Whitby Free Press, 17 Nov 1982, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1982, WHITBY FREE, PRESS ARNTICLES FOR SALE] AIR CONDITIONER for aide silder window, 6,000 BTu's, bargain ai $160. Call Oshawa 7255M3. BEAUMARK free arm portable zig zag sowing machine In carry case. Aaking $130. Caii 68&3674. BOYS SKATES'- New,-nover uaed, C.C. Super Tacks, ize 31k, $75. Phone 655-4271. Used ana season, C.C.M. Super Tacks9, size 3 and 41k, $40 each. Phono 655-4271. CROSS.COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with pales and boots, aSUe 5, $45. Cros-country bouta, size 7, $12. Figure skates, aize 5, $4. Figure, Skates, size 6ë'-$8. BOYS, Cougar boots, SUze 6, $8. Two aschool deaka, blue and red,' each $12. Hamster cage,. round, sturdy, metai, 1k. new, $10. Phono 668& 9482 eveninga. DRESSER, ful sze with mirror, brown, $65. Throo oak chairs $15 each. Branse-lampa $30 pair. Rocking chair $30. Large fuli-aizo. mirror $20. Car jack with stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 683W.668 FOR SALE -, Spin washer, goid co!or, oniy ueed two montha, $200. High chair, ln excellent condition, $25. Cali 668-1385. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy's Bauer skates, six. 5 & 51, $10 each. Mena Torino Skis with polos & boots $40. Antique bufoet with mIrror $100. Bookcaae, 3 sholvos With 2 doors at the bottom, $75. Atari video gamo, 6 carridges, $250. Singer" treddlo aàewing machine $25. Color TV eset, RICA, 26" floor model, $50. Chesterfield & chair, gold, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens 10 speed bîko, light- woight, new tires & tubes, $75. Asaortment of books, & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command control, $25. Phono 579-3353. LARGE STURDY. WORKBENCI- $40. Portable typowriter. like now, $45. Oid wardrobe, mirrors and drawers, $75. Antique table, mahogany, $125. Phono 683638l. LARGE train set, NGauge, 124 cars, 16'onginos, 27,oiectric swIt- ches, building and transformers. Asking $1,495. Cail alter 6 p.m. 579-3408. MUSKRAT fur coat, size 12.14, good condition, $250. Cail 668- 0127 aller 6 p.m. ONE 8' eioctric basoboard heator with built-In thermostat, $40. Two sets biIoid closet doors, $10 each. Phono 668-4886. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ONLY $45 BRANDNEW COLOR TV ONLY $350 ARTICLES FOR SALE .ONE fake fur coat, sizo 44, $100. One Sorta b.d chestorflold bed, nover uaed, $250. One brown tweed wintor coat, size 16, $50. One Weatherall rain coat, ize 14, $10. Phono 6681398. PA. SYSTEM with reverb. Two 100-watt heada and a six-channel mîxing board. Two basa cabinets and iwo twoeter-harn cabinets. Also has covera built for tho road. Includos many oxtras. Bought new $3,500. Wiii sacrifice 31,300. Sorlous Inquirlea anly. 728-7158 anytime. POOL TABLE, soaud oak rails, fait - clth, rubb.r cushions, bale, cues and rack includod,. like naw, $350. Sahool dosk, solid oak, $45. An- tique,,T.V., ý7",A dmirai, waod cabinet, firat madel'Admirai T.V. manufacturod In Canada, warking Ilkeolad, $425. Solld walnut troatie table $300. Klly b.d, solld birch, disposablo sanltary mattroas, $59. Phone868-4098. STERLING SILVER ladies watch $75. Phono morninga until 1 668- 3579, aliernoons and eveninga 668-6424. THOMAS DELUXE European 1125 eloctrlc organ with a double key- board. Includas b.nch, iight and shoot muslc. Liko naw. Aaklng $975. A nica Christmas guIt. Phono 668-2725. WALNUT' BUFFET wth glass doora, excellent condition, $150. Outaide wall chimnay unit for waod stove, $200 ar besi aller. Dorchester sterea with iwin speakers $25. Phono 668-0495. WALNUT FINISH 6 drawer bod- room dresser with mirror and mat- chlng double b.d with box spring. Excellant condition. $130 com- plie. Phono 668-4276. WATER PUMP, Piston type,' for ahaii ow weils and lakas, suctiari 1", manufacturer "DiJRO", inciud-' Ing matar, gauges, foot valve, 30 gala. gaiv. tank, al fittingas.'Price $185. Phone 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension iadders $30. Snow 8kimmar, al ateel, $50. Phono 668-1987. ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scotia rope bod, 48" wido, asking $250. Phono 655-4271. .When the advertised Item la soli, diaposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reasan, the Item wiil be deemed t0 have been aald and s'commission wiiI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as liiuastrated beiaw, rogardiesa If price la stated wlth "lbest offer." If the Item la NOT SOLO, or.dlapoaed of, the ad wiii b. run for 3,MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wIll appiy payable ln advance of publication of the f iraI ad. Otherwiae a $750 charge wlii Sp. ply If billed! which muai be paid.upon receipi of bill. The above minimum chargea wiIi b. applIed to the final commission due but ln any case thehigher amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-peid; $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muai be piaced on an ex- clusIve basis with the WHrTBY FREE PRESS and run atiesat one manth If nat soid. RATES (If article les old): 6% of advertised price up ta 3$400.00 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advsrtiased for $120.00. Commission due@$600 (minimum charge la 3$600). PrIvate advertiaing onlyl Ploase notIfy the Whitby Free PresImmedlately when Item la5 aold Bo that we may delete Il from the fallawIng Issue. Ail ada not fitiing the Emporium guidelinas wi Il b. treatad and chargod per weok as ragular clasled ada on a pra-paid basis such as: 'services, heip wanted, clothing, reai ostata, and porsonal message type ada, or ada nol quotIng price or quantIty. Privato ciasaIfied ada may appear In the Emporium section underapproprIate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM. P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 551 If In doubi cail: e668-6111l OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock Si. N. Whiby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Use this forM ta mail In your Emporium Ad 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wlsh ta have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. Dn't forget ta include your phone number) El 1 enclose. $6.00 to caver the minimum charge En Charge $6.00 ta my Visa account El Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication af my ad card No. Exp. Date Nams please prlnt - f irsi and last namne) Street Addroe CIty Postal Code FIVE Uniroyal steel baited radiais, LR78x15, chrome caps and rings, spare brand naw. $400 or besi af- for. Phono 688-9228. MAIL WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LAN, 5S1 AVOMTIVE AVOMOTVE ~REPPASIR/PARTS * IRPARTS ONE SPARE TIRE, H78114, white waiI on rim, $10. Four hub caps, Plymouth, 31.50 each. Phono 668- 5227, RADIAL TIRES wiih rima (white walis), Two HR78-15 steel beltod $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear cus- tom polystool (one rim only) $100. Phono 668-9855. AOBILES WFORSIALE 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PACER, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue. Asking $3.000. Phono 655-4352. 1976 HONDA'CIVIC, hatchback, automnatlo, one ownor, body good, good running 'condition, neede tirée ta b.certif led, 57,000 original miles. $1.200 or bout offer. Phono 668-1564. 1975 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, as le. $50 firm. Phono 668-2298. 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-1 shape, $1,500 or beat 0f fer, as la. Phono 655-3027. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 81 cylin. der, beat offer. Minimum $50. Phono 668j*44. 1973 ASTRA for parts. $100. Phono 668-573. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and "transmission, new brakesalal the way around. Asking $500 or boat roasonablo offer. Phono 668-9840. -1971 'CHEVELLE, camploteiy re-' storod and certified. Asking $1,800. Phono 655'4517 or 655- 4989. 1971 VENTURA, 6 cylindor, runs good. Neede some body work. As sa $300. Phono 668.8297. rHOUSEHOLO CABINET STEREÃ", excellent con- dition, $350. Antique wood burni- ing cook atove $175. Wall painting $10. 9-pioca mahogany dIning room suite $1,200. Smail baby crîb $40. Wiii take boat 0f for on ail ar- ticles. Phono 571-0271 anytimo. CURVED SPACE furniture, throo- plaes, Inciuding spoon chair. Ex- ceilent- çondition. Asking' $400. Phono 668-1564. DININGý ROOM, 4 chairs, table,. buffet, hutch, excellent condition, $250. Girl's white bedroom suite $100. Air conditioner $40. Glss covered rattan table $90. Desk and table $80. WIcker book shoif $25. came have a looki 66&6937. FIREPLACE, glass door with anar- gy grato and fan attachment. Grate syatam funneshast Inta room and fan diatributos It. Variable spood fan with ash romoval drawer and 5 mm tamperod glass. Fils opening 35-39" wida and 29-31" high. BiacklBras rim. Soars make, stili ln box. New over $330. Salit for $225. Phono 655-4995. i I i I I Save your feet for Christmfas entertaining - let your fingers do the wal king when you're Christmas shopping! Check the bargains you'II find inl the Free Press Emporium. These are only a few exampIes of -the Christmas gifts you can dlaim with just a phone cail. 'r Somcr~S«a POOL TABLE ON LY $350 DORCHESTER STEREO ONLY $25 TRAIN SET Vours 9lor $19495 FULLY LINED antique satin goid drapes, ln good condition, ta f it a window 188" wido x 92" long and aiea 10211 wido x 9211 long, $125. Green unlined polyester drapes,. 150" xi 95", $25. Phone 668-3720 aflorS p.m. RAYWALL ktchen cabinets $400 _or bost ofler. One soreen door, brawn, $25. Five ecreens, $5 each, wlll f It moat homes In West Lynde. Are& rug, 62" x 107",j rose colored, $20. Phono 668-230. SINGLE lED ýwIth mattresa, In good' condition, $50. Two places" of broadloom, blue, 12' x 1 8'ý $120,î 12' x 8' $40. Phono 668-9605. SOLID WOOD chesterfleld and two matching chairs, blue strlped cushions, $150. Phono 668.6144. WASHER and dryer for sale, gaod warklng order, $225 for pair. Bulît- ln dishwashor $225. Phono 839-, 3213 aftorS5 p.m. WILTON RUG (made by Harding), 9x12, emboased mushroom, beige, with undorlay, $65. Alumi. num storrn and scroon door with grill, siza 33'/4"xO0½", $45. Bath- room toilet tank and atol set, white, $20. 1.4" qolor TV, brand now, Soars mako, $350. Phonoe683. 1345. WRINGER WASHER,- excellent condition, $235. Phono 623.7522. F0RSORALE. 14-FOOT HOUSE TR1AILER, 5harn-4ý rock, blua and white, sioope.4' sink, Ice box,"'3-stove bidmër, toilet. Asking $3,000., Phono 655- 4352. SNOWMOBILES FORRSASALE 1975 T NT SKIDOO, 340, goad run- nqIng shape and excellent candi. lion, nealile work on fibre- glass hood. Asking $700., Phono 839-9725. ~~~~FOR SALE -AL 1970 GMC 3/4 Tan Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aluminum Intako, much mare, $1,100 or best aller, muetst 81. 1975 Honda 500 mator. cycle, neoda lune up, ln good shape, $500. Bath for $1.400. cali Wado 68-7520. DELUXE ORGAN ONLY $975 N.S. ROPE BED- ONLY $250 SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES IN THE FREE PRESS EMPORIUM WHITBY FREE PRESS 0 a a 0 0 0 668-6111 I M Se8s &de above See ade above %mý

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