Bet ween You and M e By RUTH COLES' .T.C. "The world grows better because people wish that it should and because they take the right steps to make it better." .Ernestine White. The above quote was made by the late Ernestine White, founder'of the International Toastmistress Clubs in 1938. There are clubs ail over the world, across Canada, in fifty states of the U.S.A. and in twenty other areas of the world. As a guest this past week of the .T.C. of Whitby, I enjoyed meeting a group of dedicated, friendly women. What a productive club thisis and what a worthwhile projeet. I found the members to be very positive and flot a negative thinker in the group. Toastmistress was organized in 1938 primarily because its founder, the late Ernestine White, realized that in a troubled world, socially and polîti- cally, women could play an active role in the foster- ing of peace and understanding. Toastmistress is a training club and its funds are used only in the maintenance of its own organiza- tions. .T.C. provides training to develop indivi- duals who can go into the community to be mà ore ef- fective citizens. Toastmistress training in communications and leadership skiils is planned to produce poise and confidence in its members as they learn by doing. Public speakinig is very difficuit for many people, including men, when they first begin and they must gain experience, perhaps many times before they become confident; .T.C. hastens the process and the way becomes smoother. There are Toastmaster Clubs for the men who also need to learn that confidence and poise are a, very necessary part of the business world. Evaluation is a very important pat of these meet- ings. Here, to repeat from a brochure, a skilled member gîves a comprehensive evaluative sum- mary of the entire meeting. Each participant's per- formance is discussed and in a friendly and infor- mal manner, the weaknesses analyzed and the strengths pointed out as guides to. their members. During the course of the, evening I enjoyed this part of the meeting very much and I could see what a benefit it was to all concerned. There is no restriction on the basis of race, nation- ality, sex or religion. There were members of alI ages at the meeting, adult of course which I would think means from age eighteen and up. Each' group consists of not more than thirty people becausethis gives each person fuil potential for participation. If you are interested in learming more about this organization do give Shirley MacDonald a, cali at' 668-4817. On to another topic altogether and not a totally posi tive one at that. We were very disappointed at the turnout last Sunday to hear people speak out about revitalization of the downtown core. One positive note my husband and I felt was John Nickson's talk. We thought he hit the nail on the head, right on. This man is a great merchandiser and we find always positive but we cannot say this for everyone. I understand everything he says because I feel the same way, and we both have had the experience, of enjoying other places and travell- ing around in the States. There is nothing wrong with trying to emulate something good. There is so much to learn and if we close our eyes we 105e out in every respect. I am sorry to say I think a lot of people are not in- teresqted in lisqtening and learning. Anotherqaspect is Residents of Whitby are being encouraged to celeébrate Halloween on Saturday, October 30 rather than Sunday, Oc-' tober 31. Town officials would appreciate the co- operation of aIl resi- dents in making this Halloween a safe one on the above date. WHITiBY, FREÙE P R à S:'WÉDN ESDÀV6 _CTOBÊk IÃ,1992)'ÉGE port to each other means that'great thlngs can be accomplished.. This applies to our country too; nothlng can be gained by pulllng apart and forming large divisions. This can be very deséructive and the bosses cannot always be recouped. "Small gains qulck profits." A favourite quote of my husband. How many of you saw the media reports about a restauranteur in Calgary who cut his prices in half and the result was over three hun- dred diners an eveninig rather than sixty-five and he didn't lose money? Somethlng to think about. if one is having diffi- culty. We have to admit that what works for one does not always *work for everyone. Halloween Saturday IIVE Bridge The followlng are the results of lait week's play 'at the Whitby Du- plicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Har- vey Winter. SNorth and South: Mr.* and Mrs. L.E. Evans, 106%; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Davies tie with Derrick Alstein and Paul Beisch- lag, 99%; and, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ketcheli, 921/. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 941/2; Mrs. Douglas Moundrell and Mrs. Bruce McColl, 89; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vrengden- hil, 84; and, Mrs. Ben, Harlander and Mrs. Larry Ruest, 80½. WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION November 8, 1982 THE CORPORATION 0F ?;THETOWNOFWHITBY PROCLAMATI ON "Unicef Weok for Safe Drlniking Water", TAKE NOTICE that October 24 to October 31, 1982, Is hereby proclaimed as "Unicef Week for Saf e Drlnklng Water" In and for the Town'of Whlt- by. Citizens of Whltby are remlnded thatUnicef ralses funds to eliminate the threat of death and disease whlch presently endangers the lves of chlldren ln the developlng world. DATED at Whitby, Ontario; this twenty-seventh day of. October, 198.2. R.A. Attersley, Mayor Town of Whltby UP TO THE DRAPERY S PPE