WHITBY FREE PRESS,,WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1982, PAGE HIGH CHOOLNEWS btudent "trips"- Anderson --on.the mov By CARYN HANLON Anderson Coleglate Anderson -students have been busy lately with varlous, excursions and tripe Ady Wachon was tefrt of fOur stu- dents to, spend a week at the Terry Fox Youth Centre i Ottawa. The centre was built i <nmemory of Terry Fox, for students from al over Canada hio take part in a bilingual pro- gram' '0f Canadian studies. Amng the events that take place are touirs around Caniada's capi- tal, meetings and lec- tures' wlth government officiais, and a. visit to the parliament. build- ings. Andy found the ex- perience worthwhile and we're sure the others that foilow Andy have an equally educa- tional and enjoyable ex- Top sti at Dein By COLLEEN CREIGHTON DO'C High School The- past week has been an eventful one. It started with the grade 13's departure on Mon- day.- Their destination - Sharon; the purpose - four days of reflection. The retreat is designed to help the students dis- cover who they are and make themn more aware of their Christian tradi- tion. TPhe first semester Grade il religion stu- dents wiil be participat- ing in their day of re- flection next Tuesday. Theirs wiil be a one-day walk through Toronto's imier city. * Unitel 0ff The'United Way cam- paign is' off to a good start, and already var- ious campalgn categor- ies have a good showing. Three of the United Way agencies have coinpleted a canvass of their personnel, and al are up considerably in their totals over last year. They are the John Howard Society, Mental Health Durham, and the Distress Centre. Newcastle Hydro has perlence. On October 4, the stu- dents. partlçipating in the ,"dlive-in" 'at Ste. Marie --Amnong-the- <Hurons I Mdland, Feb- ruary 27' to March ,1, trekked, to the village for a general acquain- tance with the surround- ings. This < future back-tonatu.re, 6"suni- val" trip should be quite an experience for ail.' The, home economîcs students made a tniphi Toronto last week hoi re- search varions aspects of their course. Another successful excursion was the trip to the Science Centre to ,see "the, Chinese Art ýExhibition. 'Anderson's firs, dance'of, the year vwas a- Sadie Hawkins.- The dance committee was comrnended for a fine performance and every- uidents hg iis.O'CE In sports this week, our junior boys' soccer team shut out Ajax High 4 to 0. DO'C's scorers Were Brian Devenyi and Joe Bordonali, with' two goals 'each. The junior and'senior, girls' basket- bail teams played their second games of the season against Henry Street. The junior girls won their game 38 to 36, with Coileen Lehman being the high scorer with il points. The senior 'girls, unfor- tunately, lost 74 to 10. The Junior Academic Awards Assembly- was hield* on October 6. Recognition was award- ed to grades 9, 10 and il students who achieved one is lookig forward1 futu re concerts ai dances. _This is the first yei Anderson has had boys'Y soccer team ai the players. have starte off on the right foot wix ning 2 out of 4 game and tying one. Anderson's senie football team ha played two games thi season, one'agains Pickering High Schoc and the other agains Paul Dwyer. They sui fered. two' losses, bu both 0f these teams an very strong 80 the boys morale is flot flagglng. I,ý.Our junior footbal team will go far thissea son. They 'îhave ais played' two games losing by a email mai gin to Pickering and de feating Paul Dwyer 33 t( 6. We wish ail our teamç luck this year,! onured' >nnor, an average of 80 per cent or higher, as well as to those students witl the highest standing in certain subjecta. Lisa Jeppesen, .grade 11 received the award for overaîl academic achievement. Bruce Boulanger was the reci- pient of the St. Berna-, dette Panish award for highest average for a DO'C student who is Ila member of that parish. Bruce also received awards for highest aver- age in computer scien-, ce and history. Michele Arbour received the award for highest o verail average in grade 10. Congratula- tions to one and ail. d Way c ampaign and runnmg The recommended, ed Way,,campaign wil givmng percentage is 0.6 more than meet its ob- per cent of one per cent jective. of income, or 15 minutes The. campaign chair- per pay week. man makes the foilow- For example, the ing appeal to the citi- fair share for a person zens of the three coin- whot'e income is $10,000 munities involved i the is $1.2o per week (lesa United Way canvass: than a package of cigar- "In this more difficuit ettes). This contributes economic period, people three cents per week to, need the help of the each of the 37 United United Way agencies Way agencies. more than ever before. Holland, said that if The only way we can those . canvassed meet the increased respond to this formula needs of our agencies is -that the O)shawa/ for al hi contribute Whtb/ewcaste Unit: their fair share." Il!' ?1 eRý.' VESAJXSOPI. PL TEEHM 6316 eWE.,RE,,FIGH'. a f id es Bt ut Multiple Scierosis'is a crippling dise B' people main ly between 18 -and 50 - of 1life. Thousands of people in- Onta each year. The research money we ;0 behaif wil11 hel p i n the search for a c s Is on a Kentucky Fried Chioken Buicket. When you redeem this coupon, you'Il save 50e;. And we'Il donate 50q; on your behaif to the'Ontaria Division of The Multiple Scierosis Society. SAI~eRdeem at any Kentucky Fried Chicken store in Ontario. WUExpiry date -October.31, 1982. 50CI IE on a Kentucky Fried Chicken ThitBox. When you rèdeem this coupon, you'Il save 30(D. And we'll donate 30e; on your behaif to the Ontario Division of Te Multiple Scierosis Society. SAVERedeem at any, Kentucky Fried r' icken store in Ontario. Epiry date -- October 31, 1982. uy 'LE )ithe fightl. aase that attacks - lin the 'prime ario are afflicted donate on your Dure. W on a Kentucky Fred Chicken a Dinner-for.One. When o EU redeem this coupon, you'll save EU 20Ç. And we'lI donate 20Ç; on S E -I _ _ _ _ _ te ntri S A II yourvibehaf Tohe Multi Scierosis Society. Redeem at Cany -Kentucky Fried Chicken store in Ontario. Expiry date - October 31, 1982. 2uC Krnhckii j:. Wkcken CMP RINOER LUCKIN'p 'p ~$toflIs cllickenVil!&L. - I - -1 mou Imm mm âm gm mm mm lu am mm "mm un mu