t. Ilousing sta rts down i ,Whitbyg, up i Ajax Whitby experienced' the largest decline in single and detached housing construction in the Durham region over the past year, a. govern- ment. housing report says. The Canada Mortgage and Housirg Corpora- tion's August report shows Whitby had only 85 single1 or detached houses under construc- tion ini Auguat of 1982, compared with 350 in August, 1981. The report says op- portunities for more sin- gle dwelllng construc- tion exiati Whitby, where present produc- tion levels have signifi- cantly dedlined from those of a year ago. Other areas exjge- iencig a dedline' m single home construc- tion were Oshawa, down to 101 units from 182 in August,, 1981, and Pickering, down to 58 units from 130. Ajax has undergone somewhat of a boom, with 421 single ,or* detached dwellings un- der construction com- pared with 57 last year. Ajax is Durham's only municipality with more sigles now under con- struction than i August of last year. The report says i- vestment potential is present for medium- sized and moderately- priced townhouse pro- jects in Whitby, Ajax and Pickerig.', WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6,1982, PAGE.,9 Employees urgèd to use ch art Durham Regional Police hope to gain valu- able information about thieves by encouraging. employees of c orner stores and banks to take mental note of the roi> ber's appearance. The police are circu- lating a. pamphlet outliming before-and- after robbery proce- dure, and a wall chart which describes cbarac- teristics empioyees should observe about the thief. Inspector Doug Bul- loch of the regional for- ce says sharp increases in robberies over the past year sparked the campaign. In the first six mnonths of 1982,. 98 robberies Were report- ed, eompared to 58 in the same period last year. The wall chart in- cludes such things as physical appearance, clothing, 'weapons, jewellery and direction 0f escape. "When people go through the trauma of a, robbery, about the only thing they can describe is that the gun had a hole in the end of it, " says Bulloch, who hopes the wall chart will.gîve victims soffiething to concentrate on* imme- diately after the rob- bery. "Once the guy goes out the door, they should .-just phone us and fI out' theý chart," says Bul- loch. He says the procedure pamphlet was develop- ed to be compatible wlth what management tel their employees. Mlany employees are instrùcted to phone managers first, says Bulloch, and valuable time is lost for police follow-up. Other suggestions in- clude asking witnesses to stay, lockingthe door right after the robber leaves and only letting police and the employer on the premises. Library in ked tol computer system Computerized infor- mation systems have found their way to the Whitby Public Library. The library is one of 20 in the regions of Peel, York and Durham to be linked together in a fully automated information exchange system. So, if you want to or- der films, books and other library resources quickly, the library can find out if they're avail- able in any of the 20 libraries almost imme- diately. The library is con- sidering budgetmng for links to commercial data base systems such as InfoGlobe, a library official said. Such a move would open the library's doors to a huge range of auto- mated information that is available in central data banks. * IJSADCOUID BE ALLIIAT'S SFA NDI BE!IWEN YOU ANDAFQSIfERQIIII On the surface, iÊs flot difficuit to have a mis- taken impression about fostercare. 011ý And if you neyer take the time to crack the surf ace, and find out the facts, you might very wel be denying yourself, and a foster child, a very rewarding experience. Your willingness to care-may be ail the qualifica- tion you need to be a foster parent. Financial assistance, guidance and support are available to foster parents, The persona'l rewards of sharingyour love with a child or young person who really needs you are very great. -Please contact your local Children's Aid Society or Family and Children's Services, and find out more about foster care. The children need you now, more than ever before. And maybe you need themn too. Ministry of Community and Social Services DOntario Frank Drea, Minister William Davis, Premier -THE ONE STOP SHOP For-The Busy Career Woman 0f The 80 3 Acrylic nails applied Aloe Vera body wraps Non-surgical face lif ts Make-up application Manicures Hair Removai For more information or appointment cail ANYTI ME Ann,, 286-1 083ý 395 Kin gston Rd. <fat Rougemount) Picke ring THE CORPORATION 0F THE'TOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE'0F NOMINATIONS NOTICE is hereby given to the separate sohool electors 0f the Town of Whitby that ln compliance wlth The Municipal Elections Act, nominations wiii be received at the Office of the Cierk of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering, 1710 King- ston Road, Pickering, on Thursday, October l4th and Friday, October lSth, 1982, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Monday, October lOth, 1982, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for the foiiowlng offlice: Separate Sohool Trustee to the Durham Board 0f Education (one) by general vote from the constituency 0f the area municipa- lites 0f the Towns 0f Ajax, Pickering and Whltby and the Townships of Brock, Scu- gog and Uxbridge. Ail electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and If a great- er number 0f candidates than le requlred to f 111 the said office are nominated and make the required deciarations, polis wIl be open on the dates stat- ed beiow for fthe purpose of taklng the poil. Advance Poil, Saturday, October 3Oth, 1982 Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Poiiing Day, Monday, November 8th, 1982 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. DATED at the Town 0f Pickering this 6th day of October, A.D., 1982. B. Taylor Returning Off icer and Cierk The Corporation 0f the Town of Pickering 1710 Kingston! Road *Pickering, Ontario Phone:68<3-2760