Report from, Q ueen'i s Park __________________PRESS, WEDNESDAY OOBER 2e8,PAGE 7. School bord holds foiru. By The Hon. George Ashe, MPP (PC - Durham West)ý Ontario Minister of Revenue On October 1, the proclamation of the Children's Law Reform Amendment Actý established Ontario as-a world leader in the campaign to hait child ab- duction. Although the original bil was introduced by the Attorney-General in 1979, October 1 was the first day that major new benefits were granted to an On- tario parent whose child is in danger of being kid- napped by the other parent. Under this legisiation, access and custody rights can be enforced by the courts and one parenttan be prevented from abducting a child fromn the other parent. Provincial courts are now authorized to: e Order supervision of custody and access rights by an impartial third party, a Appoint a person to mediate custody and access provisions, a Order one party not to harass the chuld or another party, " Punish contempt of court orders, " Direct a peace officer to assist in securing custody of a child being withheld unlawfully from the person entitled to custody or access, e Order, public agencies to disclose the address of a person in breach of an order, e Order a person to surrender his- or hier passport while exercising custody or access rights, and !o Order that a person provide security when he or. she proposes to remove the child temporarily from Ontario. These amendments will assist in eliminating kid- napping "havens" in Canada as the legislation dis- courages parents from bringing an abducted child into Ontario in the hope of obtaining'a custody order here. If the child is flot a resident of this province, the courts will now be in a position to order the child returned to his home province or country, If a custo- dy order has already been made outside this pro- vince, the courts will enforce the order, unless the child is in danger of serious harm. It is important to note that the Uniform Law Con- ference of Canada has recognized the significance of Ontariols new legisiation and has recommended that. provisions ý outlined in our Children's Law Reform Amendment Act be used as a model for al Canadian jurisdictions. In addition to the important changes in child kid- nap law, this legisiation ensures that a child's best interests are paramount in ail legal proceedlings - custody, property, etc. - relating to that child. The new amendmnents establish guidelines to determine those interests-and to ensure that the child's opinions are given consideration. These guidelines include: parenting ability, love, affection and emo- tional ties, stability of the home environmient, views and preferences of the child, natural parentage and the child's relationship to other "family" members. Support for the Children's Law Reform Amen- dment Act was demonstrated by ahl parties of the Legislature as well as by a variety of groups and in- cividuals who contributed to the proposed legisla- tion. As a resuit of this support, the proclamation of the Children's Law Reform, Amendment Act on Oc- tober 1 marks. an important event in the history of Ontario. Association starts Better Breathing Do, you suffer from emphysema, chronice bronchitis or sevpre asthma? If the answer is,"yes" te Dram Region Lung Associa- tion may be able to help. Beginning on Tues- day, November 16, the local, Christmas Seal organization wil hold -a Better Breathing Cour- se for adults with res- piratory disease in the second floor gymna- sium at the Oshawa General Hospital, ý24 Alma Street, Oshawa. Offered free of charge as a Christmas Seal service,,the course will run for eight consecu- tive sessions during a four-week period, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 noon to 1: 30 p.m. An 1-year-oldWhitby boy plans t o buy a homüe computer with the $500 he won in a draw held by the Whitby-Brooklin Block Parents. Above winner Jay Lee is congratulated by Block Parent chaireron Gail Jenkins (left) and his parents William and Brenda Lee. -Free Press Staff Photo STHANK YOU FIREFIGHTERS* '*Our Whitby Fireflghters are the greatest! During my* -*recent house f Ire 1 found-oui what great people ihey * -*really are. 1 can not f mnd enough words to express * ~my thanks to th em for ail they dld to save My house* *from total destruction. 1 also thank aIl my neigh. * «*bours for ail the heîp theygave me.*I 4c -Ji God Bless You Al vo wsxisi la ,r4 Alex Duil R.R. 2, Hwy. 12 Whitby OFFICIAL OPENING Friday, October 29, 1982 of the ROYAL TREAT FACTORY Open'to public for f ree samples 7:30 p.m.9:30 p.m Retailing & Wholesaling Quality Produots Pasta - Including Lasagna Ravioli - Ice tC#ream & Pastries Catering of Restaurants Please Enquire 915 Nelson St. Wentworth, Oshawa 433-12 Course members will be taught breathing ex- ercises, relaxation techniques and simple tolerancç exercises, and. most sessions wiil fea- ture guest speakers on various topics related to the management of res- piratory problems. AUl exercise proce- dures will ha under the direction of a llcenced physiotherapist. This is a basic program, which aims to give respiratory patients an introduction to self-help techniques which, when applied, can improve the quallty of day-to-day living.' - For more informa- tion, or to apply for re- gistration, contact Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151 as soon as possible. Durham Elementary teachers plan to hold several all-candidates forums at area schools in the next few weeks to determine the views of trustee candidates. The teacher's Action Committee has prepar- ed and distributed Trustee Informnation kits to ail canididates, which Include. .a questio nnaire on issues suich aspupil-teacher ratio, discipline,ý staff- ing and school facilities. An ail-candidates forum wil be held Octo- ber 26 in the town hall in Whitby at 7:30 p.m. for ail interested indivi- duals. THE CORPORATION 0F TH ETOWN OF WH ITBY, PUBLIIC NOTICE HALLOWEEN Cfitzens of the Town of WIiltby are en couraged to celebrate Halloween 'on Saturday, Octobe 'r 3Oth,- 1982, ratherihan on Sunday, October3lst, 1982,. The co-operation of ail citizens ln this regard wilI be most appreclated. DATED at Whltby, Ontarlo, this 2Oth day o! Octo- ber, 1982.- R.A. Attersley Mayor Town o! Whitby mcmrt 1801 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 12 Complexe ONE 8X 1 1299Package THREE 5 X 7'S Deposit At EIGHT WALLET SIZE 1 0Ptiotograpliy ENLARGEMENT PORTRAITS $ 99 AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE On Delieerv PRICE WITH COMPLETE PACKAGE Poses Our Selection 1 $1.00 Sitting Fee For Each Extra Subject. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR VOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED A VA IL.IliJLLi O0.\ TIIE-SE 1).l TES WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. 11-8 10-8 10-8 10-5 OFFER 1 BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE TWELVE 1PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS* AS BONUS * PHOTO'S NOT INCLUDED -* - - - -I amw . 1 21 7