WHITBY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22,A982, PAGE 19 Whithy comipany gets $ 108,9000 BILUgrant A grant of $108,ooo to upgrade and improve apple-packaging facili- ties at Algoma Farms, Whitby, has been' awarded by the Board of Industrial Leadership and Development (BILD) under the Ont- ario Storage and Pack- ingý Assistance Pro- gram, Agriculture, and Food Minister Dennis Timbreil and Revenue Minister George Ashe, MPP f6or-DurhamWest, announced Friday. "Algoma F'arms lias requests for export or- ders they are unable to fi because their pre- sent packing, une is already running at fuil eapacity," Timbrel said. .Algoma Farms will use the funds towards, the installation of two new controlled-atifios- phere apple. storage rooma plus expansion of their packaging facility' to housea new packing lime. -, "By- helping apple packagers sucli as Algorna Farms,. we are ultimately helping On- tario's. apple producers. This improved storage could resuit in replacing imports worth, a poten- tial $125,000 per year as well as increasing ex- ports," the minister said. The'Ontario Storage and Packing Assistance Program, established with $20 million in BILD funds, is aimed at exc- tending the marketing period of fresh . Ontario vegetables and fruits and also reducing the volume of imports. BILD is a, committee of the provincial cabi- net,' chaired by Treasurer Frank Miller, which co-ordinates On- tario's five-year,'~ $1.5 billion economie development plan. I i I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - SILK ROSE I withthisaà d. at .-Dis ýoUmI ICKER 'SHOP,'l Duhmsbest selectIon) w *weddings *gifts *iflvtations e*custom orders 82 Centre St. N. Osýhawapoie8.lý 725m9393 Businesses robbed