__________________________WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER. 6,1982, PAGE 5- Report from Q ueen',s Park By The Hon. George Ashe, MIPP (PC - Durham West) « Ontario Minister of Revenue One, of the issu'es to be discussed during the Fal Session of the Legislature wlll be the proposed Heéalth Protection Act, introduced by the Minister of llealth toward the end 0f-the Spring Session-. This legislatiion wassubsequently referred to the Legislature's Standing Committee on Social Development 'for discussion and comimitte hearings which.began on Tuesday, September 7 at Queen's Park. ,When the committee reports back to the Legislature, it is expectedthat the.Health Pro-, tectioni Act wiil receive, its Third Reading and be proclaimed early in 1983. The.proposed Health Protection Act was formu-« lated to bring public health legislation in limewith'- today's needs and to guarantee 'ail Ontarians a basic core of preventive health services. Essentially, this new leglslation will empliasize the importance of preventive medicine and the im- plications which it will have both medicaily and financially to the residents of this province.. There are presently,43 public healthunits operat- Iig throughout Ontario and'the prevention of dis- ease lias been identified as their primary goal. The Health Protection Act will require public health per- sonnel to implement a basic core of peventive health services in their communities. The seven, specific areas of concentration are: community sanitation; communicable disease; preventive den- tistry; family health; .home care; nutrition; and, public health education. Details of these core programs are being designed by public health practitioners to reflect com mumty need. Under the new act, the boards of health will be required to provide or to ensure the provision of these designated core services in co-operation with local agencies. ofe proposed core program covers a wide range ofpreventive health services. Family health, for example,JWill, deal with the entire life cycle from prenatal to'geria tric services. Within 'the familY health area, ail health units will be required to offer, childbirth education classes. Local boards of health will be responsible for evaluating the hearing and vision of every pre- school child'and for assessing each child's health upon school entry. Public health'nurses will be responsible for identifying, assessing and monitor- ing high-risk elderly persons in their communities. To satisfy a growing interest among Ontarians, ail public health units wrnl provide information about diet and nutrition -while boards of health wil also serve as centres for the prevention and management of lifestyle diseases and the preven- tion of home accidents. The importance of preventive medicine cannot be understated, for the health dollars which are chan- Snelled toward the prevention, of disease today will generate future health savings tomorrow. Fïrst Aid THE WALLPA The Whitby brandi of St. John Ambulance wil hold a standard First Aid course ini Anderson Street Higli School beginnng--Tuesday, Oc- tober, 12.. Registration starts October 5 from 7 to 9p.m. in Rooml 32 at Anderson Street School. For more information cail 668-152 or 668900. Phone books ,out--B To help improve this representation, the Red Cross invitesyou to be a real live hero. Aftèr ail, what Would you give for, that rare pint of blood that might save the life of your lovedone. Attend the. blood donor cic on October 6 at thie Legion-Hall on Byron Street South bet- ween the hours 0f 2 and 8 p.m. You have to be- between the ages of 17 and 65, weight at least 100 pounds and be in good health (not taking miedication and not recovering from the flu or a cold). At the October 6 blood donor cici, the regular friendly blue-smocked volunteers wili be sup- plemented by 12- to 15- year-old girls who are. members of the 6th The Whitby branch of the Red Cross Society is looking for people with a, quiet kind of courage to attend, the next blood donor 1clinie on October 6. Every day across the > province,- many people *display' this courage by rolling Up their sleeves and giving blood. They are the trueý heroes of 0Wr society. They save lives without receiving any applause., Take a moment to think 0f the consequenc- es if.,nobody -donated blood. Without whole blood innovative > surgery such as heart, kidney and bone, marrow transplants Would be impossible. Without a constant sup- ply of Factor VIII which causes the natural clott- ing process of blood, the people in our society suffering from hemophi- ,lia could not survive. Without blood available for. immediate traiqs- fusion at birth, rhesus babies would not be saved. Without blood, many necessary opera- tions would not take place every day. Whitby has approxi- mately 350 honest to goodness heroes who at- tend the blood donor clinies on a regular basis four times a year. To these people, the Red Cross Society extends a sincere thank you. But when you consider 0w' population, 350 people is not very many. It. has been calculated, that only 10.78 per'cent, of us contributes ,regularly. Seniors A "services to seniors" update will be held Monday,, October 18 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at illsdale Manor, Auditorium. Fee of $1.25 includes lunch and cof-, fee. There will be a tour of Hillsdale Seniors Daycare Centre and an update on chromce home care. For more infor- mation cail 725-4774. kPER CENTRE I Ontario, this six th day of Oc- R.A. Attersiey Mayor Town of Whitby _ Red Cross wants heroes Whitby Pathfinder group under the leader- slip of Mrs. Alice bryan. They are fulfilling their obligation of com- munity service by help- ingto prepare, for this clinic. They haveprin- ted 275 posters that are dsrbtdaround town and have counted out the many flyers that are sent home with the public school children. Also, on the day of the chiic, they will be serv- ing. tea and cookies to the. donors. This exper- ience will-,give- the girls a -chance to see how a blood donor chiic is run and hiopefully they will becomne future bloodý donors and spread the Word among their frien- ds to eventually become donors as well. Hove A Ceromic Party In Tour Own Home & Recelve 1 0 %oO/1@ ls'n e pieces of y our cho ice. ramici For information write: BrantVs Ceramic Parties 21 Box 206 By Oct. 22 (Pisase Incdo your telophons number) (Ateti epod uc Itinsn MAcudDE-sor Cn erAMIC PERCENTRE i N. U53 Maddwm Rd. Y.401) I Juet 8. of Lawrence) ý -ý "-, ý ,,= 7.7777, .,' ý ,, . -50.- ý 0 THE CORPORATION 0F, THETOWN OFWHITBY PROCLAMATION TIRE PREVENTION WEEK" Take notice that October 3 to October 9, 1982,187 hereby proclalmed as "1Fire Preventi on Week",in, and for the Town of Wh ltby. Citizens0f Whitby are urged to avail themselves of this opportunlty to become more acquainted with tire safety and prevention through the varlous programmes offered 'by the Whitby Fire Depart- ment. Antique w'ater pitchers Basins Pin Boxes Powder boxes Tea pots Plates, Cleanser keepers Ail these items are legitimaie Dated at-Whitby, tober, 1982.