The poliëy is ex pect- ed to go'to theboàard for' final approval some- time in.Decemnber. I~é,ITHETOWNOFWHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby givon that representation has bIeen'madêby the Brookiin, (ONT. No- 152) ranch of te Bookin emoialArena to the Luther AND URTHR TAE NOICEthat the Operations. Commlttoe of Council wlil, at the hour of 7:45 p.m. on the 4th day of'October, 1982, ln Committeo' Room Two of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East Whitby Ontario, erlpe-[ofns.orirvDnsSra son, or by hîs'counsel, solicitor, or agent any por- son having an Intorest in'this mattor and who ap- plies to bo hoard.a i sefx. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 22nd day of Sep-, tomber, A.D., 1982. J(ii i o ttga Donald G. McKay lnnh..l*.teta O Clerkth (Wl The Corporation of -the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East 37 igSre-Ws Whitby, Ontario )hN-,Oi.7360 LIN 2M8 Phono: 668-5803 Theft > -*-** -*-e -*. * Over $200 in cigar- EPM FAA i ettes were stolen when a, O. Tr«O & Mi West Lynde convemi-e ence store was broken 1. into during the night of 0. CLEANERS September 14. 7' e According to a spokes- *rM e, ERIE man for the Durham a*- ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS i Regionial Police Force, 1 entry to the West Lynde ' Michael Blvd. was ïïcopt dyo well, and do colored red and blue ,) gained by forcing open i YEPOLM * ntacpth dys gretae likIl t ** the rear door. ( D PR LES ntacpth yo gam tsre yo Asie fom bou 19 < Te pras * usod on natural fa- bleed, because it Is catons o ciaetts an Thrrs "dyod brics at ail. Rosoarch- necessary to put so * unknown quantity of key *.o ln tho wool" des- ers are always trying much dye Into the S chin ad qanitof 5~ cribos the old way of to make dyos more -fabric. Other gar- 75 m bttesofp ii* dippiiig yarns into hot resistaiit to sunlight monts washed with were mlsostolen. ofpo e vats until thoy ýreach- and air pollution. thom, espocialy poly- ~ FO Uei d the desired shado. K & M Cleaners ro- esters, are lhable to * A Da Nuser Today, most of what commonds that you pick up this excess Day ursey u woar- Is dyod as protect your bright dyo. Your drydîoaner e Forum Conférence will u >0 be held on'October 16 *os pioces of fabric on colors by. Idryclean- avoids this problemÇ fro 830arn t 330 huge machines. Ing. Harsh dotergents 'because ho can sortr p.om8 at rn Fa t Plae,30 Dyos have changed and "the agitation of loads ýmuch more e Wlm. treeit Plac , 4 0 too. Sclentists have your 1 washing closoly than you can Wilhamw teeaes, i had to dovelop spe- machine- wear out at home, because of S Osheew ota seae ciai onos for synthe- dyes - that "washed- his volume of work. wil be Evelyn McKee of < t : the Jessie Ketchum Day £afL'2 dO' n tè z 9amlLY" Fo mreinoratones 112 COLBORNE.STW_ WHITBY 6682831 cal Debbie Campeau at , .** e ,* ... * ** * Ceramic'Classes, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday d< 7-9 evenIngs Greenware - Duncan Paints & Supplies I o 683-0311 .,PggPURRICRAMIC. -D E NTURAE THERAPY,,CLIN.1c 214 Dun das St. E., Whitby., 668-7797 Hours: Mon. - Sat. &,Evenings By Appointment OnIy (across from Beer St ore)

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