Vol. 12, No. 42 Wednesday, Ocetober 20, 1982 28 Pages Welcme ome Anneýý Superstar swimmer Anne Ottenbrite is welcomned home by Regional Councillor Tom Edwards at a public reception held by town officiaIs Tuesday, October 12. More than 300 loyal supporters cheered her on. The excitement of a gold medal, a 17-hour plane trip and more than 300 cheering home- town fans combined to make Anne Ottenbrite's homecoming an emo- tional one. "I arn as proud to have this (gold chain from the town of Whit- by) as the Common- wealth gold medal,"' the 16-year-old. swimmer told a coundil chambers packed with loyal sup- porters last week. Her visible emotion drew applause from friends, relatives and proudWhitby residents who attended a recep- tion held by town offi- cials October 12. Mayor Bob Attersley And Councillor Tom Ed- wards paid tribute to Anne's success and the hard work which lead to her victory in the 200 metre breast stroke event, and the relay event at the Common- wealth Games in Bris-- bane, Australia. "Tothe names of Can- dy Nicholas andý Mari- lyn Bell, add the name of Whitby's Anne-Otteni- bnite, " Edwards told the cheering crowd. "It takes a special kind of person to over- corne adversity," Ed- wards said, descnibing Anne's reaction when she was beaten by her teammnate in the 100 metre, breast stroke event. "There was no swear- ing or kicking of chairs. Anne just said, 'What matters is my team- mate won,"' Edwards told the crowd. Anne received flowers and a pendant with the town crest engraved on it. She wil be on hand to re-open Iroquois pool on December 20. SMayor Attersley chaI- lenged Anne to beW a leader, and to. encour- age participation in sport by local young people. "lWe can't always be winners," Attersley saîd. "But we can lead -people to participate... you have given many of the children in Whitby a reason to participate. " Anne told reporters she felt very. proud that s0 many people turned out to show their sup- port. "I wasn't expecting anything like this at ail, " she said. Her parents, Joe and Flo Ottenbrite, looked on with pride as Anne spoke with young swimmers from- the Ajax "Smarties", and. signed the cast of Jodi MePhail, an 1-year-old swimmer who broke' -Free Press Staff Photo both her arms in a bicy- cle accident last month. Her coach, Paul Meronin of Ajax, told the crowd he believed Anne has the- potential to be an, even better swimmer than she proved herself to be in Australia. Meronin said he has always been very'- proud of the Grade il student who isnow in- ternationally farnous. Anne told repoi'ters she wil be practicing early ini the morning and late'at night ini pre- paration for, the Pan American Games. When askedjabout the 1984 Olympics, Anne said, "Hopefully lilbe there."